For When The Fifth Angel Shall Begin To Sound

-Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, ETE 5:49 AM, 04/12/2018
All hail to the Bride reigning in heaven readying the specialty stone, the antichrist murderer

Prophecy Link

     -And I heard In My Hearing, 04/06/2018, just as my eyes open, the song, "O when the saints go marching in," only three days after a bird, by my widow chanted, repeatedly, "he's here, he's here, He's here, "o happy day," indeed.

O Happy Day! Jesus is Here, Jesus Is Here, O Happy Day!

     -For When The Seventh Angel Shall Begin To Sound, The Nations Of Men Come The Nations Of God And His Christ

     -Somebody has to replace America, West Rule, and by dreams and visions upon my head 1998-2018, I saw that this first enemy to replace her was Arabian, I even thought, perhaps Saddam Hussein, (the beast who was not yet he lived until Barack Hussein, pending with beast, ruled the planet). The second enemy that took said rule, invasion US soil, as to say were Asians and then that world rule that followed was simply described as "Epidemic," so the forewarnings, 'warsaw; 'west worthy; and epidemic! Again Epidemic, just as an outbreak of troubles and mortuary that has lead us into this very article but all kingdom, nations get replaced, America was never the exception, Americans just dreamed it was. Though they, none of them, of us, could ever see it, mighty Egypt felled to Assyria, Assyria to Babylon, Babylon , Satan's City, as surely as Jerusalem's is God's, felled to Medo Persia. Heretofore while doing military excursions, Iraq.
     -Actually, it was when the line, upon line of torture vehicles, were by a US General described as a 'Dirty Mede,' he was unknowingly describing the knock, knock, knocking on the doors of ancient territorial beast, of this world formation. Then come Alexander, Grecia, swift, power, then last but gravely not least and for a thousand year world rule, we have the Roman Empire that was given the charge of seeing to Jesus' Crucifixion, proposed as a beast with iron teeth, that cannot be good. Hear with me, the seventh angel bearing the seven vials, Rev. 17, come and talk to Apostle John, "five are fallen, one is and one haven't yet come, only presently, he, these ten heads, are now come. Then as to speed us thousands of years of warmongering and turf wars, as of the Roman Empire, here come the British Empire, these two, the demi-gods, forefathers and parents of Babylonian, America, Western World, that is now being thrown down by a dose of God's Righteous Judgment and given over into the hands, predicted, ten head rise of a world ruling, conglomerate.
     -As of Obama/Trump's US, the Uk, UN, UAE, right into President Trump's, December 5th, 2017, the first, November 24/25th 2017, Matrix ten day count award, declaration of Jerusalem. Whereas speaking of Jerusalem, it's brother enemy, neighbors have been a cup of trembling into an all our war, every since Trump's declarations. What have I, apostle THEY call me told you many years now, that when US politicians speak, people always die, they're most lethal and deadly in this regard. It's the warning by which I warn months before monster, historic hurricane, Harvey, Irma and Maria, how his declarations of peace and safety anything American and or West Rule would be meet with sudden destruction. Wherefore holy Lords agreed by granting me the very date of Aug 29th 2017, Pres, Trump would be in Texas assessing such damage just as Kim's missile tests flew over the heads of Japan. Then now, you hear it with me, commanding the four winds this earth, the saying, hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. 
     -And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Indefinitely, for God so loved the world, father Abraham have many sons indeed, for a number as vast as the stars in heaven. Just remember, revisiting Jesus moments into His/Our Cross, when He described to Roman's man Pilate, he had no power no more than any man, any wicked device to AI, I saw all in the kitchen sink this wash, there is no man-power this planet except given from above. We, all of us kingdoms, nations, tribes, tongues and citizens this planet, we're at the pivotal moment disciples are asking Jesus about the end of the world. Then you hear, that generation shall not past away until all be fulfilled, then come the visitation of the Angel Gabriel 2004, saying to all Kingdom, Nation building itself, the fulfillment of all thing is upon mankind, she's coming and going with a Seventh Angel.
