What Is A Zillion Times Worse Than Losing Your Child To A Mass School To Public Shooting?

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 02/22/208
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The End Of All Nation Building (Dan. 2, Rev. 17/18)

Hello, Anybody Out There?

      -This apostle, THEY call me, sentiments, exactly, the nations are angry, the heathen rage, Israel's is threatening, Abbas call on his eight, calculating the final ten heads, then I hear in my ear, 01/13/2018, "one hour with the beast, if you realize, sorely prophesied announcement of Rev. 17, "one hour with the beast," was made only hours before the Hawaii missile alert, and it's though, those four continents to nations in a block I saw, 2002, Asia. America, Japan and Russia and off and running, this tug of nuclear war, in full throttle, beware, Apb, 

The Little Miya Girl Of Apocalypse Our Procrastinating Escape Vehicles, Indeed, http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-need-you-to-understand.html

The Little Miya Girl Of Come A Translation Into A New Era For A Toll Of Two Quarters, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/coming-i-hear-you-please-stop-knocking.html


     -The Secrets Of Memphis, Egypt, Tennessee, 1811, Is Hussein Obama Come A Moses or A Muhammad, Is The New Madrid Fault, The New Sleeping Giant? https://www.rightsidenews.com/2016/01/28/new-madrid-earthquake-coming-america-will-shaken-like-never/ and here http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-will-put-none-of-these-diseases-upon.html

Prophecy Links

     -And I heard in my hearing 2002-2017/18, one hour with beast, 10.2 earthquake, Mede is very dirty, don't touch Geneva! HAMATH, it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it, 10. 2 earthquake, America, Britain, separate them into itty, bitty pieces, earthquake, West Pacific Canada, Synchronize Israel, finish all schools, fifty millions will die, a Noah's cousin, HAMATH, wipe Canada from the map, Kill all parents, 10. 2 earthquake, The Eastern Seaboard is gone, HAMATH, earthquake,West Pacific Canada, smiling faces don't last, Judgment now, NOW! A Noah's cousin, "One hour with the beast," (01/13/2018), fifty million will die! HAMATH, No further delay, A Noah's Cousin, no further delay, no further delay, one hour with the beast, (Jan. 13th -29th), Kill! Beware, Apb, see here, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2018/02/all-hail-to-united-states-united.html

     -What Is A Zillion Times Worst Than Losing Your Child To A Mass Schools To Public Shooting? Jesus Threat To Cast All Abominable Sleepovers Of The Perverted Sickbed Into Great Tribulation And To Kill Their Children With Death

     -I know, now to remind you of what you already know but refuse alone worthless sacrifices, you can march, you can shoot up fireworks to bring heaven pause, you can fly flags of a rainbow covenant now broken to splitterings, hell's enthused invitation. Ritually, burn your candlelight vigils and applaud town halls to apostate altars, all while I apostle THEY, call me, tell you, Unendingly, the bullets kill as all easily achieved weapons of mass destruction. Though the truth be told, and told and told, the underlying culprit is actually the heart, the curse, the seatbed of affections and infliction, it's the problem, it's the single, utmost inhumane, villain, meaning you are your own worst enemy. Therefore everyone, young and old should be lined up behind the biblically recorded woman with the issue of blood or those parents, 'Miracles From Heaven.' As men's black heart, that hollowed out tree.
   -This mountainous stumbling block that stood between them and the solution to their, our babies and loved ones dying, both horrid situations. These terrifying circumstances, of helplessness, now crying if they could but touch the hem of His garment, Jesus the heart, blood healer, (if I could but touch the hem of his garment), "I know, I can be made whole, ...Repent or Perish, cried Jesus! I am the way, truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father, except by me, except a man be born again he shall not enter God's kingdom, strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth to life, and few there be that find it, he that save his life shall lose it, he that lose his life for my sake shall gain it forevermore, light hath come, but men love darkness rather than light for their deeds are evil, I will cast you into a bed, thy lovers into great tribulations, except ye repent, I will kill your children with death, you shall not see me again until you cry, blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord.
      -When you read the blog entitled, "and a child shall lead them," (www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com), you gonna read about a five to six year old, preschool to first grader. A proposed innocent one who just learned what a from birth, heart of indecision is capable of, both the horror or the holy, whether you're one or the other solely depend upon a single decision making. Thus the single words lately, "Decide (the first Eden, Adam) and 'Gethsemane,' ( The second, last Adam), whether you're massacred. Or whether you're a potential massacrer lies in this single heart making between your will or God's, herewith, it's ancient truth, stop being deceived and stop deceiving others, you, your heart is your own worst enemy. For example, I read where this shooters host family called him a monster, then instantly my question was, what do they think is apparently waiting, that's with lethal potential in the unrepentant to untamed seat bed of affections of every cursed from birth, human being?
     -Just see here, here it is written, talking to religious to political leaders, the go to of the people, apparently He already knew how wickedly these hearts, they would plot and lead to His Own crucifixion. Again, religious to political leaders, I admit, Jesus Himself only named a few of these monsters sitting dormant as recently as now exploding volcanoes, every heart at any given time, understand, that's every heart, at any given time. Until you, American leads, presidential to peasant vote to approach this curse with the only means by which to perform a spiritual heart surgery, of a heart transplant. It doesn't take a child, genius to know, until then all you have, at any given time is a reaching for the wind of tumbling along volatile indecision and your school grounds are victimized along the collateral damage of a normalcy bias, you call America the Trump (great). So, when the holy spirit portray rebellious men this ginormous maze of incalculable ruin to millions lined up patiently at a single water cooler.
     -Indefinitely, not only is featured here a physical thirst, an apocalypse now come, but a spiritual famine the heart's blood, apocalypse, the heart of men, Whereas the living water, springing up into immortal life that is alone God's Christ, Jesus, is the single, measureless, though forfeited, it's single answer. The woman with the issue of blood, that is all men, cursed is anyone who hang on a tree/cross, Jesus died to heal all of us, and if we, like her, don't learn by this last mass shooting. It is that nothing of men's religions, their politics, socialism, their money, meds, to military, that clearly all these millennials, vain is the help of man. Then instead, get theirs and themselves to Jesus' altars and kiss Him, Them, they will all remain as, in an arena of sitting ducks along the spinning chamber, it's darken barreled out heart, of the next hellish gun violence to Armageddon, where with millions refusing divine transplant, the next potential American, to monster, to massacre is endless, ....is endless, beware, Apb, see here, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2018/02/the-exodus-of-pier-swanson-lakeside.html and here, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2018/02/the-ark-of-love-of-salvation-regan.html

