It Was When A Silence, A Mountain, A Sunlight God's Throne Spoke And Said, Babylon, America,"Let My People Go Into Exodus!
-Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, ETE 6:01 AM, 04/08/2018
All hail to the Bride reigning in heaven readying the specialty stone, the antichrist murderer
Prophecy Link
-And I heard In My Hearing, 04/06/2018, just as my eyes open, the song, "O when the saints go marching in," only three days after a bird, by my widow chanted, repeatedly, "he's here, he's here, He's here, "o happy day," indeed.
-And I heard in m hearing, Fall 2018, A 10. 2 Earthquake, A Major, Major earthquake, West Pacific, Canada
-It was when a silence, a mountain, a sunlight God's throne spoke and said, Babylon, America,"let my people go into exodus!
-Are you tug of nuclear war blind? They're fighting Trump because Trump the Brexit, Truexit, Calexit, they're no longer taunting counties the size of cities, so those so not their own size, Though those which can and have been predicted to end America, by American soil in only hours, all with God's approval to blessing to assistance. Let me say that again, all with God's approval, ( Eze, 4-7 Chpts), His Wine Press now come as well US soil blood guilt. American soil is right now, thirteen November 24/25th 2017, Matrix ten day counts, of a projected per it's weight of blood guilt, December 24/25th 2001. That's until 190 months and 40 days should be fulfilled, as revealed recently would be, November 24/25/th 2018, come is an outbreak of cataclysms to mortuary US to Western Soil.
-These predestined US soil earth enders, upon which come the warning by the Seventh Angel Trumpet, Rev. 17, nights of January 26th-29th, and yes, she, Apostle THEY call me. Did said, appearing before her, nights, January 26th-29th, 2018, was the seventh angel trumpet of Revelation 17. Right into the final reminder man like natural, has no power, none, except that given by God, he again, the seven angel trumpet was crying with such urgency. I mean an urgency that beggars description that America has no more doomsday passovers, (Pearl Harbor, the Cuban Missile Crisis and September 11t attacks), again no more doomsday passovers left, no further delay. As I testified, there were three nights of this, that it was right before the congressmen train wreck that was rumored to be a mad dash for fallout shelters, seemingly without alerting us unless you count the, as the days of Pearl Harbor, January 13th, Hawaii missile alert!
-Then the warning, as of the seventh angel trumpet, beware the mid west, the eastern seaboard as well as the inundated with such forewarnings US, Canada, West Pacific; as so come the warning of a 10.2 earthquake and days later I heard and I quote, "major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada." Sadly, heartbreakingly and all that, those great and small are where I was three nights of visits, Elohim Himself, 1996, when I was too naive, That's as to think America, now Trump is powerful enough in rank it could do what no Kingdom, Nation had done, pretty much what Trump and his advocator set themselves to all Americans to do, out box God. Yes, I'm referencing the same God, who for six millenia now changes not, who ended a likeness like the earth at presence, Noah's earth, as i said, Jesus' comparison to us and reduced as is right now, the entire evil, human population into one ark family of His Design,for when the fullness of time hath come, God brought forth His Son, Christ's Cross.
In The Last Days, Earthquakes In Divers,
-Whereas openly, prophetically, God's Righteous Judgment, has been threatening millenia's into this very nano-second to do the same, beginning US soil, with Kingdom, Nation building. Of course this planet, just see the Seventh Angel Trumpet, Rev. 11, read here, Psalm 2, as this is God taking to President Trump, to world leaders, as so militaries, explaining the single word given lately of, error! Henceforth doing Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar speeding us a times, times a half into Trump's administration, right now crying aloud. President Trump, your efforts to fix America, to war efforts will see to the deaths of fifty million people, US soil alone to two quarters dead, this entire planet. Holy scripture has shown us that only by a lost of two quarters this entire planet, beginning with western civilization, does the end of mankind stand another chance of dodging the final Noah's day extinction level event.
-Many mountains of awareness, understand since Trump's administration, its as if everyone has gone King Zedekiah, America's own Daniel 5, handwriting on the wall, Jeremiah, 37:8, 1998, flash blinded. It is as to think they can walk all over God's forewarnings one after another, as though they themselves are god, and He, Elohim God, has never these six thousand years been a God of especially His Prophetic Word, regardless that Jesus of Resurrection has been deemed the, Spirit of Prophecy. Now, as to Speak of God's mercy, along the Matrix, as in the Matrix movie, as in flirting with the genocide of the genesis human being, it's ten day countdowns, now our thirteenth past. Soon I was remind days past, of the scene where it's Matrix character Morpheus, sees this too impossible to realize thing.
-Lets just say, I've seen these thirty plus years, it's the castrostropic fall of Western Civilization and he, Morpheus laments as the days of prophet Jeremiah, even Apostle John witness of the fall of a Babylonian, to Grecian, to A Roman, America, and again he laments, I was dreaming a dream and now that dream is gone away from me, now I say, if we're to take any true reveal from the award of the Matrix ten day coun, it's this very made aware, as to reference Americans dreaming. Heretofore unless you wake up escape all territories warn, practically all fifty states US soil except one for now, southeast into Georgia. Except you repent, you are by the tens of millions about to open your eyes in hell and get a close up, personal affiliation not as to imagine an into sky lava bubble, revisited on right now, onto the projected lately, 99 bowls of molten lava.
