-Syria, Hamath, (Assyria), the rock made by the hands of beastly men that all world nations keep breaking themselves, beware, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson yours, 07/6/2008-07/06/2015 is a brexit/truexit/nuclear fate, again, beware, Apb
-Come with all fulfillment as the Angel gabriel 2004 ad-534 bc, forewarn is ancient beast reign, meaning Prophet Jeremiah prophesied Jacob's troubles, Ezekiel's prophesied Gog, magog and Hamon-gog, the Prophet Daniel's 10 crowns beast into the rise of the Little horn, into Jesus forewarning of an abomination that maketh desolate all we ever treasure this planet, why I've seen mighty beast just stomping, chomping and tearing, and Jesus wasn't just taking Israel, but western civilization into the world at large, of which I apostle THEY call, of limitless fields of torture vehicle a US general himself described as a dirty mede the third of Daniel's beast, Dan. 7.
-As so is come, Apostle John's witnessed of the great whore, beast of seven heads and ten crowns, I believe Trump's announcement December 5/6th, a tenth Matrix day count, elevated into further fruition, Israel, Palestine and Abbas projected eight, all make ten specific leaders, as of Daniel's projected seven years peace accord, now America's decease to deletion come. All crying for the great day of his wrath is iis, truly, we can't expect anything less from them, why I heard in my ear, just the other night. This jewel was of holy spirits taking specific measures that i know this date exactly, since my grand that gave us the dream of the invasion of Jesus' peace on earth, dream, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com.
-Clearly since her 15th birthday, was that 12th, it was only minutes into, Jan. 13th, I'm in my phone, I see this, again I heard in my ear, "one hour with the beast" Doing a dream 2008, whereas participating along a summit of nations, I now believe it was this prophetic meeting, this one hour with the beast (Rev. 17), was being demonstrated, when Senator Obama (howbeit, not President Obama), is described as, "the one." Only upon it's complete timetable of Hussein reign, did I further witness a Jesus Millennium descend, into it. As is forewarn, lean not unto your own understanding, mightily, for just hath it been said of such time, except those days are shorten, even the saints would be mislead, marvel as reconsider monster, beast walking upright like men running all that is religiously, politically, militarily, monetarily and socially, world rule, until a seventh angel trumpet hath all rebellious, beware, Apb
-Come with all fulfillment as the Angel gabriel 2004 ad-534 bc, forewarn is ancient beast reign, meaning Prophet Jeremiah prophesied Jacob's troubles, Ezekiel's prophesied Gog, magog and Hamon-gog, the Prophet Daniel's 10 crowns beast into the rise of the Little horn, into Jesus forewarning of an abomination that maketh desolate all we ever treasure this planet, why I've seen mighty beast just stomping, chomping and tearing, and Jesus wasn't just taking Israel, but western civilization into the world at large, of which I apostle THEY call, of limitless fields of torture vehicle a US general himself described as a dirty mede the third of Daniel's beast, Dan. 7.
-As so is come, Apostle John's witnessed of the great whore, beast of seven heads and ten crowns, I believe Trump's announcement December 5/6th, a tenth Matrix day count, elevated into further fruition, Israel, Palestine and Abbas projected eight, all make ten specific leaders, as of Daniel's projected seven years peace accord, now America's decease to deletion come. All crying for the great day of his wrath is iis, truly, we can't expect anything less from them, why I heard in my ear, just the other night. This jewel was of holy spirits taking specific measures that i know this date exactly, since my grand that gave us the dream of the invasion of Jesus' peace on earth, dream, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com.
-Clearly since her 15th birthday, was that 12th, it was only minutes into, Jan. 13th, I'm in my phone, I see this, again I heard in my ear, "one hour with the beast" Doing a dream 2008, whereas participating along a summit of nations, I now believe it was this prophetic meeting, this one hour with the beast (Rev. 17), was being demonstrated, when Senator Obama (howbeit, not President Obama), is described as, "the one." Only upon it's complete timetable of Hussein reign, did I further witness a Jesus Millennium descend, into it. As is forewarn, lean not unto your own understanding, mightily, for just hath it been said of such time, except those days are shorten, even the saints would be mislead, marvel as reconsider monster, beast walking upright like men running all that is religiously, politically, militarily, monetarily and socially, world rule, until a seventh angel trumpet hath all rebellious, beware, Apb
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