Say It With Me, God Alone Is God, The Horse And Rider Have He Trampled Into The Sea! Amen
-Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, PST 7:17, AM, ETE 7:17 AM, 04/18/2018
All hail to the Bride now reigning in heaven readying the specialty stone, the antichrist murderer, (Dan. 2, The Seventh Trumpet, Rev. 11),
Prophecy Links
-Seen to be seeing in lowercase, bold, black letters, the single word (error), seen to be hearing in my ear, 01/13/2018, "one hour with the beast," beware, Apb, see Rev. 17:16-18
Article the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was signed 16 months after Egyptian president Anwar Sadat's visit to Israel in 1977 after intense negotiation. The main features of the treaty were mutual recognition, cessation of the state of war that had existed since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, normalization of relations and the complete withdrawal by Israel of its armed forces and civilians from the Sinai Peninsula which Israel had captured during the Six-Day War in 1967. Egypt agreed to leave the area demilitarized. The agreement also provided for the free passage of Israeli ships through the Suez Canal, and recognition of the Strait of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba as international waterways.
All hail to the Bride now reigning in heaven readying the specialty stone, the antichrist murderer, (Dan. 2, The Seventh Trumpet, Rev. 11),
Prophecy Links
-Seen to be seeing in lowercase, bold, black letters, the single word (error), seen to be hearing in my ear, 01/13/2018, "one hour with the beast," beware, Apb, see Rev. 17:16-18
-The agreement notably made Egypt the first Arab state to officially recognize Israel,
In March 1980 regular airline flights were inaugurated. Egypt also began supplying Israel with crude oil. Article
-Beware Trump the perfect dangerous man, beware the single word error, beware the petro-handlebars of humankind's' extinction, beware, they are all of them deceived, beware, Jesus said flee this abomination that maketh desolate, Apb
Prophecy Link
-Seen To Be Seeing The World Quaking, Shaking Stampeding Of Elephants For A Lost Of A Handle (see petro-handlebars, 1974-2018), on Carter, (see Pres. Carter, 1977), 12/05/2017
-Seen to be seeing commanded reapers bearing swordlike syringes stampeding Americans, a sudden subtraction of 190 years, then all technology in the sink as this wash, right into the award Nov. 24/25th 2017 Matrix Ten Day Count, Trump's Declaration of Jerusalem Dec. 5th, 2018 its First Ten Day Count, The world exploded into an epidemic of wars and elephants of staying unaware stampeded Into A Mighty World, Era changing, this earth extinction level event, losing a hand, a handle on Carter/Carter's Jerusalem, flee the abomination that maketh desolate, said Jesus, beware, Apb, see more here,
-Beware Trump the perfect dangerous man, beware the single word error, beware the petro-handlebars of humankind's' extinction, beware, they are all of them deceived, beware, Jesus said flee this abomination that maketh desolate, Apb,
-The 14th Matrix Ten day Count, David Meade's April 23 rd Rapture It's 15th, Beware Trump, Beware The Western Petro Handlebars Of Human Extinction, Your Salvation Is Here, Repent Or Perish!!!!!
error/era, Trump 2018, (one error/era into a new fear factor, Bush's 2003),
-You maybe wondering why it is you're looking at an old 1977 wikileak, about President Carter, Egypt's Sadat and Israel's Begin, for it is show us how long these turf wars along the petro handlebars that has claimed millions and will claim hundreds of millions of others including US soil. Meaning, those of you who haven't suffered foreign invasions and occupations US soil, that time is come for a lost of 190 years, into a lost of lives placed as of Jesus's descent at 15%. How beyond description important are such treaties, especially between Israel and her neighbors and why it is these areas are come cups of trembling since Trump Dec. 5th declaration of Jerusalem? Such declarations prophesied two millennia ago, (for when they shall say peace and safety, Apostle Paul, I Thess), and why that very morning prior.
-It was that I witnessed the world and era shaking, quaking and changing along the stampeding of elephants, a parody of a parody. Nonetheless of elephants of people staying unaware, staying along American and earth inhabitants everyday of going on oblivious of not only our world, but the spirit world, the very root and foundation of our world, Heb. 11:1). Surely was when it was suggested by holy spirits 1998, not only that mass assembly, Churchians get themselves to all altars of Jesus' Christ, and come Christians, it is that they learn of end time events. You see what end times event will tell you is that six millennia of human error/era will one prophetic day, lets say Jan.13 2018, how just as it's 12th day past only minutes into its 13th.