-You're to experience what it's like to have a lake of fire designed along the punishment of the damn, now your tortuous home where the holy. The Righteous Scripture, Rev. 20, goes like this, "and whosoever name is not found written in the Lamb's book of life," a book of life, of remembrance, I 2015, witnessed open into a divine roll call. Census taking, all while the lyrics, "we exalt thee," filled up the circumference of heaven's throne, "whosoever names are no longer recorded there are cast into a lake of fire." Whereas all the way back to the prophet Isaiah, we're warn how on the contant the regions of the fiery damn prep and prepare itself for its human prisoners.
-Riddle me this, all doubters to deniers, why you think it is not only that America's last warning to escape come out of the book of Revelation. That's out of the very scripture, God is warning He's to bring a bamboozle upon your world leader, how you've, January 13th, 2018, given rule of your nations to the antichrist. Whereas Trump, having a fury of God, as the days of the prophesied rise at Ezekiel witnessed Gog and Magog must be at the very front of this immeasurable error. Apostle THEY, call me been telling you, if your leaders, presidential to peasant, religious, political. Into social media, AMTV, alternative media, military, monetary aren't equally warning you to get out, truly not for the saving of your life, but for the salvation of your soul. II thess 2:11
-Now, as a blinking word of caution, again "Now," I say with Jesus, let no man deceive you, don't, do not listen to these people, they are all of them, God's punishment, Ps. 2 into II Thess. 2:11, as to finale along Rev. 17, deceived. Even why it is Apostle Paul said, in these last days when they shall say peace and safety, sudden destruction, like those three monster hurricanes meeting Trump's declarations of America. Herein we all know it but won't admit, it, Jerusalem Israel has been a cup of trembling every since Trump made declaration of it, but so has American soil, world nations period. You all targeted Saddam and got Barack, you all targeted Hillary, virtually desecrated this woman ino her grave, and got the Donald, "for they say the lord, seeth us, our hearts, not.
-The first Matrix ten day count of December 5th and I told you what cried from heaven just as you were voting this man into office. Just as those yet still crying, Trump make America great again, and He is, only against God's Will, thus and so what he's attempting with these sanctions to tariffs. All against superpowers who're under America's skirt to nakedness of revealed sickbeds, meaning, like God, world nations like China, Russia, are done looking over America. To West rule lethal, to genocidal this world, peace getting horror, it's indescribable hypocrisy, do you really think God would command Britain and American be separated into itty, bitty pieces; that Canada be wiped from the map.
-Just as so, that all parents be killed by, that all schools be finished, the very end of kingdom, nation building, dating back for thousands of years. This is, as of Angel Gabriel appearing, 534bc into 05/15/2004, AD, warning us, all of it's fulfillment now come, if their, West Rule weight of blood the heaven's ceiling, wasn't December 24th, 25th, 2001, found guilty, until 190 months and 40 days, November 24/25th 2017, be fulfilled? Explaining why there is as well come a commanded as Moses day escape, one, a designed evacuation, along an appointed escape so virtually important, Jesus instruct those along peace getting porches their rooftops.This is where I witnessed millions of Churchians left stranded, helpless the day of the Brides own escape, those Jesus instructed to run with such swiftness they shouldn't even bother coming down again into their homes.
Further they're to pray said escape wasn't on a sabbath day, that equally, it wasn't in the winter, evenly that prayers go out to women with infant children, three primary dailies, that's to frustrate even more those with mounting trials. Honestly, just how many ways can I for these thirty years plus say it? Yours, America's is a commanded as Moses days, exodus, right into the secrets of Memphis, Egypt, to Tennessee, of remembering, Moses was a slave driver for forty years before he come their very God appointed Deliverer, into the secrets of Senator Obama, Memphis Egypt, Dunlap Street..
-I'll leave you with this parable 2015, before his face would be plastered all over social media, this man had by a dream walked up to my running in a parking lot Chrysler 300 vehicle, He began to have a conversation with me, one admittedly I wouldn't remember, only the events that followed, His, Syed Farook was a demonstration of Islamic reign, as of Daniel 9, into Rev. 11:1, 2, now come, one I predicted 2003, Bush's would fall, right along a Hussein White house. Now a biblical event itself earth and era changing, it was by my book characters, it was brought to my attention, the hugh container that felled. That went one to end Saddam Hussein along an injury to his death and declared him finished yet he by a Barack Hussein, the US White house, come again and lived along a pending Ancient beast reign, an appointment of two weeks and seven years, ancient beast reign Gog and Magog, Trump's 2016 election now come, now imagine my shock as I imagine yours, see more here
-Looking Through A Glass Darkly, The Mirror Image, Of God, With It's Throne Back At Us! I Chron. 7:14, 15
-Ancient Beast Reign Pending Obama's, Come Trump, Of Witnessing, 2017, The Lion, The Leopard And The Anubis, Egyptian Dog, As Just Other Members Of The Families, Lives Lands And Churches
-And I stood upon the sands of the sea, (not a body of water but a sea of people) and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, (pertains to the antichrist, being empowered by Satan as no man ever has been) having seven heads and ten horns, (represent seven empires that have greatly persecuted Israel in the past, which the ten horns, actually being the ten crowns representing one nation are yet future, JSM) {but as of Angel Gabriel, 2004, as of the Seventh Angel Trumpet, 2018, as of Obama's to Trump administration, ancient beast pending to reign now come, (Dan. 7, Rev. 17), Apb} and upon his horns ten crowns, (the horns now being crown show that these ten nations have come to power, and will use that power to help the antichrist; they will be located in the middle east and in parts of Europe and possibly North Africa as being in the old Roman Empire territory, {Dan. 7:7-8}) and upon his heads the name of blasphemy, (Satan controls these empires and will control these ten nations, therefore the name blasphemy).
