-Dont fear said weather forcastor and leaders like the Roman Pope and those of money ministries. Pretty much everyone of them standung in the way of your inundated with forewarnings that you escape. its not the end of the world they say, when so plainly as the days of Noah it is. Whereas commanded reapers bearing natures worst right into a Noah's Cousin and 99 bowls of molten Lava is gonna make sure you take notice.
  Again you their profit, they stand in the way of divine progress, calling it non-sense, when uts God's nature these many millennia. Though Jesus, actually describing Apostle Paul's endtime great falling away, other evidence that the rapture is come. So not only did Jesus instruct you to pray for divine interventions of escape. Not only did He tell you to run from these people, God traget them. He gave you a to do list, how as a runner, dont come down from your porches into your houses again.
    - Pray your flight isnt in the winter, nor on the sabbath day and pray for women with small, nursing children, now doesn't sound like a merciful, Jesus, with nothing to lose, scattering His endangered sheep? Indescribably, this was the Jesus' husband, 2015, acting like the days of Lot and family and divinely removing the many stranded by a great gathering of Saints come, to a safehaven then of Georgia..
    -Though those who profit the more from your organized lives, lands and churches say this is only cowardice. Nontheless you listen clearly you can not only hear the seventh Trumpet Angel Revelation 17 only days ago citing, agreeing with Jesus, saying no more doomsday passover US soil. How, now apparent for the midwest and the eastern seabord that was going on four Nor'eastors ago.
     -The days of urgent warning, Jan. 26th-29th, 2018,  was that those in these areas be just as aware as those US to Canada's, West Pacific. Well since, not only did I hear, 10.2 earthquake, I only days later heard and I quote a major, major earthquake West Pacific Canada. I went on, I saw footage where it explained any major earthquake in these areas not only are referring to a tsunami watch. But a dimino effect that will begin the extinction of US to Canada's soil, to Western rule this world, which simplifies a commanded, Moses day exodus, US soil, right?
     -Now I ask, just how many of you would God leave here for that, for this sudden outbreak of mortuary, not even, if you insist? Knowing this, that tens of millions of souls are about to be lost, just what manner of forewarnings would go out? Theres the three decades of prognosticating desolations come, the appearance of the Angel Gabriel 2004, that all fulfillment is here. There's the innumerable times of being in heaven and here lately Apostle John's on testament, Rev 17/18, presently furious and mighty with warnings for three days, only that doomsday is here, no more passovers, US soil, Beware, Apb, The RAM, see  www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com


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