The Dying Of Schools Is Painful, Let He Among You, Go To The Middle School and Cast A Stone!

-Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, ETE 6:12 AM, 04/06/2018
All hail to the Bride reigning in heaven readying the specialty stone, the antichrist murderer

Prophecy Link

     -And I heard In My Hearing, 04/06/2018, just as my eyes open, the song, "O when the saints go marching in," only three days after a bird, by by widow chanted, repeatedly, "he's here, he's here, He's here, "o happy day," indeed.
     -And I Heard In my Hearing, 2005, smiling faces (campaign promises) don't last, Britain, America, separate them into itty, bitty pieces, wipe Canada from the map; then,  01/26-29th, 2018, seventh Trumpet angel, Rev. 17, saying and saying, no more doomsday passover US soil, no further delay, for a death toll of 15% at Jesus Millennium descent, to, two quarters this earth,
     -And I Heard In My Hearing, 01/13/2018, "one hour with the beast,"  then days later, I witnessed in lowercase, black, bold letters, the single word, error, the fulfillment of Revelation 17/18, US soil, nation building, on the map, a predicted Bush's-Trump's, fifty million will die! Beware the midwest into the eastern seaboard, as well as the inundated with such forewarnings, US, Canada West Pacific, beware, Apb,

     From The Fire, From Prison, Like A Sword  At A Burning Bush, To The Sunlight Of Heaven God's Throne Spoke And Said, Western Civilization Dating Back To Rome's Empire, Now The Babylonian, American Dream, Let My People Go Into Exodus!,, and here,

     -And I heard in my hearing Pastor, just as January 12th, passed only minutes, into January 13th, 2018, waking me from sleep, "one hour with the beast," when you pastor research the main ten things that happen January 13th,, a 5th , Nov. 24/25th 2017, Matrix ten day count. Though those reported were mostly earth to era changing,  oh yes, Jan. 13th, 2018, it was that early morning, I looked face to face with both an identical appearing, perfect dangerous man to a perfect man Jesus. of whom, Jesus, the perfect man. Well, He inquired of intravenous angels ascending along with the Bride, something Jesus always reference, the Bride's escape, whenever there's a nuclear threat.
     -Yet, as of these ten world ending events one of the most important not mention, was the Hawaii Missile Alert, curious huh? The one so many witnessed be shot from the sky, right into that, those Congressmen, another Matrix ten day count, where said to be on their way to a bomb shelter, trainwreck. Apparently, world enemy nations have been in a heighten 2002-2017/18, petro-handlebars, reaching into the heavens with it's death toll, threatening tens of millions US soil alone, of a tug of nuclear war every since, again, curious, beware, let no man deceive you, Apb,

Thus Saith The Lord, The Dying Of Schools Is Painfully, Go Down To The Middle Schools And Cast A Stone

     -As of many school closing throughout the country,  I just read Puerto Rico is closing nearly three hundred schools, then showed the people as though they were stampeding, this is my comment,
     -And Apostle Paul Said, Except There Come A Falling Away First, Also See The Teens March On Washington, a 12th, Matrix Ten Day Count, March For Life, Against Gun Violence, their own Schools. People, Even Young People, Are Coming Aware! Only Not Yet, True Awareness, Is Christ, Jesus' Cross,

     -And I Heard In My Hearing, 2017, Kill all parents by, finish all schools," (finish all schools), doing the giant maze, to visited water cooler and woman bearing black bowls, dream, 2017, restrooms (gender bias), were shown be traps being laid for our children. Jesus of Resurrection, Rev. 2, warning the Church, threaten something much worse. That's of parents of fornicating to abominable supposedly marriage beds, that except it's host, it's lovers repent, he would have no other choice but to cast some into a worsen sick bed, damned. As so others into great tribulation,  the mark of the beast, now come, then on to kill their children with death, except they repent as King David, right here, Ps. 51, also see,, be  ever aware, Apb, The RAM


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