-You maybe wondering why it is you're looking at an old 1977 wikileak, about President Carter, Egypt's Sadat and Israel's Begin, for it is show us how long these turf wars along the petro handlebars that has claimed millions and will claim hundreds of millions of others including US soil. Meaning, those of you who haven't suffered foreign invasions and occupations US soil, that time is come for a lost of 190 years, into a lost of lives placed as of Jesus's descent at 15%. How beyond description important are such treaties, especially between Israel and her neighbors and why it is these areas are come cups of trembling since Trump Dec. 5th declaration of Jerusalem? Such declarations prophesied two millennia ago, (for when they shall say peace and safety, Apostle Paul, I Thess), and why that very morning prior.
-It was that I witnessed the world and era shaking, quaking and changing along the stampeding of elephants, a parody of a parody. Nonetheless of elephants of people staying unaware, staying along American and earth inhabitants everyday of going on oblivious of not only our world, but the spirit world, the very root and foundation of our world, Heb. 11:1). Surely was when it was suggested by holy spirits 1998, not only that mass assembly, Churchians get themselves to all altars of Jesus' Christ, and come Christians, it is that they learn of end time events. You see what end times event will tell you is that six millennia of human error/era will one prophetic day, lets say Jan.13 2018, how just as it's 12th day past only minutes into its 13th.
-Unimaginably, these many millennia of bible prophecy, leaders of the world basically what Prophet Daniel, ( is describing in Dan. 9; what Apostle John hundreds of years later is being shown. That was then recorded in Rev. 17 right into here thousands of years later, you can say ad 91-ad 2001, what I equally witnessed of Senator Obama 2008/2009 campaign. Unbelievable, it is a meeting of nations this world summit, where from it will come the most magnanimous peace treaty of them all, brokered by the Dragon, the Beast/Antichrist, as of gog and magog, Prophet Daniel's described, little horn, I explained is the fury Eze. 38-39th chpts, now seen cast at a Trump/Pence 2016 campaign ticket.
-Clearly, indescriptive as of these ancient beast reign come, come with them would be a lost of life, US soil, Israel soil and the entire planet unprecedented these many millennia. Again the Prophet Daniel, upon his own visitations by the man in linen, of the Angel Gabriel, the Archangel 534,bc 2004ad, 91ad,-2001ad. Miraculously it was being explained to a described to Apostle John and now into these very seconds, apostles THEY, call me, that as of these end days. Such doing of such meetings of world nations, now gravely visited and perverted by the Dragon and Ancient beast reign, it would be agreed upon, by Israel and a brother, neighbor, enemy who hath his name in the Hebrew of Hamath, it is that they sign from prophet Daniel seventy weeks of years, right into President Obama's assigned, two weeks and seven years.
-That a simple, seeming innocent, amalgamation of nations, one hour with the beast now Kingdoms onward with peace initiatives for the betterment of mankind such a blessed fraud of a treaty. Again, I heard by the perfect man Jesus, the early morn of Jan.13th, 2018, while staring down yet another perfect dangerous man; though come with the Dragon and Ancient beast reign, fulfilled so the last and most lethal, again Dragon/beast world rule, woe, woe and woe. I heard in my hearing, just as I mind you, the day of the Hawaii missile alert, Jan. 13th, 2018, a 5th matrix ten day count. That is, just as Jan 12th 2018 my grand, the one who witnessed, 2015, the attack by an EMP and multicultural people escape southeast, 15th birthday, passed only minutes, into it's 13th, I heard in my ear, waking me from sleep, "one hour with the heart."
-So come into fruition from beloved Prophet Daniel's seventy weeks of years right into the two weeks and sevens years awarded President Obama. Senator Obama was doing a nations summit declared, "the one,' basically the beast head that was wounded to death, Saddam Hussein yet it lived, Barack Hussein. President Obama was being awarded the finale of all kingdom and nation building until Prophet Daniel's Seventieth week be fulfilled; apparently, as of Jan. 13 2018-2025. Extraordinarily, the finale of six millennia's of human rule this planet doing the duration of the ascended Brides heirship to citizenship in heaven. Until the sounding of the seven angel trumpet who hearld Jesus escaping the Bride skyward will now hearld Jesus and the reigning Bride re-entry. Prophetically just as the battle of Armageddon gathering of all nations readies to wipe Israel and all semblance of her blessed, wounded Son off the planet but for Jesus entering millennial, they live.
