I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.
- -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Juttah Sibling, Sia Maasiah Adonai's Genealogy, Karsiann Coogan, Darius Juttah, and Agurus, (Aggie), Heus Coogan, Sia Juttah
THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/17
Scene VII
-What are we doing? Good, come and look at this, the ah, Aggie, Mother, Maaseiah, November 4th death toll, I think it's here, here? I think the landmark to historic move China and Russia just made regarding the petro-yuan, even some say the Russian Ruble, go back, what, nearly two decades now? Well Kars, even further if you consider the St, Elmo street, 1996, visitation and reveal about America's come debt, due, being also her decline as world rule. Okay, but your mother and my mother had a vision 2002, 03, where she witnessed axle grease being placed on handlebars as to disallow Russia and China, doing that same time she witnessed four nations in a block, right? Right, do you brother remember what they were, those four nations? Also ah, something I think that slipped right past us, Sia Maaseiah had about, well, I was going to say visions, or dreams but they were live demonstrations. Those of when the bottom felled out of the earth, once at her work place, once concerning teens and once while she was home, 2010, 2011, whereas now, just this outbreak of earthquakes. Whereas Aggie, every time she was in Memphis, just like those Dunlap Street Dreams, one each with the Obama's, and another, with the little miya girl of come apocalypse. Dunlap street dating back to 1968, Kars, is also the first of the dreams of Americans stampeding into exodus, we know also she watched the entire nation burn, with the most eerie of all dreams. Those as lately as a few weeks ago Aggie of inviting people to a church barbeque, that is not a coincidence, this invite come before some guy by google earth, sees plumes along nearly a dozen US states. He said it looked as though they suddenly went up in smoke, said it happen before, 2011, 2012 and 2014, only this time, with one exception, the same state of Georgia, Sia Maaseiah witnessed a Jesus husband escape some southeast, into. So right now, doing this March dream, she see them all come, all pour into, upon her invitation, again, the state of Georgia,whereas she liken the difference here. Wisely, as to turn them from one barbarbe to another, as Jesus offering the Samaritan woman ....water Kars in place of water, one leadeth from death to the second death, eternal and the other from death, to the blessed death, life, immortal. There's something else Kars, I can see it, ...the same African male that brought her out of a tent of sleeping, to see all the American refugees pouring in, along the African coasts. Well brother, doing this dream, the March, church barbeque, he was there, this church porch, eye to eye reassuring her, it is that he would assist her with this mass migration of Americans pouring into the backyard of an abandoned church parking lot. Come on brother, don't you get it? The pulpits, pews and porches Aggie she saw beast stomping and chomping at people, after their safe haven's along these apostate organizations that were no more. The back of a church parking lot, where she forewarn of being aware of just a continuous smoke filled with demons pouring into the building, this unrealizable manner of pedophilia. So this dream, this fantastic dream appear to be the epoch of it all, of all reveal ever given her, well, all of them, us, don't forget sis, their American dreaming. This american pretend all while the crystal sky by great shod's fall down and obliterated to incinerated all they treasure, even their gold, their bitcoins, now a pale horse judgment come, assets too worthless to be given away. So why call me here for this, why not Heus? He's usually your go to brother, ....really Aggie, don't do that, fifty million people are about to die US soil alone and you and I know it, only after that she's nothing short of those stampeding like never before into the commanded, Moses day exodus our Mother Maaseiah been warning and warning. Plus Heus has assignments along your nephew, First Prince, Silverton Nicholas' exodus, they're by the Aqua Juttah probably in Amman Jordan by now, like I said it, you brother Agurus Heus started it. Ah, well, Sia Maaseiah's four in a block, America, Asia, ah Japan and Russia, I remember, if her memory served her right, those Aggie in a tug of nuclear war right now. Even more so with them expelling one another's diplomats, closing one the other's local conselates, so childish, like they're trying to start a war. I beg to differ Kars, it's more like they were trying to call China and Russia out on their bluff, as to as of the 12th, November 24th/25th, 2017, Matrix ten day count. So as of March 26th, 2018, these two superer powers threat to dethrone the petrodollar, as we know, it didn't work, America, West Rule, as the days of