But When The Fullness Of Time Hath Come, America, West Rule Decline

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Prophecy Links

     -I was visited upon three nights by the seventh angel trumpet, Revelation 17, bearing the seven vials, saying, warning so urgently January 26th-29th, no more doomsday passovers, no further delay US soil, beware the midwest, the eastern seaboard as well as the inundated with such forewarnings US/Canada West Pacific, beware, Apb  http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2018/03/inhaling-deep-or-exhe-awke-was-his-gint.html

Casting A Fury As The Days Of Prophet Ezekiel's Rise Of Gog and Magog At Trump's 2016 Campaigning, ("fifty million will die," 2002-2017) www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com

As The Days Of Noah's Earth Then, As The Hours (NOAA's), Cousin, Right Now! http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2018/02/o-lord-our-lord-how-excellent

     -These 10 seeming extreme to obscene list of extinction level events, and he describing them so well, what would be God targeting the root of all evil and avenging millennials of the martyred overcome by it. These unthinkable reveals are why I apostle, THEY, call me say, they're all coming, that just as this person describes the beyond horrors of a gamma ray burst sound oddly enough to what Apostle Peter is describing, I Pet. 3:4. It is of the entire earth being tried by fire, as to bring a New Jerusalem down to earth, so you see, it isn't the Jerusalem at present you're to place your faith/fate. This single one whose about to be judged for its sins at a lost of two third of it's population, no, no, no, it's the looking to the hill, right into the third heaven. There is from which Jesus and a number incalculable of heaven's host is coming on the clouds of heaven with great glory, His Millennium reign to God's Kingdom Reign.
     -This is Apostle, THEY call me, warning you one last time, to come out of the most targeted real estate on this planet right now, America, were I just had the seventh angel of Revelation 17, in agreement with me, warning three night straight, right into a congressionmen train wreck of a conspiracy theory. Clearly, that they were headed to a fallout bunker, then as usual though yall didn't see it but world war 3 started, the witnessed of the Bride be taken out, with the speed of one word passing one into the other. That's why I tell you, if the little miya girl of come apocalypse into a new, blessed era to commanded reapers bearing swords of naturals worse don't have you. if you're not stampeding into your assigned southeastern escape, then get to knees of Jesus' altars, for as surely as Russia threat of a doomsday weapon to God's threat of a Noah's cousin, end of the days have come US soil, beginning the US/Canada West Pacific into the recently warn midwest and eastern seaboard and this was weeks before they're spinning into their 4th nor-easter, as usual with a minimal lost of life, beware!
     -I have watched, especially the last two decades everything that is the root and the continuance of the American dream to Western Civilization be overcome and infiltrated with ancient beast, from president Clinton, to the Trump administration. That would include, carnivore beast in the pulpits making the pews vacant, in the church/homes as other family members of the family, stomping, tearing and chomping through the stock and money markets. As so eating at and getting at procrastinators as they sit their peace getting porches, then those most Ancient, standing proud, two amphibian crystallized beast as the crystal sky itself, crystallized and felled into the earth, seen as missiles themselves, again killing tens of million. Why you think a loving God of wrath has been lamenting, since Apostle John heard it himself, recorded it Revelation 18, again God, crying come out of her my people. There are no more doomsday passovers, they are as the days of Noah, according to Jesus and are unknowingly overtaken by extinction levels and except said days are shorten, no flesh shall be saved, said Jesus, beware, Apb, The RAM

Listening to, Nicole C. Mullen, My Redeemer Live, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC6RXAJpPjo

Prophecy Links

     I was visited upon three nights by the seventh angel trumpet, Revelation 17, bearing the seven vials, saying, warning so urgently January 26th-29th, no more doomsday passovers, no further delay US soil, beware the midwest, the eastern seaboard as well as the inundated with such forewarnings US/Canada West Pacific, beware, Apb  http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2018/03/inhaling-deep-or-exhe-awke-was-his-gint.html

Casting A Fury As The Days Of Prophet Ezekiel's Rise Of Gog and Magog At Trump's 2016 Campaigning, ("fifty million will die," 2002-2017) www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com

    The greater danger here is whether God, having already for the last 190 years Christmas 2001, weighed and measured their blood guilt have the patience and stomach for more manslaughter by the Brits, the Americans and Canadians? For it is written, for everything under the sun there is a season, only I'm beginning to think this truth held to be biblically evident the come cessation of every great nation, doesn't seem to include western civilization. All but it does, for thirty plus years this ministry, it really does, even the church age has a time gauge and believe Apostle herein lie the lifespan of especially Westworld rule. I know some yet ask but how is such a time measured? I just told you, for it is written, to everything on this planet there is season, for America, for West rule, it was the two weeks and seven years given Obama. A timetable, the man Prophet Daniel's day, said to be dressed in linen, said to be an incarnate Jesus Christ, swore an additional time table, other than Daniel's Israel's, that would be into and as of Christ's finished Cross, adopted as a dispensation of grace.
     -A set allowance spanning a time, time and a half, just the amount of time which has passed, the day of Angel Gabriel, Dan. 534, Apostle, THEY, call me, 2004. These reveals are also as of Apostle John's description of a mighty Angel, Revelation 10, said to be Christ Himself, taking the same stance as the man in Linen, (Dan. 12), swearing by heaven's throne, laminating there shall be time no longer. Just as I said, the exact amount of allotment now passed, this time, time and a half, when the Angel Gabriel appeared 05/15/2004, citing there shall be time no longer. I reminded lately, just as Jesus said to Rome's Pilate, men have no power except given to them from above, then you couple that truth with their free will of choice, explaining why it is. The morning of the Hawaii Missile alert, only an hour into it's date, I heard in my ear, shaking me awake, "one hour with the beast," (Rev. 17), verifying all the more what I'd claimed, that as surely as Obama's white house was pending Ancient beast reign.
     -Trump's White house, into American lives, lands and churches is Ancient Beast reign come and except these days be shorten, just as Jesus warn, no flesh shall be safe, get ye to repentant altars of Christ. It is then on Trump's watch come the fulfillment of a nearly two decades now prophecy that by Western policies this nation, this planet, tens of millions will die, US soil alone. Sincerely my question, when God took a measurement of America's, West rule blood guilt, that reached far into the heavens with it, did said toll on human life include the future, pending as of this article man laughter to blood feast? And what for the salvation of men's souls has it profit, or are men of war lead to believe the blood they spill is for the salvation of the souls of men? You cannot serve two masters, Jesus said, his was a stand of non violence, you will love one and hate the other, except the Lord build the salvational ark of Christ's Cross, great is the mystery of godliness indeed, now come on this way, blessed, blessed Jesus, beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com   


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