-And the beast which I saw (represent the fallen angel who will be let out of the bottomless pit, to help the antichrist, {Rev. 11:7}, both the fallen angel and the antichrist are referred to as the beast but they are two different beings }) was like unto a leopard, (this fallen angel will help the antichrist to speedily conquer; Daniel describes this event as well, {Dan.7:6}, JSM) {as I testified, the leopard beast was one of three, I witnessed, 2017, staged along abominable lives, lands and churches, as just other members of the family, Where possibly a week past, Spring, 2018, I saw this leopard, and all I could describe was he looked nothing like the wounded as a slain for our sins Lamb of God, Apostle John did see, but this leopard was supreme, flawless and unscaved, Apb} and his feet were as the feet of a bear, (carries the characteristics of the Medo Persia Empire, which is ferociousness, JSM) {As I described, the bear beast last seen stomping and chomping through pulpits and pews, peace getting porches, stock/money markets and raining the crystal skies down. The first I saw him, the bear, lion beast, thirty years ago, he was featured as a mighty beast who'd littered too many fields to count with the dead; into the persecution of the bride/the tribulation saints, where I witnessed the fulfillment of Rev. 17:14, were revealed was, one was loosed, another, greater, from a dark dungeon along a weakening imprisonment, was to come, Apb}
-These (Dragon, Beast, Antichrist, The Heathen Raging, Apb) shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. Rev. 17:14 hallelujah Again, I say!
and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: (portrays the finesse, grandeur and pomp of the Babylonian Empire, JSM) {In 2015, right before I witnessed the bride reigning in heaven, prepping to releasing King Nebuchadnezzar's winessed of a stone from heaven, having the surface of a meteor, I first witnessed the antichrist in great prowess all the powers of the earth. only here lately, 2017, I witnessed, I described, the Lion beast as one of the three beast posed with the Leopard, in the church/home, as other of its members, Apb} and the dragon (Satan) gave him (the Antchrist) his power, and his seat, and great authority. (so the antichrist will have Satan helping him, as also this powerful fallen angel and no doubt a host of other fallen angels and demon spirits)
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; (doesn't refer to the antichrist, but one of the empires of the past, which gravely persecuted Israel; It pertains to the Grecian Empire under Alexander the Great, and in reality speaks of the same fallen angels helping Alexander; when Alexander died this fallen angel who helped him to conquer so speedily was locked away in the bottom pit, {Dan. 7:6} JSM) {As revealed only last week, see a revisited Assyrian to Grecian Empire, (the Leopard), with Egypt prior and Babylon and Medes and Persians following as the injury/death of Saddam Hussein I witnessed 2003, by a huge container to the rise of pending, ancient beast reign, Barack Hussein, I predicted 2003, and witnessed rise with beast, (Rev. 13), 2008/09. This fall, to rise to reign of Hussain as the prophesied wounded to death, beast head, yet it lived and went into prediction the two weeks and seven years, dating back to Dan. 12, appointed Obama's administration, (Rev. 11-13,Chpts Apb)} and his deadly wound was healed: (refers to the fact this fallen angel will be released out of the bottom pit to aid and abet the antichrist, {Rev. 17, Chpt} it is no doubt the antichrist will know or realize the source of his power, taking all the credit unto himself) and all the world wondered after the beast.(This refers to the part of the world he has conquered, but with the entire world definitely paying him homage, as he now seem to exude superhuman abilities)
-And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: (refer to the fact that men worship power, JSM) {thus the single word, in lowercase, black, bold letters, error, Apb, see (Rev. 17;16-18), Apb)} and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?(This proclaim the means by which power is worshipped, JSM), {doing Bush war on the axis of evil, I heard in my ear, and I quote, "one error/era into a new fear factor, Rev. 13:1-4, see more of what it mean here, the Tribulation Saints, Allied By The Little Miya Girl are being seen through to the one Era of man left, and mankind ultimate fear-factor, that is the sounding of the seventh trumpet, Rev. 11, that is Jesus Millennium reign, Apb},
-The Little Miya Girl Of Come A Translation Into A New Era For A Toll Of Two Quarters,
-Now here, two to three years later after Syed Farook 2015, appearing, a man, a territorial spirit, Angel approached me as though I knew the answer. Now remember what I said, possibly why Senator Obama 2008/09, doing a meeting of world nations was singled and pointed out to me, Apostle, THEY call me, and I repeat, as, "the one." He, this stranger asked me about the secrets of Memphis? Not only Tennessee, but Egypt, for which I said, earlier Moses, Memphis, Egypt, who doing the exodus was married himself to an Ethiopian female; Moses was a slave driver for forty years before he come their designed by God deliverer. As one come crying lately, as the Sunlight of God, God's throne along a newly designed Moses and Moses day exodus, "let my people go!"