Prophet Jeremiah's King Zedekiah. As the days of the Prophet Ezekiel's commanded reapers, commanded to lay a siege, all three to four corners, only now US soil, they can only start a war. God's judgmental wrath targeting both their soils would finish, as in separating them as predicted by Sia Maaseiah, into itty, bitty pieces. So Aggie, as I was saying, with China and Russia attempting to do what Col. Gaddafi allied with China tried to do 2013, by offering us a much needed right now, with America declining, United States of Africa, and backing it with a petro-gold dinar. It was at this time, 2002, seeing these four continents to nations in a block, Maaseiah heard it said, "fifty million would die!" Ony Kars I did some checking, Mother Maaseiah is not the only one that has seen just these insurmountable death tolls US soil, one guy, prophet, put this toll at twenty million, with Gates. To be sincere his is more earth wide, still he's forewarning, a pale horse type outbreak that's to claim thirty million people, Sia Maaseiah, said, though it was vague, 2016, doing the descent of Jesus' Millennium. So Kars again over a decade later the first predicted, fifty million toll, though she witnessed those as to be left behind, tucked away safely with the Obama's, she saw a toll US soil, that calculated into, like fifteen percent, ...which would then brother be a number between forty to fifty million, ...we know Kars it's fifty million, because that's the set toll, 2002-2017, three to more of her prophetic reveals. You see, it wasn't until 2015, so more than a decade later, Agurus there would again be any more reference to those handlebars, so, aligned with axle grease disallowing China and Russia, you may as well say petro-handlebars, themselves. Only now, well don't forget, the year 2016, and on what would've been, if it wasn't a leap year, November 4th 2016 election, day, right into January 21 2017, as of Trump's inauguration; so, some fifteen years later, our mom, Sia Maaseiah hear it announced again, that 'fifty million will die." Now back to the second dream of those handlebars, it's played out with a paper boy, on a bike, along a paper route, whose birthday (Heirson Deburk), is November 4th, but Agurus whose birth year, and why we're again presented with those petro-handlebars, so whose birth year is 1975, one year to the birth of the petrodollar as of 1974, and that my brother, can't be a coincidence. Only this time, instead of seeing China and Russia of the now come petro-yuan, presently, upon these petro-handlebars she see presidential leaders of the United States of America, Obama, Clinton, those responsible for putting Col. Gaddafi and his United States of Africa in the grave, so, to, ah, ah speak. Ah my Christ is Jesus, Aggie, ..Kars you, yes, yes, I'm fine, a light, a thought just now, could that be the beast that was wounded to death yet it lived? That Prince Agurus just come into this reveal just now, an Islamic Hussein was executed, ...yet Kars, an Islamic Hussein lived, and went on to become President and the most powerful world leader this earth. We know now for a duration of the allowance of the dispensation of grace, the church age and Western Civilization given as of Daniel week only now declining into the finale of Daniel's week. Okay, okay, wait," easing into a stand, mouth gating awe, both, tear glistening eyes set around this phenom of an african graceland, his now Darius, Juttah sister called home. Did we Darius, Karsiann Coogan, just agree, that as it is prophesied, that the beast that had a wound as though it'd been wounded to death yet it lived, was just fulfilled when one defeated Hussein past into the most victorious Hussein of all Western to Islamic history? From which Aggie, Mystery Babylon will fall and Daniel little horn will rise, the very end of all kingdom, nation building, she said it, Mother Maaseiah said she'd seen biblical prophecy fulfilled into Jesus, The Bride with Him, again walking among His People and as prophesied Aggie, They inquiring of the wounds in His Hands, those for which He replied He suffered in the house of His Friends, it just flew over heads with it. What, Sis, Kars just happen here, could this be? There was for Sia Maaseiah, an outbreak of antichrist reveals doing Obama's campaign, and now Trump's, right into his, as Senator, being declared, 'the one,' and as America's first American, Islamic president. That he was awarded a time table, of two weeks and seven years we now Aggie know was the finale of Western Civilization, of the dispensation of grace and the church age of allowance. Which then make more sense of Sia Maaseiah witnessing the Jesus husband escaping future tribulation saints to a safe haven, even Aggie, why she witnessed both world changing, ending events, the Brides's rapid escape, America's for a sudden subtraction of 190 years, extinction level event, all happen simultaneously. So Obama is the antichrist? No, not so much