The Probe That Is Russia, Russia Is Not Gog, See Israel, See Abbas, See Abbas' Eight, See Hamath
Early To Mighty The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 03/22/2018, 4;20, am,
All Hail To The Bride Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Antichrist Murderer
Hello, Anybody Out There?
The Little Miya Girl Of Come A Translation Into A New Era For A Toll Of Two Quarters,
-The Secrets Of Memphis, Egypt, Tennessee, 1811, Is Hussein Obama Come A Moses or A Muhammad, Is The New Madrid Fault, The New Sleeping Giant? and here
-Russia is not Gog, see here, Eze, 38, 39th, see, although Gog's rise, why I witnessed a fury as the days of Prophet Ezekiel's witnessed, rise of Gog and Magog cast at Trump and Pence 2016 campaigning. Just as Senator Obama two weeks and seven years earlier was declared, "the one." "The One," whose presidency went on to be awarded a time table dating back to Daniel 12 and Revelation 10, of, "two weeks and seven years," (2008/09-2015/16), of such truth of prophetic evidence, It is right in these last days is why I now declare just as Obama's along the rise of the two beast of Revelation 13, doing his 2008 campaign was ancient beast rise pending, makes President Trump's white house this planet, ancient beast into the rise of gog and magog now come.
-Now, as in world nations, especially Israel and the leaders of the middle east it's, ancient beast reign puppet, with God as righteous puppeteer over all of it, see as recorded here, Rev. 17:16-18, the beginning to the end the seventh angel trumpet, the end of all nation building, all rebellion this earth. Admittedly, the rise of Gog, of Daniel's little horn, of Jesus' abomination that maketh desolate, (the horrid sight, horrid sounds and horrid chao, December 5th, 2017, right before Trump's Jerusalem, of Elephants stampeding while losing a handle on Carter, on Carter's Jerusalem, no doubt). As so reference along Gog, is Apostle John's ten headed beast and Apostle Paul's man of sin, and lest I forget, there's prophet Jeremiah's end time Jacob's troubles.
-All fulfillment come, chanted the Angel Gabriel 05/15/2004, is why the dispensation of grace ending, the Bride's escape and the end of Western Civilization no longer hovers just at the horizon but is at dawn's door, it's day break each and every d-day now. Only Prophet Daniel's description of the little horn as to come from biblical territories, meaning this mask invader area of proximity of who this beast of men actually is. It is even that Israel's greatest enemy, into the Genesis Human being this planet is one who in the Hebrew hath his name, Hamath, (see Hamas), indeed we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Lets just say, knowing the landscape from which this evil will emerge is why I equally say it is Syria, ( see Assyria to the seven heads, Dan. 7, Rev. 17, revisited), not Israel, whom, the Kingdom, Nation
-The rock formed by beastly men that all other Kingdom nations for millennia have broken and broken and is right now breaking themselves against, hence all fallen nation gone before lesson of recognition? God alone is God, come blessed, stone made without beast nor hands, blessed is Lord Jesus, millennium. Now know this, from the stampeding of elephants to Trump's declarations of Jerusalem Israel, the first, Nov. 24/25th 2017, Matrix ten day count, December 5th,2017, right into Palestine's Leaders. Just his threatening to embark upon Trump's errant decision with his eight leads, only the second Matrix ten day count, December 15th, 2017. I know, I know, hearing a voice, lament, 01/13/2018, the morning of the Hawaii missile alert, "one hour with the beast," WW3 to Armageddon come and days before the congressman train wreck.
