-I beheld the transgrossor whose judgement day hath come, as they were all literally wiped from the planet, tens of millions just gone, beware, Apb,  www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com, see Eze. 4

     -I think dutchsinse it would only take the fulfillment of Rev. 6th it's 6th seal for a yellowstone mega eruption to finish as suddenly as I've seen these thirty years the entirety of western civilization, this, nation, this planet. I keep telling yall, and I even repeat y'all, this is the same God, today, yesterday and forever, the same God, whose as angry, as filled up with this whoring, abominable world. As with America's weighty blood guilt and all the greater as He was in the days of Noah, why it's pending any Matrix tenth day, doomsday has been declared a Noah (NOAA;s), cousin. This is why I've warn and warn they're all coming, with the seventh angel trumpet Rev. 17 doing the same, warn you weeks prior, (Jan. 26th-29th, 2018), of all the horrors happening to the eastern seaboard right now! Beware, there's something about the 13th, so three days from now into a 10th Matrix ten day count. Just remember, the last time I was given a date,  Aug, 29th, it was weeks prior, a reference to President Trump being in Texas assessing Hurricane Harvey damage, on Aug, 29th.
     -I, warn you, all elements this planet, and raining down from the heavens above under God's orders to commandments if need be, are all coming. So I further ask you, all of you, are you, like the Titanic Captain, standing there with the evidence in his hand proving that he and all its passengers were in Titanic danger, yet he was too proudly assured to realize it? Then I was lead to do this,  demonstrate the 10.2 earthquake to major, major earthquake I heard in my hearing, you think I don't feel like the prophet Jeremiah's, Lamentation, of the Apostle John description of a great systemic fall, Rev. 18? They both standing a high pinnacle, watching everything doomsday scenarios ever constructed, now performing itself as an outbreak of troubles US and Western soil and suddenly tens of millions are just gone and after all death, there is always, judgment. Beware, Apb The RAM,   

And I Heard In My Hearing, A Week Or So Past, 2018,  "10.2 Earthquake,  A Major, Major Earthquake, West, Pacific, Canada!"

     Suppose the proposed Noah's Cousin is come US by then, before especially the eastern seaboard suffered two of the deadlies. Most disaster nor-easters, ever, a million at one time without power. For three nights straight Jan. 26-29th, 2018, it was warn, no more doomsday passovers beware the eastern seaboard and the midwest as well as the inundated with such warnings US and Canada West Pacific. Not only are the horrors and the historic mortuary pending these areas cataclysmic enough that divine intervention as the days of Abraham's Lots began evacuating them July 2015, by a September 23-25th, 2015/17 date. The Times that these rough days US soul have been compared to, were made to cry peace and safety even though knowingly there's had been declared finished, weather natural or nuclear by extinction level events.Like Trump Administration even doing its campaign, this news of North Korea is not a call that pending US refugees stand down. The evacuation of America, especially its Western to Eastern coast, its Midwest is mandatory, altars and grab bags, the only blessed escape, beware, Apb, see here, www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com and www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com


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