Obama, as Hussein world rule, the beginning of Islamic reign, that would like set the stage for the end time rise of ancient beast to Gog and Magog reign, along Trump's and all other world administrations, so fastening Kars upon that "one hour with the beast? Exactly, that Maasiah heard in her hearing, 'one Hour with the beast," just as January 12th past into it's 13th day, ...the month Kars, of the predicted, 2017, fifty million dead, ...I did not, I didn't see that, ...not only so Kars, that early morning Kars of the 13th would past into a day going down in, infamy, as the day of the Hawaii missile alert, and that Kars can't be a coincidence. Because of America, of Western Civilization, said petro-handlebars, having all this time disallowed China and Russia, so, as to go unchecked over the last four decades. Said petro-handlebars has amassed itself a toll on human lives, that is to have a funeral reef attached, that grows, tears and soars into the heavens above, ...and they Kars, the curse of Noah's day, we're incapable of warning any of them, like so, right? Undoubtedly Aggie, a tug of nuclear war in full force over petrocurrency that will claim as predicted Bush's 2002, Obama/ Clinton's 2013-16, and Trump's 2016-017/18, fifty million deaths Us soil alone. Further explaining, Sia Maasiah, doing Bush's seeing a death toll calculated by a fuel, pumping station, gage that sped up and up and up, yeah what Kars did Daniel say he saw of the beast with iron teeth; the Roman Empire, the beginning to the end of our western civilization, well, what he heard? It was commanded Kars, that said mightiest of beast rise up and eat much flesh and it did, it has, and it is. You know when Mother Maaseiah Kars, witnessed that huge container fall and crush Saddam Hussein, though he went on to be executed, ..I know Aggie, in the dream he was diagnosed only as being injured and now we know why, it's potential, well, though wounded to death, prophetically Hussein reign past to one Barack, Hussein Obama. Spelling Kars, the end not only of America, of Western Civilization, slain by it's, and all kingdom, nation stumbling block of iniquity, the petro currency, well the pharmaceutical/petrocurrency. Explaining, when those commanded reapers bearing swordlike syringes were stampeding procrastinating Americans, when it was finished, so was America, remember? One other question Darius Karsiann, will the fall to the rise of the petrocurrency usher in the moneyless society alone the mark of the beast? I mean, it's all here, the Brides escape, the Tribulation Saints set, Prophet Daniel final week, that will usher in the antichrist reign whose mark of the beast is a digital currency. So does that sister mean, the petro-yuan as remarkable as it is, is all short lived, wasn't any sort of value of the petrocurrency spent up in blood totals, by centuries of Western rule? Yeah, Aggie, so what are they truly fighting for? Bush wars, instead of getting the American people greater assets to oceans of oil, he should've been winning them off it's thirst for this world's black, blood, nonetheless, as heart gripping as it all is, as indescribably petrifying. It's all as it should be, as Jesus warn of these end times, a world gone chaotic naturally to nuclear, as those things which must surely come to past. Only two thousand years ago, spoken as the time wasn't yet, yet with an appearing Angel Gabriel 2004, a times, times and half past Daniel's prophecies, now the intravenous reminder, that ours is that generation that will not past away until all as Jesus predicted, be fulfilled, and it is. Mother Maaseiah was reminded months past, the book of Revelation is open, the Angel Gabriel 2004, did as well, when he mention the seventh angel, that too Aggie went over our heads, only now, it's clear. I, on the other hand of prophecy Kars was thinking about the time Sia Maaseiah, fasting about saving Sia Desrek, Allum, passed into visitations of heaven, found herself sorely welcomed and surrounded by its host, not wanting to let her go, to let her return. Yes, Aggie, how they only released her for to say, they couldn't wait to be on the earth with her, really flooring her, anyone if you think about it. Agreeably, that's the part, it left me wondering, just as we debate over how it's finally going to be, being a citizen of heaven? Is it, you think that heaven's host contemplate how it's going to be, being a citizen of earth doing Jesus' Millennium, to God's, Kingdom, a New Jerusalem come down to earth? Really brother, what a marvellous as these unspeakable landscapes to imagine, it's all phenomenally changed, since the Christ of God enduring our cross, lamented it is finish, really. Regardless deception gone on for so long Aggie, men have yet to notice, six thousand years of their rebellious era, now passes into a millennium of holiness of the Lord Christ Jesus. The error, the curse, that for their American dreaming along a wordless, damning