     -PS, understand Tribulation Saints, the reigning Bride's assigned intercession, now that mass assembly is being disassembled by Jesus' description Mat. 24, of the abomination that maketh desolate, (except there come a falling away first, II Thess. 2:3, ancient beast to antichrist reign, Dan. 7, Rev. 13, 17), get to your commanded by God, escape! Tribulation Saints, understand, your iron stand then will be in all likeness of what is that freedom in the spirit, Jesus is explaining to the religious leader Nicodemus and the forbidden, Samaritan woman, Jacob's well, St. Jn. 3rd and 4:4-42. 
     -God's word placed in your mind, God's word written on your heart, Jer. 30:2, Hebrews, 8:10; 10:16, you now born again, (Gal. 2:20), set free of the great whore of organized religion, (Ps. 37, Isa. 13, Rev. 17/18, US's Government). No doubt you will all the more move freely, as spirit, truth and divine ascension, fret not, a blessed death (Rev. 14:13), as Jesus of Resurrection, (St, Jn. 11:25) hath you all, STAND! (Ephs. 6:13, Beware, Apb, see more here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx8VHOmhmQI and here, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2018/02/the-ark-of-love-of-salvation-regan.html

Listening To Big, Daddy Weave, Overwhelmed, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiGb14tTaH4

Early To Mighty The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 02/23/2018
All Hail To The Bride Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Antichrist Murderer

Hello, Anybody Out There?

The Little Miya Girl Of Apocalypse Our Procrastinating Escape Vehicles, Indeed, http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-need-you-to-understand.html

The Little Miya Girl Of Come A Translation Into A New Era For A Toll Of Two Quarters, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/coming-i-hear-you-please-stop-knocking.html


     -The Secrets Of Memphis, Egypt, Tennessee, 1811, Is Hussein Obama Come A Moses or A Muhammad, Is The New Madrid Fault, The New Sleeping Giant? https://www.rightsidenews.com/2016/01/28/new-madrid-earthquake-coming-america-will-shaken-like-never/ and here http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-will-put-none-of-these-diseases-upon.html

Prophecy Links

Some Say Escape To New Zealand As Your Life And Thus Your Soul Depend Upon It!