-You see Memphis, Dunlap street, the late sixties, most of all remember this year, era, something of world changing events happen even more than we know. Memphis, Dunlap street, isn't only where I, Apostle THEY call me. some seventeen earlier, 1986, suffered the trauma that would feed into this phenomena ministry of Jesus Christ, Just as so, it is where I witnessed the first ever of America panic, stampeding into exodus, a reveal that laid virtually dormid, right into Hussein Obama, by which dreams of him. One, brought him to Dunlap Street before he visited Memphis, and yet another dream, that brought first lady Obama to Dunlap Street before she visited Memphis. The married couple, I witnessed Jesus millennium faithfully, kindheartedly descend into. Those two, a married couple, at this time you guys, as of my thirty something book characters, African Juttah, Preece Ebonee Bele, so a male and female African American, the Obama's, were now as of Moses day, Egypt, Ethiopian wife, the two most powerful people, couple, on the planet, ever into now.
-The Pending Petro-handlebars, Since November 4th, Death Tolls Reaching In To The Heaven
-Heretofore, a time later, the Little Miya Girl of come Apocalypse, visiting procrastinating vehicles also found along, Memphis, Time, Dunlap Street, see the seventh angel trumpet Rev. 10 dating back to Daniel 12, of a man in linen, both swearing by Heavens throne timetables come and gone. Still with all of these reveals, a 68th year, I was like ten years old, both of the Obamas, the little miya girl, Syed Farook, and other unnamed islamic males. Then lest I forget, the Patriot father of the civil rights movement, who meet his assassination and the end of his peaceful campaign along Memphis Dunlap. Just as Dr, Martin Luther King began this march against inequality, against all minorities, but especially the African American; most don't like to admit it. But it is once American, Islamic Barack Hussein Obama become President of no other world country but America, come an african slave market, this world, full circle.
-Then soon, you hear with me Jesus crying, even as he lamented from the cross, "but I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but shall eternal life, thus, except ye show love one for the other, said, Jesus, you are not my disciples, (you are not Christians). Apparently you are right, when you see by your dreams, visions that Obama is not done with us yet, so what it is, what is the secret of Memphis? What does it have to do with Dr. King, as so, Dunlap Memphis, being the end of his journey, as in as far as he could then go.
-Right along Pres, Obama's, and Dunlap Memphis being the end of America's journey, for as far as they could go into the beginning, of a commanded as the days of Moses, of another journey, landing us, as the days of Noah, the new Era of Jesus Millennium Reign? In conclusion, I had no ideal the number of youtude videos given over to so many so called minorities, taking the stage this nation, this world to explain and forewarn time and time again as I have for many years now, how for a long time coming, there is an exodus out of America into Africa, and for hear, these thirty plus springs, I thought I was a lone ranger in this effort to alert all others accordingly, get it, get Jesus and get out, God will only bless escape!.
-When I witnessed Jesus millennium descend into Barack and Michelle Obama, there was nothing foul nor metholical, it was as though to them we'd been entrusted and now Jesus come, we were being delivered over to Him. Said made aware should be the campaigning effort of all supposedly social to meaningful leaders great and small, don't wait until tens of millions are dead to then get tribers out. God cannot, as portrayed Rev. 7, of holding the four winds back until, God cannot, even will not hold off America's doomsday any longer, why I fear from Bush's and Clinton prior 2002, right into Trump's, and Obama/Clinton 2017, prior, it has already been allocated that fifty million Westerners to Americans will die!
-God as the days of Noah, Moses and the acts of Bride will only honor and bless escape, skyward, God's Trump, Jesus, and a trump shall sound, (I Thess. 4: 16-18), and or as to demonstrate the demonstration of the Jesus Husband , why I deem Trump's a Truexit, the divine intervention by the Jesus husband, of an escape southeast. A getting some to a safe-haven come lately as all states being invited into, instead of an American barbecue, where I witnessed even the white house in tremendous flames. Or, as in a second choice, there's a Georgia, barbecue, Georgia, where I witnessed the escape by a designed for her indescribable chariot.
-Clearly as of one invite to barbecue lead to death, death immortal, with yet another, invite, leading to death, immortal life, for though you be dead in Christ Jesus, yet like him, this first begotten of the dead, shall ye live. I guess it's a boiling pot, of the both the kettle and pot being black, into who you gonna believe, well not so much me, but millenia's of biblical to prophetic history or Trump's yet infant milk, administration. That when 2016 elections cried, Trump make America great again, only without shedding of blood is no remission, ( no restructuring except others bleed, then as now come the reaping), so come as well, is a deadly form of peace and safety.