pretend, they can't, can't Kars, or won't? There are millions who see, hear, even realize but absolutely right into death refuse to acknowledge it, until they're staring God's judgment to hell's fire of no more denial eye to eye, until then, they honor to reverend deaf ears, blinded eyes and harden hearts, they treasure the American Pretend. Ah, just as I thought, that's little Miya calling, I better get to her, I guess your brother-in law Preece Ebonee and your nephew, Meshullam ran out of things for her to do, ...if you don't mind sister I'll sit this incredible graceland a little longer. Sure, enjoy, see you again soon, even tell Heus I said hey, yes, I'll share what surreal, reveals we stumbled upon, that the wounded to death beast that lived is possibly fulfilled just as an executed Hussein passes into a reigning Hussein, Obama, Islamic/Antichrist reign...our brother newest reveal. blessed, blessed night Aggie." Just as her sweet voice faded into the yonder, did the sound of the jungle all round began to overcome her words and in a way most precious replace them. "Mother, my dear Maaseiah, I know you can hear me, it is as the days of early prophets who spoke thus said the lord only to have it met with mockery, stones and execution. Truly hear them now, as faint hearts say and say, she, this Maaseiah person said it and said it and she was right, their not realizing, a messenger is just that, a messenger. It is that God's Will and Word, His Wine Press of judgment, never, ever returns to Him void, I know, I been hesitant, we all have, but I can wait mother. Though this place, this Juttah Septennial is wordless all round, just hear it, I can't wait to be in heaven with you and Lord Jesus, onto marriage suppers and mansions in heaven, nall, I, well we can't wait. Though for now, as our beloved Darius Karsiann says, blessed, blessed night, wait, there is no night there, even Apostle John verified it, but you know what I mean, love and kisses Mother, Maaseiah, as you ready it, blessed be the specialty stone come as the antichrist murderer, love and kisses." Why Speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed, as their stone gods of plenty, so are they, beware, Apb, The RAM,
The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy
Unto Preece Ebonee Bele and Karsiann Coogan was born their first son Meshellum Kadesh Kroff, and a daughter two years later, Sheus Selah Kroff, and a late son Itcus Ivar Coogan
-Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.
Unto Preece Ebonee Bele and Karsiann Coogan was born their first son Meshellum Kadesh Kroff, and a daughter two years later, Sheus Selah Kroff, and a late son Itcus Ivar Coogan
Unto Agurus Heus Coogan and Chelsea Shiban Welton was born Amir Adam Coogan, an additional son, Agurus Shiban Coogan, and a daughter Megan Kiera Welton
Unto Heus Agurus Coogan and Aslan Myreh Stuart was born their first son Ashton Heus Coogan, their second son, Gabriel Rayan Coogan and a daughter Felicity Elaine Stuard
Scene VII
-What are we doing? Good, come and look at this, the ah, Aggie, Mother, Maaseiah, November 4th death toll, I think it's here, here? I think the landmark to historic move China and Russia just made regarding the petro-yuan, even some say the Russian Ruble, go back, what, nearly two decades now? Well Kars, even further if you consider the St, Elmo street, 1996, visitation and reveal about America's come debt, due, being also her decline as world rule. Okay, but your mother and my mother had a vision 2002, 03, where she witnessed axle grease being placed on handlebars as to disallow Russia and China, doing that same time she witnessed four nations in a block, right? Right, do you brother remember what they were, those four nations? Also ah, something I think that slipped right past us, Sia Maaseiah had about, well, I was going to say visions, or dreams but they were live demonstrations. Those of when the bottom felled out of the earth, once at her work place, once concerning teens and once while she was home, 2010, 2011, whereas now, just this outbreak of earthquakes. Whereas Aggie, every time she was in Memphis, just like those Dunlap Street Dreams, one each with the Obama's, and another, with the little miya girl of come apocalypse. Dunlap street dating back to 1968, Kars, is also the first of the dreams of Americans stampeding into exodus, we know also she watched the entire nation burn, with the most eerie of all dreams. Those as lately as a few weeks ago Aggie of inviting people to a church barbeque, that is not a coincidence, this invite come before some guy by google earth, sees plumes along nearly a dozen US states. He said it looked as though they suddenly went up in smoke, said it happen before, 2011, 2012 and 2014, only this time, with one exception, the same state of Georgia, Sia Maaseiah witnessed a Jesus husband escape some southeast, into. So right now, doing this March dream, she see them all come, all pour into, upon