The Mockery Of David Meade's April 23 rd, Rapture, The Petro-handlebar Extinction Level Event

     My Comment: Tensions are really high right now, with Trump , America facing war with superpowers that can bring nuclear war to US soil, some people just don't know how to process that, how to vent said fear factor, thus the blame game is on. I say God Bless America return, America return to God. America return to God, God bless America return. II Chron. 7:14, 15; I Chron. 21 chpt.

     -Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, PST 3:20, AM, ETE 7:17 AM, 04/17/2018
All hail to the Bride now reigning in heaven readying the specialty stone, the antichrist murderer, (Dan. 2, The Seventh Trumpet, Rev. 11),

Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing in lowercase, bold, black letters, the single word (error), seen to be hearing in my ear, 01/13/2018, "one hour with the beast," beware, Apb, see Rev. 17:16-18


The Mockery Of David Meade's April 23 rd, Rapture, The Petro-handlebar Extinction Level Event

     -America's Trump lost this battle, the moment he made declarations of Jerusalem Israel, and world, to era changing stampeding of elephants of people staying unaware, this slow motion exodus ran a rukus this entire planet right through it. Once his declarations of America were meet as predicted right into the very date of Aug. 29th, with hurricane harvey. I, apostle THEY call me, warn you all of such error, told yall he need to keep his mouth shut about such matters as all it did was infuriate God all the more; there is no wonder, two quarters dead this entire planet, two thirds of Israelis soil and 15% US soil. Whereas every time I heard Trump a perfect, dangerous man supporters cry make America great again, heard Trump cite, America is safe indefinitely, I cringe at Apostle Paul's forewarning these end times into the Bride's ascension, and I quote; "for when they shall say peace and safety, and sudden destruction cometh upon them like travail upon woman with child and they shall not escape.
     -These evils of warmongers into God's Winepress that is spinning into world war III, IV, with Armageddon pending is so indescribably little about Trump than it is about all nations this world. Especially Abbas mention of the eight leads as to retaliate against Trump's  Dec. 5th, the first Matrix ten days count, declaration of Jerusalem. This is where Jerusalem and its neighbors have been a cup of trembling since, again Abbas eight in fury at Trump's declaration of Jerusalem just brought to fruition of the saying Rev. 17, 01/13/2018, "one hour with the beast." A world of unpronounce abominations into desolations this planet that date back militarily to Bush's war against the axis of evil. I know, like he himself is a righteous god, a beastly head was wounded to death, Saddam Hussein yet it lived, Barack Hussein, that's until two weeks and seven years be fulfilled into Prophet Daniel's final week into ancient beast reign, Then you hear God, explain into Moses' day exodus now come to America concerning these gods of the world Egypt's Pharaohs, how it is they will know, that HE alone is God and as world gods of the earth now, let HIS People go into exodus.
     -Like I said, how horrifying to Jesus, now crying June 2017, get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood, no flesh will stand, was then at the sight of disciple Peter weilding a sword. You see, violence begetting violence Jesus knew one day, reaping said bloody sword would lead waring humankind right into the battle of Armageddon. Then except Jesus as of God's Will again intervened a Noah/NOAA's cousin would aid and abet the total extinction of this planet, of the genesis human being, Though for the elect sake, Jesus intervened; His Millennium, a new era of the human being of reigning blessed peace on earth come with healing wings, leaves was for a thousand years, got him, got Jesus yet? Get it, get Jesus and get out of God pouring out of HIS Wrath at US soil; woe, woe, woe, no more doomsday passovers US soil, cried the seventh angel trumpet, Rev. 10, 11 and 17th chapters, Jan.26-29th, 2018, beware, Apb, The RAM   

The Fear-factor Translation Into Jesus Reign, Are You Soul Ready!!!


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