-For just as soon as I heard Trump, make America great again, I also heard in my hearing just as so, America's, West Rule, is a nuclear fate, meaning God is against, not for them, a nuclear fate to an aquatic era, what superpowers nations China to Russia, into extinction levels, Noah, to NOAA's cousins, are all threatening any and every Matrix ten day count, be aware, there is no power on this earth, that's to thwart God will, America, Asia, Russia, no world leaders has power except that given by God, so when you see such desolation know it is God righteous with judgement and repent, beware, Apb, The RAM, see here,
All hail to the Bride reigning in heaven readying the specialty stone, the antichrist murderer
Prophecy Link
-And I heard In My Hearing, 04/06/2018, just as my eyes open, the song, "O when the saints go marching in," only three days after a bird, by my widow chanted, repeatedly, "he's here, he's here, He's here, "o happy day," indeed.
-And I heard in m hearing, Fall 2018, A 10. 2 Earthquake, A Major, Major earthquake, West Pacific, Canada
-It was when a silence, a mountain, a sunlight God's throne spoke and said, Babylon, America,"let my people go into exodus!
-Are you tug of nuclear war blind? They're fighting Trump because Trump the Brexit, Truexit, Calexit, they're no longer taunting counties the size of cities, so those so not their own size, Though those which can and have been predicted to end America, by American soil in only hours, all with God's approval to blessing to assistance. Let me say that again, all with God's approval, ( Eze, 4-7 Chpts), His Wine Press now come as well US soil blood guilt. American soil is right now, thirteen November 24/25th 2017, Matrix ten day counts, of a projected per it's weight of blood guilt, December 24/25th 2001. That's until 190 months and 40 days should be fulfilled, as revealed recently would be, November 24/25/th 2018, come is an outbreak of cataclysms to mortuary US to Western Soil.
-These predestined US soil earth enders, upon which come the warning by the Seventh Angel Trumpet, Rev. 17, nights of January 26th-29th, and yes, she, Apostle THEY call me. Did said, appearing before her, nights, January 26th-29th, 2018, was the seventh angel trumpet of Revelation 17. Right into the final reminder man like natural, has no power, none, except that given by God, he again, the seven angel trumpet was crying with such urgency. I mean an urgency that beggars description that America has no more doomsday passovers, (Pearl Harbor, the Cuban Missile Crisis and September 11t attacks), again no more doomsday passovers left, no further delay. As I testified, there were three nights of this, that it was right before the congressmen train wreck that was rumored to be a mad dash for fallout shelters, seemingly without alerting us unless you count the, as the days of Pearl Harbor, January 13th, Hawaii missile alert!
-Then the warning, as of the seventh angel trumpet, beware the mid west, the eastern seaboard as well as the inundated with such forewarnings US, Canada, West Pacific; as so come the warning of a 10.2 earthquake and days later I heard and I quote, "major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada." Sadly, heartbreakingly and all that, those great and small are where I was three nights of visits, Elohim Himself, 1996, when I was too naive, That's as to think America, now Trump is powerful enough in rank it could do what no Kingdom, Nation had done, pretty much what Trump and his advocator set themselves to all Americans to do, out box God. Yes, I'm referencing the same God, who for six millenia now changes not, who ended a likeness like the earth at presence, Noah's earth, as i said, Jesus' comparison to us and reduced as is right now, the entire evil, human population into one ark family of His Design,for when the fullness of time hath come, God brought forth His Son, Christ's Cross.
In The Last Days, Earthquakes In Divers,
-Many mountains of awareness, understand since Trump's administration, its as if everyone has gone King Zedekiah, America's own Daniel 5, handwriting on the wall, Jeremiah, 37:8, 1998, flash blinded. It is as to think they can walk all over God's forewarnings one after another, as though they themselves are god, and He, Elohim God, has never these six thousand years been a God of especially His Prophetic Word, regardless that Jesus of Resurrection has been deemed the, Spirit of Prophecy. Now, as to Speak of God's mercy, along the Matrix, as in the Matrix movie, as in flirting with the genocide of the genesis human being, it's ten day countdowns, now our thirteenth past. Soon I was remind days past, of the scene where it's Matrix character Morpheus, sees this too impossible to realize thing.
-Lets just say, I've seen these thirty plus years, it's the castrostropic fall of Western Civilization and he, Morpheus laments as the days of prophet Jeremiah, even Apostle John witness of the fall of a Babylonian, to Grecian, to A Roman, America, and again he laments, I was dreaming a dream and now that dream is gone away from me, now I say, if we're to take any true reveal from the award of the Matrix ten day coun, it's this very made aware, as to reference Americans dreaming. Heretofore unless you wake up escape all territories warn, practically all fifty states US soil except one for now, southeast into Georgia. Except you repent, you are by the tens of millions about to open your eyes in hell and get a close up, personal affiliation not as to imagine an into sky lava bubble, revisited on right now, onto the projected lately, 99 bowls of molten lava.