her invitation, again, the state of Georgia,whereas she liken the difference here. Wisely, as to turn them from one barbarbe to another, as Jesus offering the Samaritan woman ....water Kars in place of water, one leadeth from death to the second death, eternal and the other from death, to the blessed death, life, immortal. There's something else Kars, I can see it, ...the same African male that brought her out of a tent of sleeping, to see all the American refugees pouring in, along the African coasts. Well brother, doing this dream, the March, church barbeque, he was there, this church porch, eye to eye reassuring her, it is that he would assist her with this mass migration of Americans pouring into the backyard of an abandoned church parking lot. Come on brother, don't you get it? The pulpits, pews and porches Aggie she saw beast stomping and chomping at people, after their safe haven's along these apostate organizations that were no more. The back of a church parking lot, where she forewarn of being aware of just a continuous smoke filled with demons pouring into the building, this unrealizable manner of pedophilia. So this dream, this fantastic dream appear to be the epoch of it all, of all reveal ever given her, well, all of them, us, don't forget sis, their American dreaming. This american pretend all while the crystal sky by great shod's fall down and obliterated to incinerated all they treasure, even their gold, their bitcoins, now a pale horse judgment come, assets too worthless to be given away. So why call me here for this, why not Heus? He's usually your go to brother, ....really Aggie, don't do that, fifty million people are about to die US soil alone and you and I know it, only after that she's nothing short of those stampeding like never before into the commanded, Moses day exodus our Mother Maaseiah been warning and warning. Plus Heus has assignments along your nephew, First Prince, Silverton Nicholas' exodus, they're by the Aqua Juttah probably in Amman Jordan by now, like I said it, you brother Agurus Heus started it. Ah, well, Sia Maaseiah's four in a block, America, Asia, ah Japan and Russia, I remember, if her memory served her right, those Aggie in a tug of nuclear war right now. Even more so with them expelling one another's diplomats, closing one the other's local conselates, so childish, like they're trying to start a war. I beg to differ Kars, it's more like they were trying to call China and Russia out on their bluff, as to as of the 12th, November 24th/25th, 2017, Matrix ten day count. So as of March 26th, 2018, these two superer powers threat to dethrone the petrodollar, as we know, it didn't work, America, West Rule, as the days of Prophet Jeremiah's King Zedekiah. As the days of the Prophet Ezekiel's commanded reapers, commanded to lay a siege, all three to four corners, only now US soil, they can only start a war. God's judgmental wrath targeting both their soils would finish, as in separating them as predicted by Sia Maaseiah, into itty, bitty pieces. So Aggie, as I was saying, with China and Russia attempting to do what Col. Gaddafi allied with China tried to do 2013, by offering us a much needed right now, with America declining, United States of Africa, and backing it with a petro-gold dinar. It was at this time, 2002, seeing these four continents to nations in a block, Maaseiah heard it said, "fifty million would die!" Ony Kars I did some checking, Mother Maaseiah is not the only one that has seen just these insurmountable death tolls US soil, one guy, prophet, put this toll at twenty million, with Gates. To be sincere his is more earth wide, still he's forewarning, a pale horse type outbreak that's to claim thirty million people, Sia Maaseiah, said, though it was vague, 2016, doing the descent of Jesus' Millennium. So Kars again over a decade later the first predicted, fifty million toll, though she witnessed those as to be left behind, tucked away safely with the Obama's, she saw a toll US soil, that calculated into, like fifteen percent, ...which would then brother be a number between forty to fifty million, ...we know Kars it's fifty million, because that's the set toll, 2002-2017, three to more of her prophetic reveals. You see, it wasn't until 2015, so more than a decade later, Agurus there would again be any more reference to those handlebars, so, aligned with axle grease disallowing China and Russia, you may as well say petro-handlebars, themselves. Only now, well don't forget, the year 2016, and on what would've been, if it wasn't a leap year, November 4th 2016 election, day, right into January 21 2017, as of Trump's inauguration; so, some fifteen years later, our mom, Sia Maaseiah hear it announced again, that 'fifty million will die." Now back to the second dream of those handlebars, it's played out with a paper boy, on a bike, along a paper route, whose birthday (Heirson Deburk), is November 4th, but Agurus whose birth year, and why we're