-Remarkably, we just found ourselves visited upon and urgently forewarn by Apostle John, Revelation 17 description of being approached upon by the seventh angel trumpet bearing the seven vials of Revelation 16, the Angel Gabriel 2004, did mention. The, this Seventh Angel present warning though indescribable with urgency, I, Apostle, THEY, call me was to know and knowing as these thirty plus years, I was to lovingly forewarn. It is, it was, that there was no further delay, there would be no more doomsday passovers US soil, the predicted outbreak of cataclysms, until 190 months and forty days, Dec. 24/25th 2001, be fulfilled is now come, is now come, again no further delay and for three nights of forewarning this, Jan. 26-29th, 2018, right into the train wreck
-Now with better clarity, it was beware the midwest and the eastern seaboard, as well as the inundated with such forewarnings the US/ Canada, West Pacific, again beware the eastern seaboard. As in those areas right now who have since such warnings suffered and are now suffering it's fourth nor'easter storm. Still know, these evils are nothing in comparison to the outbreak of mortuary, this bringer of death, that stretched from westernized handlebars as a funeral reef into the heaven with its toll on US soil along 15%, so from Bush and as of Trump's, a predicted, 50 million will die, now come. Like I explained, Israel, Abbas, and his eight lead whoever they are, now make up the prophesied as of Prophet Daniel, as of Apostle John's fallen seven, now it's end time ten heads.
-One would then guess, until you know who these eight are, Israel you know, Abbas you know, until you know this eight, you will not know the one, the little horn, the Gog, that is going to completely diminish to demolish as Forrest Gump would day, their 'black panther party." All for which Jesus, yes, endingly into a millennium reign, Jesus, the God of heaven and earth manifested in flesh. Considerably, it's why Jesus say, well ask, what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul, or what shall man give in exchange for his soul? The God of mercy, grace and 'Righteous Judgment,' come US soil, granting rebellious man a blood guilty doomsday come and come and come, but instead awarding a Matrix ten day count, that we're a post apocalyptic era revisited ourselves.
-Where we're now speeding toward it's tenth count, is not only the one proof, God is longsuffering, not willing that any perish, no wonder one warning after another as of a recent. Supposedly Gulf of Mexico, supervolcano is waking up, is sounding it's alarm as to threaten into Georgia, America's southeast temporal, but divine intervention of a safe haven. No less the dream only days past 03/19/2018, of inviting the masses who did come, to a barbecue the back parking lot of an abandoned as onf by beastly infestations, church. Though only as they're stampeding the threat of yet another global killer, my death rider, 1996, from beneath the earth, the eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera.
-Though as I, Apostle THEY call me, said, you like the Samaritan woman Jacob's well, you are in a stand off, the mightiest of decision making, the water of life to death eternal that is in her, Jacob's well or the water of life, the second death hath no power, that her Jesus, the son of David, the son of God is offering, thus the single word lately of 'decide.' Jesus also offers that though you be dead in him, yet shall ye live for he and he alone is the resurrection of life, so as of the single word lately of Gethsemane. If each of us have our cross to bear then each of us have our Gethsemane Garden of indecision, just know what Jesus told those sleepy headed disciples, the hardest night of his 33 years of life, "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak," ye must be born again!
-Which remind me, last night, before I fasten off into dreams of visiting heaven, Lamb's book of life open, roll call, census taking, Rev. 20; I watched for the second time, the pure flix movie, "God Is Not Dead, two," though I'm reminded of the people of Prophet Ezekiel's day.Those who found themselves so inundated, as a siege had been laid along invasions of God's judgments, come. Their greatest god, treasures as gold come totally and completely worthless; God's assessment of them was the saddest of all things, listen closely you'll hear him lamenting, "for they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth," (so Judah, Jerusalem. Israel said it first, God is dead). So you see, even why Jesus warn, let no man deceive you, doing your American Dreaming. So understand, end time bible prophecy has proceeded to the point of fulfillment that the Bride isn't only seen reigning in heaven but in her possession.
-It is clear that she readies the specialty stone, reportedly having the surface of a meteor, the one that King Nebuchadnezzar's night terrors ancients ago witnessed fall from heaven and crush to dust and wind all nation building, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, of Christ's outreach crying, wherein doeth thou perish? One of the my first dreams the late eighties to the early nineties as of recognizing a come to my rescue, as to save me from a towering, destructive bear, lion beast. A carnivorous one who'd slain for fields and fields and fields now this coming after Jesus' outreach, thus this first of a Jesus' husband, before his own death into ascension 2012. Again come to the rescue where together was this threat thrown down, I woke from this dream knowing two of horrid things, one, a great beast of religion, slaying hundreds of millions was here and another, a beast of mightier death tolls the soul was soon, is now come.