-You're to experience what it's like to have a lake of fire designed along the punishment of the damn, now your tortuous home where the holy. The Righteous Scripture, Rev. 20, goes like this, "and whosoever name is not found written in the Lamb's book of life," a book of life, of remembrance, I 2015, witnessed open into a divine roll call. Census taking, all while the lyrics, "we exalt thee," filled up the circumference of heaven's throne, "whosoever names are no longer recorded there are cast into a lake of fire." Whereas all the way back to the prophet Isaiah, we're warn how on the contant the regions of the fiery damn prep and prepare itself for its human prisoners.
-Riddle me this, all doubters to deniers, why you think it is not only that America's last warning to escape come out of the book of Revelation. That's out of the very scripture, God is warning He's to bring a bamboozle upon your world leader, how you've, January 13th, 2018, given rule of your nations to the antichrist. Whereas Trump, having a fury of God, as the days of the prophesied rise at Ezekiel witnessed Gog and Magog must be at the very front of this immeasurable error. Apostle THEY, call me been telling you, if your leaders, presidential to peasant, religious, political. Into social media, AMTV, alternative media, military, monetary aren't equally warning you to get out, truly not for the saving of your life, but for the salvation of your soul. II thess 2:11
-Now, as a blinking word of caution, again "Now," I say with Jesus, let no man deceive you, don't, do not listen to these people, they are all of them, God's punishment, Ps. 2 into II Thess. 2:11, as to finale along Rev. 17, deceived. Even why it is Apostle Paul said, in these last days when they shall say peace and safety, sudden destruction, like those three monster hurricanes meeting Trump's declarations of America. Herein we all know it but won't admit, it, Jerusalem Israel has been a cup of trembling every since Trump made declaration of it, but so has American soil, world nations period. You all targeted Saddam and got Barack, you all targeted Hillary, virtually desecrated this woman ino her grave, and got the Donald, "for they say the lord, seeth us, our hearts, not.
-The first Matrix ten day count of December 5th and I told you what cried from heaven just as you were voting this man into office. Just as those yet still crying, Trump make America great again, and He is, only against God's Will, thus and so what he's attempting with these sanctions to tariffs. All against superpowers who're under America's skirt to nakedness of revealed sickbeds, meaning, like God, world nations like China, Russia, are done looking over America. To West rule lethal, to genocidal this world, peace getting horror, it's indescribable hypocrisy, do you really think God would command Britain and American be separated into itty, bitty pieces; that Canada be wiped from the map.
-Just as so, that all parents be killed by, that all schools be finished, the very end of kingdom, nation building, dating back for thousands of years. This is, as of Angel Gabriel appearing, 534bc into 05/15/2004, AD, warning us, all of it's fulfillment now come, if their, West Rule weight of blood the heaven's ceiling, wasn't December 24th, 25th, 2001, found guilty, until 190 months and 40 days, November 24/25th 2017, be fulfilled? Explaining why there is as well come a commanded as Moses day escape, one, a designed evacuation, along an appointed escape so virtually important, Jesus instruct those along peace getting porches their rooftops.This is where I witnessed millions of Churchians left stranded, helpless the day of the Brides own escape, those Jesus instructed to run with such swiftness they shouldn't even bother coming down again into their homes.
Further they're to pray said escape wasn't on a sabbath day, that equally, it wasn't in the winter, evenly that prayers go out to women with infant children, three primary dailies, that's to frustrate even more those with mounting trials. Honestly, just how many ways can I for these thirty years plus say it? Yours, America's is a commanded as Moses days, exodus, right into the secrets of Memphis, Egypt, to Tennessee, of remembering, Moses was a slave driver for forty years before he come their very God appointed Deliverer, into the secrets of Senator Obama, Memphis Egypt, Dunlap Street..
-I'll leave you with this parable 2015, before his face would be plastered all over social media, this man had by a dream walked up to my running in a parking lot Chrysler 300 vehicle, He began to have a conversation with me, one admittedly I wouldn't remember, only the events that followed, His, Syed Farook was a demonstration of Islamic reign, as of Daniel 9, into Rev. 11:1, 2, now come, one I predicted 2003, Bush's would fall, right along a Hussein White house. Now a biblical event itself earth and era changing, it was by my book characters, it was brought to my attention, the hugh container that felled. That went one to end Saddam Hussein along an injury to his death and declared him finished yet he by a Barack Hussein, the US White house, come again and lived along a pending Ancient beast reign, an appointment of two weeks and seven years, ancient beast reign Gog and Magog, Trump's 2016 election now come, now imagine my shock as I imagine yours, see more here
-Looking Through A Glass Darkly, The Mirror Image, Of God, With It's Throne Back At Us! I Chron. 7:14, 15
-Ancient Beast Reign Pending Obama's, Come Trump, Of Witnessing, 2017, The Lion, The Leopard And The Anubis, Egyptian Dog, As Just Other Members Of The Families, Lives Lands And Churches
-And I stood upon the sands of the sea, (not a body of water but a sea of people) and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, (pertains to the antichrist, being empowered by Satan as no man ever has been) having seven heads and ten horns, (represent seven empires that have greatly persecuted Israel in the past, which the ten horns, actually being the ten crowns representing one nation are yet future, JSM) {but as of Angel Gabriel, 2004, as of the Seventh Angel Trumpet, 2018, as of Obama's to Trump administration, ancient beast pending to reign now come, (Dan. 7, Rev. 17), Apb} and upon his horns ten crowns, (the horns now being crown show that these ten nations have come to power, and will use that power to help the antichrist; they will be located in the middle east and in parts of Europe and possibly North Africa as being in the old Roman Empire territory, {Dan. 7:7-8}) and upon his heads the name of blasphemy, (Satan controls these empires and will control these ten nations, therefore the name blasphemy).