     -I know Lisa, They Know what I've been told these thirty years, America, American Dreaming Whose Deadly Foolishness God, For The Fulfillment of Christ's Cross These Two Millennials, Once Winked At, But Now Commands Both Repentance And Escape, (altars and grab bags)! They Know America Is Over, This Mean Your Religious To Political Leaders Know As Well, It's What The Whisper In My Hear, "One Hour With The Beast," 01/13/2018, Into Hawaii Missile Alert, As So The Congressman Train Wreck Right Into The Downing Of That Syrian Fighter Jet Syrian Soil, And Now Israel Pounding Iran, Hamas, the prophesied neighbor/enemy they're instead given over too, Is All About.
     -Yet. Your Trump Is Building A Wall, Meaning They Plan To Leave Hundreds Of Millions Of Americans, As To Sit, As Sitting Ducks, A Post Apocalyptic Era, They're Yet Dreaming Will Bring Them Peace and Safety, Yet Prophetically, Tens Of Millions Are Dead, Millions Are Missing Including The Bride, While Millions Ready To Wave Through An Epidemic As The Pale Horse Judgment Itself, As All Else Turn Its Attention To Israel, Islam and Soon The Antichrist Reveal, Now As Apostle Peter Would Ask, Knowing This, Well Lisa, No more United kingdom, no More United States, No More Canada, And We Read And Heard What They Did To The Purposed United States Of Africa, Knowing This, If Not In Heaven With Jesus, What Part Of The World Would You Rather Be? Beware. Apb, The RAM

     -Trump The Master Building, America, Have You Fallen Before? Do YOu KNow The Secrets Of Memphis? Yours Is A Nuclear fate, Even 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava To A Noah (NOAA"s), Have You, Trump's Wall just A Facade, Altars And Grab Bags, The Only Escape!

     -Beware, Trump building this wall instead of an escape bridge toward America's commanded exodus will be seen as just another declaration of peace and safety that will be followed by sudden destruction, just as we fasten into its ninth, (Nov. 24/25th, 2017),  Matrix ten day count. Perhaps only days past, the 10.2 earthquake I heard and days into it, I heard further, major, major earthquake, West Pacific, Canada, yes, I'm afraid it was that clear. No doubt Geoffrey, the very wall I witnessed 2007, prevent stampeding Americans refugees, family, friends, from escaping south into the Mexican border, it was all fenced in, as to disallow them.
     -Though that too is the RAM's prophetic, forewarning, no more America, nothing it's continent, north, south, east or west, it's Caribbean coast, it's various affiliates this planet, is acceptable. Nothing except the complete abandonment of all things America to Western made, thought or dreamed. Commanded reapers bearing natures worse, target all procrastinating escape and I tell you, nothing was left of America, of West Rule, but a manner of magnetic memorabilia one is hang on the refrigerator, but I guess at least that's something, right? Trump's wall is as to handle wrestle with God's Willed Prophecies, where Jesus Cross, God's Trump declared the winner, the moment he cried, "it is finished,"  why do the heathen rage?"

Early To Mighty The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 02/23/2018
All Hail To The Bride Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Antichrist Murderer

Prophecy Links

     -And I heard in my hearing 2002-2017/18, one hour with beast, 10.2 earthquake, Mede is very dirty, don't touch Geneva! HAMATH, it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it, 10. 2 earthquake, America, Britain, separate them into itty, bitty pieces, major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada, Synchronize Israel, finish all schools, fifty millions will die, a Noah's cousin, HAMATH, wipe Canada from the map, Kill all parents, 10. 2 earthquake, The Eastern Seaboard is gone, HAMATH, major, major earthquake,West Pacific Canada, cities hit, it's a hit, Guam just did it, smiling faces don't last, Judgment now, NOW! A Noah's cousin, "One hour with the beast," (01/13/2018), fifty million will die! HAMATH, No further delay, A Noah's Cousin, it's a hit, cities hot, Guam just did it, no further delay, no further delay, one hour with the beast, (Jan. 13th -29th), Kill! Beware, Apb, see here, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2018/02/all-hail-to-united-states-united.html
     -Just A Measurement Of Jerusalem's Courtyard is Hand Off To Her Neighbors For 42 Months of It, Then The Little Horn For 42 Months, The Abomination Of desolation, Jesus said, Escape! Rev. 11, 13 Chpts, www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com