-Heretofore and why Jesus warn, in likeness to the Dec. 5th, first Matrix ten day count stampeding of elephants that when you're made such aware, It by such revelations that you flee, that you get away from all territories of the petro-handlebars, extinction of the genesis human being/marriage, out stretching, outreaching agenda. Jesus millennium will spend up the last and seventh thousand era of men, as to be spent along a millennium of Jesus invasion of blessed peace on earth. Still, these blessed world and era changing events, painfully, sadly all while Americans choses sides, instead dream their last dream; that America's Trump, it's ravenous, millenia of beast reign, of calculating blood guilt, Donald Trump succeed; as over God's Trump, Jesus arriving with healing for the nations of the world in His in His Wings;
-Why doeth the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing, God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life. Otherwise the question yet remain since there has been an unnumbered of such treaties brokered and broke for centuries into now at present, why this particular 1977 treaty as the example? As simple as one beast rule along the nations of men, passes into another, a finale, it was doing the June 2015, escape to Heaven, to Georgia, dream. Fulfilled, into a cry, June 2017, that all get themselves to altars of Christ, God is as to fulfill the 5th seal, Rev, 6, and no unrepentant flesh is again safe, 'THE END!" God is avenging martyred blood, dating back to Genesis' Abel, forward into the final hour at present.
-On an equal par, plain, it was shown and mention a Cameron as a distant relative by marriage, we now know was a PM. Cameron/Assad/Putin, 2015-2016 Brexit pending. Just as so, we now know, the witnessed over a decade prior Bush's 2003, of Saddam Hussein being overcome to death into an Obama, Whitehouse world reign by a huge container, As so , such was a pending prophetic fulfillment not only of the Obama white house but ancient beast, gog and magog pending reign now come into fulfillment one hour with the beast, as of Trump's Jerusalem's Dec. 5th, 2017, declaration. So it is the morning of Dec. 5th, the first Dec. 24/25 2001-Nov. 24/25th 2017, Matrix ten day count award, a reminder from a post apocalypse we'd sprung right into, a little Miya girl of come (Mayan) apocalypse, that was now in full progress.
-Ten days? Matrix we can figure, as we're made aware of the Keanu Reeves movie, The Matrix, a reminder the world we live in is a post apocalyptic era, these six millenia, Egypt, Babylon, the Roman Empire, we now call the American Dream.The Matrix ten days is as to mock, or make a parody of it's scientistic agenda to as well extinct the genesis human being by its development and launching of AI to microchippping the human being; it's God promising to laugh and to hold such foolery in derision. Truly why it was, all of it was shown late 2017, these into the heavens as the petro handlebar death tolls, advancement, all now in the kitchen sick as this wash up or wipe out. Tenth day count, it as of a reigning Jesus promised the church of Smyrna, a suffering, gravely persecuted church, (, it is that if they endure tribulation for ten days, he will give them a crown of righteousness.
-I explained, holy spirits February 17-19, 2015, reassuring me, us, that Jesus was on His way here, was the night before or the early day of those 21 Egyptian, Coptic males, being lead by Isis terrorist onto a seashore and beheaded for their testaments of Jesus. By the Apostle John, just before he quote God saying, come out of her my people, (a silence, the sunlight of god, mountain, doing a visit, God's Throne, simply said to all ruling classes this planet, '"let my people go," (into exodus), nothing stampedes God's people into exodus as the two-edge sword of Spirit and truth, get Jesus, Flee great tribulation, Apb). Elohim God in Apostle John's ear, Rev. 17/18, make it plain, that HE indeed see us, presidential to peasant, that Eli, indeed measure us according to our sins and or repentance, Jesus' Cross.
-Isn't that the divine underlying revelation of the seven letters to the seven churches, Angels, of Asia Minor, Rev. 1-3rd chapts; it is that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, of Heaven's Host into the Acts of the Righteous Bride. As recorded the book of remembrance see us, record us, know us and lovingly, without millennia of ceasing, forewarn us? Just as I was saying, it was doing the morning, Dec, 5th, 2018, into Trump's soon declaration of Jerusalem, I testified how I witnessed an earth shattering of stampeding of elephants of God, of men rather being oblivious into Noah/NOAA's day sudden extinction levels.
-Only as it is promised, God, not having or leaving us ignorant but right before this happen, this era quaking event, why, the peace treaty of 1977? Just before the elephants stameded, I had my artistic nephew Carter by the hand as we crossed the street that once come this earthquaking ruckus; just see Jesus Mat. 24, explaining to disciples when Jerusalem see this abomination that maketh all organizations to civilization desolate flee, It was at come such the outbreak of chaos, the hand or petro handlebar I had on Carter was severed, and though I wondered about suddenly this ruin, he was never again recovered. Surely it it now we all know, losing a handle on Artistic Carter, as Pres. Carter's Jerusalem, was all a pending declaration by the West ruler Trump of Jerusalem.