-Repent! Beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,, see the error/era of all warfare ever, come, pending, here, and see what was on first lady Trump, grown up Christmas list of a deserted island.
All Hail To The Bride Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Antichrist Murderer
Hello, Anybody Out There?
The Little Miya Girl Of Come A Translation Into A New Era For A Toll Of Two Quarters,
-The Secrets Of Memphis, Egypt, Tennessee, 1811, Is Hussein Obama Come A Moses or A Muhammad, Is The New Madrid Fault, The New Sleeping Giant? and here
-Russia is not Gog, see here, Eze, 38, 39th, see, although Gog's rise, why I witnessed a fury as the days of Prophet Ezekiel's witnessed, rise of Gog and Magog cast at Trump and Pence 2016 campaigning. Just as Senator Obama two weeks and seven years earlier was declared, "the one." "The One," whose presidency went on to be awarded a time table dating back to Daniel 12 and Revelation 10, of, "two weeks and seven years," (2008/09-2015/16), of such truth of prophetic evidence, It is right in these last days is why I now declare just as Obama's along the rise of the two beast of Revelation 13, doing his 2008 campaign was ancient beast rise pending, makes President Trump's white house this planet, ancient beast into the rise of gog and magog now come.
-Now, as in world nations, especially Israel and the leaders of the middle east it's, ancient beast reign puppet, with God as righteous puppeteer over all of it, see as recorded here, Rev. 17:16-18, the beginning to the end the seventh angel trumpet, the end of all nation building, all rebellion this earth. Admittedly, the rise of Gog, of Daniel's little horn, of Jesus' abomination that maketh desolate, (the horrid sight, horrid sounds and horrid chao, December 5th, 2017, right before Trump's Jerusalem, of Elephants stampeding while losing a handle on Carter, on Carter's Jerusalem, no doubt). As so reference along Gog, is Apostle John's ten headed beast and Apostle Paul's man of sin, and lest I forget, there's prophet Jeremiah's end time Jacob's troubles.
-All fulfillment come, chanted the Angel Gabriel 05/15/2004, is why the dispensation of grace ending, the Bride's escape and the end of Western Civilization no longer hovers just at the horizon but is at dawn's door, it's day break each and every d-day now. Only Prophet Daniel's description of the little horn as to come from biblical territories, meaning this mask invader area of proximity of who this beast of men actually is. It is even that Israel's greatest enemy, into the Genesis Human being this planet is one who in the Hebrew hath his name, Hamath, (see Hamas), indeed we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Lets just say, knowing the landscape from which this evil will emerge is why I equally say it is Syria, ( see Assyria to the seven heads, Dan. 7, Rev. 17, revisited), not Israel, whom, the Kingdom, Nation
-The rock formed by beastly men that all other Kingdom nations for millennia have broken and broken and is right now breaking themselves against, hence all fallen nation gone before lesson of recognition? God alone is God, come blessed, stone made without beast nor hands, blessed is Lord Jesus, millennium. Now know this, from the stampeding of elephants to Trump's declarations of Jerusalem Israel, the first, Nov. 24/25th 2017, Matrix ten day count, December 5th,2017, right into Palestine's Leaders. Just his threatening to embark upon Trump's errant decision with his eight leads, only the second Matrix ten day count, December 15th, 2017. I know, I know, hearing a voice, lament, 01/13/2018, the morning of the Hawaii missile alert, "one hour with the beast," WW3 to Armageddon come and days before the congressman train wreck.
-Remarkably, we just found ourselves visited upon and urgently forewarn by Apostle John, Revelation 17 description of being approached upon by the seventh angel trumpet bearing the seven vials of Revelation 16, the Angel Gabriel 2004, did mention. The, this Seventh Angel present warning though indescribable with urgency, I, Apostle, THEY, call me was to know and knowing as these thirty plus years, I was to lovingly forewarn. It is, it was, that there was no further delay, there would be no more doomsday passovers US soil, the predicted outbreak of cataclysms, until 190 months and forty days, Dec. 24/25th 2001, be fulfilled is now come, is now come, again no further delay and for three nights of forewarning this, Jan. 26-29th, 2018, right into the train wreck
-Now with better clarity, it was beware the midwest and the eastern seaboard, as well as the inundated with such forewarnings the US/ Canada, West Pacific, again beware the eastern seaboard. As in those areas right now who have since such warnings suffered and are now suffering it's fourth nor'easter storm. Still know, these evils are nothing in comparison to the outbreak of mortuary, this bringer of death, that stretched from westernized handlebars as a funeral reef into the heaven with its toll on US soil along 15%, so from Bush and as of Trump's, a predicted, 50 million will die, now come. Like I explained, Israel, Abbas, and his eight lead whoever they are, now make up the prophesied as of Prophet Daniel, as of Apostle John's fallen seven, now it's end time ten heads.