again presented with those petro-handlebars, so whose birth year is 1975, one year to the birth of the petrodollar as of 1974, and that my brother, can't be a coincidence. Only this time, instead of seeing China and Russia of the now come petro-yuan, presently, upon these petro-handlebars she see presidential leaders of the United States of America, Obama, Clinton, those responsible for putting Col. Gaddafi and his United States of Africa in the grave, so, to, ah, ah speak. Ah my Christ is Jesus, Aggie, ..Kars you, yes, yes, I'm fine, a light, a thought just now, could that be the beast that was wounded to death yet it lived? That Prince Agurus just come into this reveal just now, an Islamic Hussein was executed, ...yet Kars, an Islamic Hussein lived, and went on to become President and the most powerful world leader this earth. We know now for a duration of the allowance of the dispensation of grace, the church age and Western Civilization given as of Daniel week only now declining into the finale of Daniel's week. Okay, okay, wait," easing into a stand, mouth gating awe, both, tear glistening eyes set around this phenom of an african graceland, his now Darius, Juttah sister called home. Did we Darius, Karsiann Coogan, just agree, that as it is prophesied, that the beast that had a wound as though it'd been wounded to death yet it lived, was just fulfilled when one defeated Hussein past into the most victorious Hussein of all Western to Islamic history? From which Aggie, Mystery Babylon will fall and Daniel little horn will rise, the very end of all kingdom, nation building, she said it, Mother Maaseiah said she'd seen biblical prophecy fulfilled into Jesus, The Bride with Him, again walking among His People and as prophesied Aggie, They inquiring of the wounds in His Hands, those for which He replied He suffered in the house of His Friends, it just flew over heads with it. What, Sis, Kars just happen here, could this be? There was for Sia Maaseiah, an outbreak of antichrist reveals doing Obama's campaign, and now Trump's, right into his, as Senator, being declared, 'the one,' and as America's first American, Islamic president. That he was awarded a time table, of two weeks and seven years we now Aggie know was the finale of Western Civilization, of the dispensation of grace and the church age of allowance. Which then make more sense of Sia Maaseiah witnessing the Jesus husband escaping future tribulation saints to a safe haven, even Aggie, why she witnessed both world changing, ending events, the Brides's rapid escape, America's for a sudden subtraction of 190 years, extinction level event, all happen simultaneously. So Obama is the antichrist? No, not so much Obama, as Hussein world rule, the beginning of Islamic reign, that would like set the stage for the end time rise of ancient beast to Gog and Magog reign, along Trump's and all other world administrations, so fastening Kars upon that "one hour with the beast? Exactly, that Maasiah heard in her hearing, 'one Hour with the beast," just as January 12th past into it's 13th day, ...the month Kars, of the predicted, 2017, fifty million dead, ...I did not, I didn't see that, ...not only so Kars, that early morning Kars of the 13th would past into a day going down in, infamy, as the day of the Hawaii missile alert, and that Kars can't be a coincidence. Because of America, of Western Civilization, said petro-handlebars, having all this time disallowed China and Russia, so, as to go unchecked over the last four decades. Said petro-handlebars has amassed itself a toll on human lives, that is to have a funeral reef attached, that grows, tears and soars into the heavens above, ...and they Kars, the curse of Noah's day, we're incapable of warning any of them, like so, right? Undoubtedly Aggie, a tug of nuclear war in full force over petrocurrency that will claim as predicted Bush's 2002, Obama/ Clinton's 2013-16, and Trump's 2016-017/18, fifty million deaths Us soil alone. Further explaining, Sia Maasiah, doing Bush's seeing a death toll calculated by a fuel, pumping station, gage that sped up and up and up, yeah what Kars did Daniel say he saw of the beast with iron teeth; the Roman Empire, the beginning to the end of our western civilization, well, what he heard? It was commanded Kars, that said mightiest of beast rise up and eat much flesh and it did, it has, and it is. You know when Mother Maaseiah Kars, witnessed that huge container fall and crush Saddam Hussein, though he went on to be executed, ..I know Aggie, in the dream he was diagnosed only as being injured and now we know why, it's potential, well, though wounded to death, prophetically Hussein reign past to one Barack, Hussein Obama. Spelling Kars, the end not only of America, of Western Civilization, slain by it's, and all kingdom, nation stumbling block of iniquity, the petro currency, well the pharmaceutical/petrocurrency. Explaining, when those commanded reapers bearing swordlike