Texas Bombings, make this comment go viral

Seen to be seeing the sky, crystallize, break and crack apart, and fall, crashing down as huge shod's, seen to be seeing two crystallized, amphibian beast as well, ancient beast reign come, apb, the RAM, see Rev. 6, 6th seal, Rev. 13, Apb

Ridiculous! Let No Man Deceive You

     -Knowing these 30 plus years such horrors and worst are now come, I was yet flabbergasted and heart broken by this report. Then I thought this bomer's efforts, as all to maintain its American Dream, its like throwing rocks or shooting bullets at an approaching asteroid, beware the life you take isn't yours and tens of millions of others, US soil alone. A commanded extinction level event, clearly with US soil its primary target and only one of many, so apparently while building your dream house right alongside Noah building the Ark; only no more doomsday passovers, any Matrix d-day now, its tenth, a Noah (NOAA's) cousin, a pending Moses day exodus, as well, US soil, Get it, get Jesus and get out if it, Apb, The RAM


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