-And the beast which I saw (represent the fallen angel who will be let out of the bottomless pit, to help the antichrist, {Rev. 11:7}, both the fallen angel and the antichrist are referred to as the beast but they are two different beings }) was like unto a leopard, (this fallen angel will help the antichrist to speedily conquer; Daniel describes this event as well, {Dan.7:6}, JSM) {as I testified, the leopard beast was one of three, I witnessed, 2017, staged along abominable lives, lands and churches, as just other members of the family, Where possibly a week past, Spring, 2018, I saw this leopard, and all I could describe was he looked nothing like the wounded as a slain for our sins Lamb of God, Apostle John did see, but this leopard was supreme, flawless and unscaved, Apb} and his feet were as the feet of a bear, (carries the characteristics of the Medo Persia Empire, which is ferociousness, JSM) {As I described, the bear beast last seen stomping and chomping through pulpits and pews, peace getting porches, stock/money markets and raining the crystal skies down. The first I saw him, the bear, lion beast, thirty years ago, he was featured as a mighty beast who'd littered too many fields to count with the dead; into the persecution of the bride/the tribulation saints, where I witnessed the fulfillment of Rev. 17:14, were revealed was, one was loosed, another, greater, from a dark dungeon along a weakening imprisonment, was to come, Apb}
-These (Dragon, Beast, Antichrist, The Heathen Raging, Apb) shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. Rev. 17:14 hallelujah Again, I say!
and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: (portrays the finesse, grandeur and pomp of the Babylonian Empire, JSM) {In 2015, right before I witnessed the bride reigning in heaven, prepping to releasing King Nebuchadnezzar's winessed of a stone from heaven, having the surface of a meteor, I first witnessed the antichrist in great prowess all the powers of the earth. only here lately, 2017, I witnessed, I described, the Lion beast as one of the three beast posed with the Leopard, in the church/home, as other of its members, Apb} and the dragon (Satan) gave him (the Antchrist) his power, and his seat, and great authority. (so the antichrist will have Satan helping him, as also this powerful fallen angel and no doubt a host of other fallen angels and demon spirits)
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; (doesn't refer to the antichrist, but one of the empires of the past, which gravely persecuted Israel; It pertains to the Grecian Empire under Alexander the Great, and in reality speaks of the same fallen angels helping Alexander; when Alexander died this fallen angel who helped him to conquer so speedily was locked away in the bottom pit, {Dan. 7:6} JSM) {As revealed only last week, see a revisited Assyrian to Grecian Empire, (the Leopard), with Egypt prior and Babylon and Medes and Persians following as the injury/death of Saddam Hussein I witnessed 2003, by a huge container to the rise of pending, ancient beast reign, Barack Hussein, I predicted 2003, and witnessed rise with beast, (Rev. 13), 2008/09. This fall, to rise to reign of Hussain as the prophesied wounded to death, beast head, yet it lived and went into prediction the two weeks and seven years, dating back to Dan. 12, appointed Obama's administration, (Rev. 11-13,Chpts Apb)} and his deadly wound was healed: (refers to the fact this fallen angel will be released out of the bottom pit to aid and abet the antichrist, {Rev. 17, Chpt} it is no doubt the antichrist will know or realize the source of his power, taking all the credit unto himself) and all the world wondered after the beast.(This refers to the part of the world he has conquered, but with the entire world definitely paying him homage, as he now seem to exude superhuman abilities)
-And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: (refer to the fact that men worship power, JSM) {thus the single word, in lowercase, black, bold letters, error, Apb, see (Rev. 17;16-18), Apb)} and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?(This proclaim the means by which power is worshipped, JSM), {doing Bush war on the axis of evil, I heard in my ear, and I quote, "one error/era into a new fear factor, Rev. 13:1-4, see more of what it mean here, the Tribulation Saints, Allied By The Little Miya Girl are being seen through to the one Era of man left, and mankind ultimate fear-factor, that is the sounding of the seventh trumpet, Rev. 11, that is Jesus Millennium reign, Apb},
-The Little Miya Girl Of Come A Translation Into A New Era For A Toll Of Two Quarters,
-Now here, two to three years later after Syed Farook 2015, appearing, a man, a territorial spirit, Angel approached me as though I knew the answer. Now remember what I said, possibly why Senator Obama 2008/09, doing a meeting of world nations was singled and pointed out to me, Apostle, THEY call me, and I repeat, as, "the one." He, this stranger asked me about the secrets of Memphis? Not only Tennessee, but Egypt, for which I said, earlier Moses, Memphis, Egypt, who doing the exodus was married himself to an Ethiopian female; Moses was a slave driver for forty years before he come their designed by God deliverer. As one come crying lately, as the Sunlight of God, God's throne along a newly designed Moses and Moses day exodus, "let my people go!"