-A cursed declaration of peace and safety that would eventually lead to a retaliation by Philisatine's Abbas and his eight, revealing the ten heads as of the United Nations, European Union to the United Arab Emirates. Unquestioned, the fulfillment of Daniel's final week, along a seven year, come these millennia peace accord heralding in imminent, nuclear danger Bride off as prophesied to marriage suppers and mansions in heaven. The world nations into a peace treaty 2018, brokered, only, but exactly 42 months in broken. The Dragon, the Beast/The Antichrist and the heathen raging for another 42 months, 2018-2025, see Dan. 7-12, Rev, 11, 13th chpts;
-Actually see the fulfillment of the entire book of Revelation as was forewarn by the Angel Gabriel 2004 and pounded into us for three nights straight. At, an appearance as to stand upon the US map himself, seventh angel trumpet, especially, Rev. 17, see 10, 11th chpts. again, that or those to hearld the Bride's ascension to Jesus and descension, with Jesus. It is that all kingdoms, nations, tongues, tribes and people procrastinating Jesus' reign by two quarters of persons this earth, dead, he, the seventh angel trumpet is come, by an urgency indescribable, saying, crying Jan. 26-29th, 2018, be forewarn, that there are no more doomsday passovers, no further delays, no further delays, no further delays.
-As in, no more doomsday passovers desolation planet earth into Jesus' millennium reign beginning US soil, now come; beware, the sunlight, a mountain God's throne will only bless escape, skyward, God's Trump Jesus, or southeast, come, America's Truexit, the time of Pres, Trump, beware. And I heard in my hearing June 2017, just as I, apostle, THEY, call me relocated along the Bride's, Georgia, 2015, escape, was when I heard, and nations were made angry, "get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood," ....except those days be shorten, no flesh shall be saved, but for the elect sake, (Jesus' Millennium decent 2016, into time done lapsed, street, Barack, Michelle Obama), those days shall be shorten, get ye to the only blessedness, righteousness that is escape, beware, Apb, The RAM
-Heretofore and why Jesus warn, in likeness to the Dec. 5th, first Matrix ten day count stampeding of elephants that when you're made such aware, It by such revelations that you flee, that you get away from all territories of the petro-handlebars, extinction of the genesis human being/marriage, out stretching, outreaching agenda. Jesus millennium will spend up the last and seventh thousand era of men, as to be spent along a millennium of Jesus invasion of blessed peace on earth. Still, these blessed world and era changing events, painfully, sadly all while Americans choses sides, instead dream their last dream; that America's Trump, it's ravenous, millenia of beast reign, of calculating blood guilt, Donald Trump succeed; as over God's Trump, Jesus arriving with healing for the nations of the world in His in His Wings;
-Why doeth the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing, God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life. Otherwise the question yet remain since there has been an unnumbered of such treaties brokered and broke for centuries into now at present, why this particular 1977 treaty as the example? As simple as one beast rule along the nations of men, passes into another, a finale, it was doing the June 2015, escape to Heaven, to Georgia, dream. Fulfilled, into a cry, June 2017, that all get themselves to altars of Christ, God is as to fulfill the 5th seal, Rev, 6, and no unrepentant flesh is again safe, 'THE END!" God is avenging martyred blood, dating back to Genesis' Abel, forward into the final hour at present.
-On an equal par, plain, it was shown and mention a Cameron as a distant relative by marriage, we now know was a PM. Cameron/Assad/Putin, 2015-2016 Brexit pending. Just as so, we now know, the witnessed over a decade prior Bush's 2003, of Saddam Hussein being overcome to death into an Obama, Whitehouse world reign by a huge container, As so , such was a pending prophetic fulfillment not only of the Obama white house but ancient beast, gog and magog pending reign now come into fulfillment one hour with the beast, as of Trump's Jerusalem's Dec. 5th, 2017, declaration. So it is the morning of Dec. 5th, the first Dec. 24/25 2001-Nov. 24/25th 2017, Matrix ten day count award, a reminder from a post apocalypse we'd sprung right into, a little Miya girl of come (Mayan) apocalypse, that was now in full progress.
-Ten days? Matrix we can figure, as we're made aware of the Keanu Reeves movie, The Matrix, a reminder the world we live in is a post apocalyptic era, these six millenia, Egypt, Babylon, the Roman Empire, we now call the American Dream.The Matrix ten days is as to mock, or make a parody of it's scientistic agenda to as well extinct the genesis human being by its development and launching of AI to microchippping the human being; it's God promising to laugh and to hold such foolery in derision. Truly why it was, all of it was shown late 2017, these into the heavens as the petro handlebar death tolls, advancement, all now in the kitchen sick as this wash up or wipe out. Tenth day count, it as of a reigning Jesus promised the church of Smyrna, a suffering, gravely persecuted church, (, it is that if they endure tribulation for ten days, he will give them a crown of righteousness.