     -The, that same Seventh Angel Trumpet, heardling both the Bride's escape and with Jesus, return, now here fourteen years Angels Gabriel's 2004 visit. Believe me, as of Rev. 17, he's indescribably urgent with forewarnings. Understand this as of Trump's declaration of Jerusalem shattering to smittering whatever manner of truce it and the future ten ruling heads of it's brother, enemy neighbor had, see Rev. 11:1, 2, the how, why I predicted a Hussein White House world rule, doing Bush wars, 2003. Those ten heads again that will produce Prophet Daniel's little horn, into Prophet Ezekiel's rise of Gog and Magog, the eighth kingdom to rise out of the now fallen seven; the fall of Babylon America, where there is a death toll pending US soil too paramount to be described, but to send a funeral reef, as of petro-handlebars soaring into heavens ceiling as a harrowing ensample.
Though if you go back to Trump's, Dec.5th 2017 declaration of Jerusalem, Palestine's Abbas bounced back at Trump, America famed error, of choosing sides, ever.
   -Clearly as day, another matix tenth day count, Dec. 15th, 2017, it was by Abbas threatening to confront his eight leads against Trump, I told you all right then and there. Possibly why we witnessed the morning of Trumps' intended declaration, the earth shaking, ruckus of stampeding elephants, all with an affiliation to a crossing over Carter lost in the struggle, see Pres. Carter.  It is when you add Israel's Netanyahu and Palestine's Abbas along his threat of eight; just know, they are all of them deceived, no exception, yours as well. Those all lately described with one lowercase word, as (error); with said calculation, to lethal brew, you have the ten heads who're to rise prophetically along these biblical territories; only, with Angel Gabriel to seventh angel trumpet, 2004-2018, forewarnings, right now!
     -Of course, it was as I'd predicted, that when my grands 15th birthday, Jan. 12 only by minutes passed into Jan. 13th, 2018, waking me from my sleep. Thinking it was yet her 15th birthday, undoubtedly it was so I would know the time exactly, I heard in my hearing, "one hour with the beast.' Only now in hindsight, the other too miraculous things I saw, I heard, that were demonstrated, only hours from then, would come the Hawaii missile alert, and that morning prior to this alert. It is that a perfect man Jesus, while I looked eye to eye with the perfect, dangerous man, the perfect man Jesus asked a question. Right along a subject that always arise whenever the Bride herself is in imminent to nuclear danger, the inquiry, I thought was so strange, "will angels about the earth ascend with the Bride? And though I'd not considered that very notion, it, the dispensations of grace predicted as of Prophet Daniel, a times, times and a  half, right into Barack Hussein's time table, 2008/09, of two weeks and seven years all done.
     -The Church Bride, time come, readying to ascend, America, West Rule, come by God's Righteous Grace, lost to God's Righteous Judgment, has all but served it's purpose of Christ's Cross, Whereby unthinkable abomination and detestations now a den of beastly demons, devils, thieves and murderers the earth. Crystal, then it would seem the answer to the perfect man Jesus question was, yes. The intravenous angels, of divine intervention, on assignment the earth, man, these six millennia would surely rise and shoot like fire rockets into the heavens assuredly as the Bride of cottony clouds (healing wings), awaiting. It was after another three nights of dreams, Jan. 26th-29th, this third to fourth to too many to count, and all three nights the seventh angel trumpet as of Rev. 17, was mighty with forewarning, no further delay, cataclysms US soil now come, further delay, cataclysms US soil, now come, further delay.
      As in you guys, no more doomsday passovers, cataclysms US soil, now come, only beware the Midwest, the eastern seaboard, as well as the inundated with such forewarnings US, Canada West Pacific. This beyond descriptive forewarning that went for three nights of it's urgent forewarning. I realize only a day past, can only be in comparison the angel forewarning, woe, woe, woe, and I quote, Rev. 12:12,Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.The same is said of nations doing the sounding of the seventh angels
trumpet Rev. 17, it is now that Jesus, with healing wings and leaves will sit as governor, as in an invasion of peace on earth, as to rejuvenate a planet earth that as suffered along man errant warmongering about human siblings for a lost of two quarters this planet earth, great sorrows, indeed, repent or perish! 

     Be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here, Revelation 10, 11 and 17th chapters... for when the seventh angel shall begin to sound...

The Little Miya Girl Of Translation For A Toll Of Two Quarters, Into The Era Of Jesus Reign
And The Fifth Angel Sounded


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