-One would then guess, until you know who these eight are, Israel you know, Abbas you know, until you know this eight, you will not know the one, the little horn, the Gog, that is going to completely diminish to demolish as Forrest Gump would day, their 'black panther party." All for which Jesus, yes, endingly into a millennium reign, Jesus, the God of heaven and earth manifested in flesh. Considerably, it's why Jesus say, well ask, what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul, or what shall man give in exchange for his soul? The God of mercy, grace and 'Righteous Judgment,' come US soil, granting rebellious man a blood guilty doomsday come and come and come, but instead awarding a Matrix ten day count, that we're a post apocalyptic era revisited ourselves.
-Where we're now speeding toward it's tenth count, is not only the one proof, God is longsuffering, not willing that any perish, no wonder one warning after another as of a recent. Supposedly Gulf of Mexico, supervolcano is waking up, is sounding it's alarm as to threaten into Georgia, America's southeast temporal, but divine intervention of a safe haven. No less the dream only days past 03/19/2018, of inviting the masses who did come, to a barbecue the back parking lot of an abandoned as onf by beastly infestations, church. Though only as they're stampeding the threat of yet another global killer, my death rider, 1996, from beneath the earth, the eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera.
-Though as I, Apostle THEY call me, said, you like the Samaritan woman Jacob's well, you are in a stand off, the mightiest of decision making, the water of life to death eternal that is in her, Jacob's well or the water of life, the second death hath no power, that her Jesus, the son of David, the son of God is offering, thus the single word lately of 'decide.' Jesus also offers that though you be dead in him, yet shall ye live for he and he alone is the resurrection of life, so as of the single word lately of Gethsemane. If each of us have our cross to bear then each of us have our Gethsemane Garden of indecision, just know what Jesus told those sleepy headed disciples, the hardest night of his 33 years of life, "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak," ye must be born again!
-Which remind me, last night, before I fasten off into dreams of visiting heaven, Lamb's book of life open, roll call, census taking, Rev. 20; I watched for the second time, the pure flix movie, "God Is Not Dead, two," though I'm reminded of the people of Prophet Ezekiel's day.Those who found themselves so inundated, as a siege had been laid along invasions of God's judgments, come. Their greatest god, treasures as gold come totally and completely worthless; God's assessment of them was the saddest of all things, listen closely you'll hear him lamenting, "for they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth," (so Judah, Jerusalem. Israel said it first, God is dead). So you see, even why Jesus warn, let no man deceive you, doing your American Dreaming. So understand, end time bible prophecy has proceeded to the point of fulfillment that the Bride isn't only seen reigning in heaven but in her possession.
-It is clear that she readies the specialty stone, reportedly having the surface of a meteor, the one that King Nebuchadnezzar's night terrors ancients ago witnessed fall from heaven and crush to dust and wind all nation building, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, of Christ's outreach crying, wherein doeth thou perish? One of the my first dreams the late eighties to the early nineties as of recognizing a come to my rescue, as to save me from a towering, destructive bear, lion beast. A carnivorous one who'd slain for fields and fields and fields now this coming after Jesus' outreach, thus this first of a Jesus' husband, before his own death into ascension 2012. Again come to the rescue where together was this threat thrown down, I woke from this dream knowing two of horrid things, one, a great beast of religion, slaying hundreds of millions was here and another, a beast of mightier death tolls the soul was soon, is now come.
-Repent! Beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,, see the error/era of all warfare ever, come, pending, here, and see what was on first lady Trump, grown up Christmas list of a deserted island.
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