syringes were stampeding procrastinating Americans, when it was finished, so was America, remember? One other question Darius Karsiann, will the fall to the rise of the petrocurrency usher in the moneyless society alone the mark of the beast? I mean, it's all here, the Brides escape, the Tribulation Saints set, Prophet Daniel final week, that will usher in the antichrist reign whose mark of the beast is a digital currency. So does that sister mean, the petro-yuan as remarkable as it is, is all short lived, wasn't any sort of value of the petrocurrency spent up in blood totals, by centuries of Western rule? Yeah, Aggie, so what are they truly fighting for? Bush wars, instead of getting the American people greater assets to oceans of oil, he should've been winning them off it's thirst for this world's black, blood, nonetheless, as heart gripping as it all is, as indescribably petrifying. It's all as it should be, as Jesus warn of these end times, a world gone chaotic naturally to nuclear, as those things which must surely come to past. Only two thousand years ago, spoken as the time wasn't yet, yet with an appearing Angel Gabriel 2004, a times, times and half past Daniel's prophecies, now the intravenous reminder, that ours is that generation that will not past away until all as Jesus predicted, be fulfilled, and it is. Mother Maaseiah was reminded months past, the book of Revelation is open, the Angel Gabriel 2004, did as well, when he mention the seventh angel, that too Aggie went over our heads, only now, it's clear. I, on the other hand of prophecy Kars was thinking about the time Sia Maaseiah, fasting about saving Sia Desrek, Allum, passed into visitations of heaven, found herself sorely welcomed and surrounded by its host, not wanting to let her go, to let her return. Yes, Aggie, how they only released her for to say, they couldn't wait to be on the earth with her, really flooring her, anyone if you think about it. Agreeably, that's the part, it left me wondering, just as we debate over how it's finally going to be, being a citizen of heaven? Is it, you think that heaven's host contemplate how it's going to be, being a citizen of earth doing Jesus' Millennium, to God's, Kingdom, a New Jerusalem come down to earth? Really brother, what a marvellous as these unspeakable landscapes to imagine, it's all phenomenally changed, since the Christ of God enduring our cross, lamented it is finish, really. Regardless deception gone on for so long Aggie, men have yet to notice, six thousand years of their rebellious era, now passes into a millennium of holiness of the Lord Christ Jesus. The error, the curse, that for their American dreaming along a wordless, damning pretend, they can't, can't Kars, or won't? There are millions who see, hear, even realize but absolutely right into death refuse to acknowledge it, until they're staring God's judgment to hell's fire of no more denial eye to eye, until then, they honor to reverend deaf ears, blinded eyes and harden hearts, they treasure the American Pretend. Ah, just as I thought, that's little Miya calling, I better get to her, I guess your brother-in law Preece Ebonee and your nephew, Meshullam ran out of things for her to do, ...if you don't mind sister I'll sit this incredible graceland a little longer. Sure, enjoy, see you again soon, even tell Heus I said hey, yes, I'll share what surreal, reveals we stumbled upon, that the wounded to death beast that lived is possibly fulfilled just as an executed Hussein passes into a reigning Hussein, Obama, Islamic/Antichrist reign...our brother newest reveal. blessed, blessed night Aggie." Just as her sweet voice faded into the yonder, did the sound of the jungle all round began to overcome her words and in a way most precious replace them. "Mother, my dear Maaseiah, I know you can hear me, it is as the days of early prophets who spoke thus said the lord only to have it met with mockery, stones and execution. Truly hear them now, as faint hearts say and say, she, this Maaseiah person said it and said it and she was right, their not realizing, a messenger is just that, a messenger. It is that God's Will and Word, His Wine Press of judgment, never, ever returns to Him void, I know, I been hesitant, we all have, but I can wait mother. Though this place, this Juttah Septennial is wordless all round, just hear it, I can't wait to be in heaven with you and Lord Jesus, onto marriage suppers and mansions in heaven, nall, I, well we can't wait. Though for now, as our beloved Darius Karsiann says, blessed, blessed night, wait, there is no night there, even Apostle John verified it, but you know what I mean, love and kisses Mother, Maaseiah, as you ready it, blessed be the specialty stone come as the antichrist murderer, love and kisses." Why Speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed, as their stone gods of plenty, so are they, beware, Apb, The RAM,
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