-You see Memphis, Dunlap street, the late sixties, most of all remember this year, era, something of world changing events happen even more than we know. Memphis, Dunlap street, isn't only where I, Apostle THEY call me. some seventeen earlier, 1986, suffered the trauma that would feed into this phenomena ministry of Jesus Christ, Just as so, it is where I witnessed the first ever of America panic, stampeding into exodus, a reveal that laid virtually dormid, right into Hussein Obama, by which dreams of him. One, brought him to Dunlap Street before he visited Memphis, and yet another dream, that brought first lady Obama to Dunlap Street before she visited Memphis. The married couple, I witnessed Jesus millennium faithfully, kindheartedly descend into. Those two, a married couple, at this time you guys, as of my thirty something book characters, African Juttah, Preece Ebonee Bele, so a male and female African American, the Obama's, were now as of Moses day, Egypt, Ethiopian wife, the two most powerful people, couple, on the planet, ever into now.
-The Pending Petro-handlebars, Since November 4th, Death Tolls Reaching In To The Heaven
-Heretofore, a time later, the Little Miya Girl of come Apocalypse, visiting procrastinating vehicles also found along, Memphis, Time, Dunlap Street, see the seventh angel trumpet Rev. 10 dating back to Daniel 12, of a man in linen, both swearing by Heavens throne timetables come and gone. Still with all of these reveals, a 68th year, I was like ten years old, both of the Obamas, the little miya girl, Syed Farook, and other unnamed islamic males. Then lest I forget, the Patriot father of the civil rights movement, who meet his assassination and the end of his peaceful campaign along Memphis Dunlap. Just as Dr, Martin Luther King began this march against inequality, against all minorities, but especially the African American; most don't like to admit it. But it is once American, Islamic Barack Hussein Obama become President of no other world country but America, come an african slave market, this world, full circle.
-Then soon, you hear with me Jesus crying, even as he lamented from the cross, "but I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but shall eternal life, thus, except ye show love one for the other, said, Jesus, you are not my disciples, (you are not Christians). Apparently you are right, when you see by your dreams, visions that Obama is not done with us yet, so what it is, what is the secret of Memphis? What does it have to do with Dr. King, as so, Dunlap Memphis, being the end of his journey, as in as far as he could then go.
-Right along Pres, Obama's, and Dunlap Memphis being the end of America's journey, for as far as they could go into the beginning, of a commanded as the days of Moses, of another journey, landing us, as the days of Noah, the new Era of Jesus Millennium Reign? In conclusion, I had no ideal the number of youtude videos given over to so many so called minorities, taking the stage this nation, this world to explain and forewarn time and time again as I have for many years now, how for a long time coming, there is an exodus out of America into Africa, and for hear, these thirty plus springs, I thought I was a lone ranger in this effort to alert all others accordingly, get it, get Jesus and get out, God will only bless escape!.
-When I witnessed Jesus millennium descend into Barack and Michelle Obama, there was nothing foul nor metholical, it was as though to them we'd been entrusted and now Jesus come, we were being delivered over to Him. Said made aware should be the campaigning effort of all supposedly social to meaningful leaders great and small, don't wait until tens of millions are dead to then get tribers out. God cannot, as portrayed Rev. 7, of holding the four winds back until, God cannot, even will not hold off America's doomsday any longer, why I fear from Bush's and Clinton prior 2002, right into Trump's, and Obama/Clinton 2017, prior, it has already been allocated that fifty million Westerners to Americans will die!
-God as the days of Noah, Moses and the acts of Bride will only honor and bless escape, skyward, God's Trump, Jesus, and a trump shall sound, (I Thess. 4: 16-18), and or as to demonstrate the demonstration of the Jesus Husband , why I deem Trump's a Truexit, the divine intervention by the Jesus husband, of an escape southeast. A getting some to a safe-haven come lately as all states being invited into, instead of an American barbecue, where I witnessed even the white house in tremendous flames. Or, as in a second choice, there's a Georgia, barbecue, Georgia, where I witnessed the escape by a designed for her indescribable chariot.
-Clearly as of one invite to barbecue lead to death, death immortal, with yet another, invite, leading to death, immortal life, for though you be dead in Christ Jesus, yet like him, this first begotten of the dead, shall ye live. I guess it's a boiling pot, of the both the kettle and pot being black, into who you gonna believe, well not so much me, but millenia's of biblical to prophetic history or Trump's yet infant milk, administration. That when 2016 elections cried, Trump make America great again, only without shedding of blood is no remission, ( no restructuring except others bleed, then as now come the reaping), so come as well, is a deadly form of peace and safety.
-For just as soon as I heard Trump, make America great again, I also heard in my hearing just as so, America's, West Rule, is a nuclear fate, meaning God is against, not for them, a nuclear fate to an aquatic era, what superpowers nations China to Russia, into extinction levels, Noah, to NOAA's cousins, are all threatening any and every Matrix ten day count, be aware, there is no power on this earth, that's to thwart God will, America, Asia, Russia, no world leaders has power except that given by God, so when you see such desolation know it is God righteous with judgement and repent, beware, Apb, The RAM, see here,
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