Hello, Anybody Out There? http://cometotoderickandoceanaescape18.blogspot.com/2018/01/prophecy-link-lyrics-to-this-song-woke.html And God Hath Commended His Love Toward Mankind, Jesus The Way, Truth And The Life, Jesus, "The One" www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com -I'm reminded of the backward running clock of years 1996, the one I saw under the death rider that was to come, I witnessed as the earth just open and this mighty bringer of mortuary just leaped right out of it, The clock I saw under him, as I said, was ticking not forward but backward and it was at a sixtieth year, it's 69th. It then make sense that the RAM's Ministry began at the end of the church age, by a live demonstration of Jesus with wings appearing along the great gathering of saints, now taken off to heaven, (Spring 1986). I guess you can say sorta like a movie that begins at the end and then rewind it all to the beginning so you then understand how we end up at this point; thus the Matrix ten day countdown, now it's tenth, the reminder of the post apocalypse we all live in that for many millennial of various world rule, we now call the American dream. -Hey Geoffery, when I first read this statement, fighting for an undivided Jerusalem, like Trump, West Rule is now fighting for an undivided this world America, not only as God cry separate only a week or so ago. But over a decade ago that cry to command was as of Dan 2/5th, again crying, America, Britain separate them into itty, bitty pieces, wipe Canada from the map. Straightly, it's Jesus and the religious leaders debating over Jesus healing on the sabbath day because for Jesus' a man's wellfair into his soul faring well is really what the Laws of God were for, and He, Jesus their glorious fulfillment of truth and grace into the spirit of prophecy. When the seventh angels trumpet of Rev. 17 cried three nights straight, Jan. 26th=29th,2018, no more doomsday passovers, especially beware as well the midwest into the eastern seaboard, these days of dusting western civilization, a sudden lost of 190 years and as of Trump 2017, a lost of tens of millions, of asking what are the secrets of Memphis? (See Egypt/Tennessee's Memphis, 1811), Is come. -When I read this, reading as not sharing even if it kill us, like I said, I was concern, it sound so not like Jesus, then I was reminded, wait Jerusalem like as it's neighbors Islam, like unrepentant Americans aren't Christian, it's religious, it's judaism. Meaning one curious to horrifying thing, they're still looking for "the little horn," well the one, the ancient beast that will become, the one, the very abomination that maketh desolate whereas according to Jesus, they, Jerusalem, unbelievers are to flee everything and I do mean everything to avoid. I can't tell you what a relief I felt when I remember, ah, they don't have to love nor share with their brother/neighbor/enemy, they are not Jesus' Christians; any wonder the religious leaders having the law of God, in their mighty temple, their visited scrolls, even on their lips but not in their hearts just hated Him for knowing and now His Anointed?.Beware, Apb, The RAM, see Saint Matthew 5, see and dissolve into your blood/soul, true christianity. Beware, Apb, The RAM The Little Miya Girl Of Come A Translation Into A New Era For A Toll Of Two Quarters, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/coming-i-hear-you-please-stop-knocking.html Ascension http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2018/02/give-to-time-sensitive-fund-here.html


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