-I explained, holy spirits February 17-19, 2015, reassuring me, us, that Jesus was on His way here, was the night before or the early day of those 21 Egyptian, Coptic males, being lead by Isis terrorist onto a seashore and beheaded for their testaments of Jesus. By the Apostle John, just before he quote God saying, come out of her my people, (a silence, the sunlight of god, mountain, doing a visit, God's Throne, simply said to all ruling classes this planet, '"let my people go," (into exodus), nothing stampedes God's people into exodus as the two-edge sword of Spirit and truth, get Jesus, Flee great tribulation, Apb). Elohim God in Apostle John's ear, Rev. 17/18, make it plain, that HE indeed see us, presidential to peasant, that Eli, indeed measure us according to our sins and or repentance, Jesus' Cross.
-Isn't that the divine underlying revelation of the seven letters to the seven churches, Angels, of Asia Minor, Rev. 1-3rd chapts; it is that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, of Heaven's Host into the Acts of the Righteous Bride. As recorded the book of remembrance see us, record us, know us and lovingly, without millennia of ceasing, forewarn us? Just as I was saying, it was doing the morning, Dec, 5th, 2018, into Trump's soon declaration of Jerusalem, I testified how I witnessed an earth shattering of stampeding of elephants of God, of men rather being oblivious into Noah/NOAA's day sudden extinction levels.
-Only as it is promised, God, not having or leaving us ignorant but right before this happen, this era quaking event, why, the peace treaty of 1977? Just before the elephants stameded, I had my artistic nephew Carter by the hand as we crossed the street that once come this earthquaking ruckus; just see Jesus Mat. 24, explaining to disciples when Jerusalem see this abomination that maketh all organizations to civilization desolate flee, It was at come such the outbreak of chaos, the hand or petro handlebar I had on Carter was severed, and though I wondered about suddenly this ruin, he was never again recovered. Surely it it now we all know, losing a handle on Artistic Carter, as Pres. Carter's Jerusalem, was all a pending declaration by the West ruler Trump of Jerusalem.
-A cursed declaration of peace and safety that would eventually lead to a retaliation by Philisatine's Abbas and his eight, revealing the ten heads as of the United Nations, European Union to the United Arab Emirates. Unquestioned, the fulfillment of Daniel's final week, along a seven year, come these millennia peace accord heralding in imminent, nuclear danger Bride off as prophesied to marriage suppers and mansions in heaven. The world nations into a peace treaty 2018, brokered, only, but exactly 42 months in broken. The Dragon, the Beast/The Antichrist and the heathen raging for another 42 months, 2018-2025, see Dan. 7-12, Rev, 11, 13th chpts;
-Actually see the fulfillment of the entire book of Revelation as was forewarn by the Angel Gabriel 2004 and pounded into us for three nights straight. At, an appearance as to stand upon the US map himself, seventh angel trumpet, especially, Rev. 17, see 10, 11th chpts. again, that or those to hearld the Bride's ascension to Jesus and descension, with Jesus. It is that all kingdoms, nations, tongues, tribes and people procrastinating Jesus' reign by two quarters of persons this earth, dead, he, the seventh angel trumpet is come, by an urgency indescribable, saying, crying Jan. 26-29th, 2018, be forewarn, that there are no more doomsday passovers, no further delays, no further delays, no further delays.
-As in, no more doomsday passovers desolation planet earth into Jesus' millennium reign beginning US soil, now come; beware, the sunlight, a mountain God's throne will only bless escape, skyward, God's Trump Jesus, or southeast, come, America's Truexit, the time of Pres, Trump, beware. And I heard in my hearing June 2017, just as I, apostle, THEY, call me relocated along the Bride's, Georgia, 2015, escape, was when I heard, and nations were made angry, "get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood," ....except those days be shorten, no flesh shall be saved, but for the elect sake, (Jesus' Millennium decent 2016, into time done lapsed, street, Barack, Michelle Obama), those days shall be shorten, get ye to the only blessedness, righteousness that is escape, beware, Apb, The RAM
-dutchsinse plumes, of states seeming to explode into flames, of immortal death, except one repent just as Americans were invited to a barbarbe of, into, ones immortal life, instead, into Southeast Georgia,
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