     -An Article On BIN's.com entitled, Islam must be stopped if western civilization is to survive, you see this kind of talk, this dreaming their cataclysms away isn't only why commanded reapers. Those bearing natures worse ever are targeting Americans and stampeding them into a Moses day exodus where every scientific conservatory, Planetary, Cosmic, Volcanic, Seismic, Technical, Financial and Military are all lined up one behind the other with their various nightmarish scenarios of extinction levels events all pending, America to western civilization. I see the date on this drill, (Juniper, Cobra Drill), I see that it marks the 10th, and if so be it, an 11th (Nov. 24/25th, 2017) Matrix Ten day count, whereas Trump's declarations of Jerusalem into Abbas calling forth his eight. Lest I forget, the stampeding of elephants where all Dec. 5-15th, the first and second Matrix ten day count, clearly with us hour by hour speeding into it's ninth, where it's tenth could be as Egypt's tenth plague of death.
     -Some may ask, well how serious is this? And I saw it as serious as the calling and formatting, as the days of Ezekiel commanded reapers, designed to kill old and young without mercy. Right into the Mayan indian 2012 predictions of apocalypse of a November 4th, 2014, Westernized, outbreak of death and dying of being reminded by yet the appointment of the little miya girl of come apocalypse, staying your procrastinating, escape vehicles. No doubt parked along four separate dreams (America's first Exodus, Obama, Michelle, Little Miya), of Dunlap street, as in time done lapsed, street. I Warn, how these end times of Ancient Beast reign and Daniel saw a little horn rise out of all of it, these are not the days of the six days war, nor of America going untouched by making wars on someone else's soil. I warn, beware the eastern seaboard as well as the west, I saw the west disappear, I heard the east was also gone from us.
     -Be forewarn and warn, these are not those days, even the seventh angel, especially of Revelation 17 for three nights straight, Jan. 26-29th, 2004-2018, after thirty years of forewaring, THEY are now fierce with urgent warnings still. How it is there's no more doomsday passover, cataclysms come US soil are now, as in right now, as in the word puzzle of 'Judgment Now' and the word 'NOW,' as a blinking light of caution! America will fall to a Noah (NOAA's), cousin, Israel to Hamath, Hamath to Mede. As so, Mede (gog and magog), to the stone cut out without hands, that the reigning Bride did ready and release as the antichrist, as Mede's, as gog and magog murderer. Get ye to repentant altars, God as promised and prophesied is avenging martyred blood and except these days be shorten, no flesh shall be saved, but for the elect sake, (Trib saints, Two Olive Branches, 144,000, specialty saints ), those days shall be shorten, beware, know, the reigning Bride's assigned intercessory are the elect being in the realm of ancient beast to the Antichrist reign, Apb, The RAM, see more here,  http://cometotoderickandoceanaescape18.blogspot.com/2018/02/youve-just-entered-african-juttah-2017.html

Early To Mighty The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 02/24/2018
All Hail To The Bride Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Antichrist Murderer

Hello, Anybody Out There?

The Little Miya Girl Of Apocalypse Our Procrastinating Escape Vehicles, Indeed, http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-need-you-to-understand.html

The Little Miya Girl Of Come A Translation Into A New Era For A Toll Of Two Quarters, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/coming-i-hear-you-please-stop-knocking.html


     -The Secrets Of Memphis, Egypt, Tennessee, 1811, Is Hussein Obama Come A Moses or A Muhammad, Is The New Madrid Fault, The New Sleeping Giant? https://www.rightsidenews.com/2016/01/28/new-madrid-earthquake-coming-america-will-shaken-like-never/ and here http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-will-put-none-of-these-diseases-upon.html

Prophecy Links

     -And I heard in my hearing 2002-2017/18, one hour with beast, 10.2 earthquake, Mede is very dirty, don't touch Geneva! HAMATH, it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it, 10. 2 earthquake, America, Britain, separate them into itty, bitty pieces, major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada, Synchronize Israel, finish all schools, fifty millions will die, a Noah's cousin, HAMATH, wipe Canada from the map, Kill all parents, 10. 2 earthquake, The Eastern Seaboard is gone, HAMATH, major, major earthquake,West Pacific Canada, cities hit, it's a hit, Guam just did it, smiling faces don't last, Judgment now, NOW! A Noah's cousin, "One hour with the beast," (01/13/2018), fifty million will die! HAMATH, No further delay, A Noah's Cousin, it's a hit, cities hot, Guam just did it, no further delay, no further delay, one hour with the beast, (Jan. 13th -29th), Kill! Beware, Apb, see here, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2018/02/all-hail-to-united-states-united.html

Just A Measurement Of Jerusalem's Courtyard is Hand Off To Her Neighbors For 42 Months of It, Then The Little Horn For 42 Months, The Abomination Of Desolation, Jesus said, Escape! www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com

     -Massive is the word Lisa, although I think claims of false flags is to explain away as to blind people to the fact that God's Righteous judgement is doing and or allowing the dismantling of America. Truthfully, it's not unlike Elohim's Ancient of years nature from Noah's earth to the days of the Roman Empire to allow a nation to implode as well as explode, Rev. 17, according to His commanding will. I cannot express, the urgency I was given those three nights of dreaming, Jan 26-29th, 2018, right before the congressman trainwreck, it was as if I was taken by the seventh angel, Apostle John, Rev 17 bares evidence to and he was tremendous with warning how there would be no further delay, disasters come, US to Western soil.
     -No more apocalyptic passovers, doomsday is here, as in now, as in right now this very second, three nights of this now, and soon, beware the eastern seaboard as well as the many warnings gone into the US West Pacific, and east-west, Memphis,  Tennessee. Since this Angel being so mighty with forewarnings, I've heard in my ear, 10.2 earthquake and days later so clearly, "major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada. I've heard it commanded years now that Canada be wiped from the map, and for years now I've seen Canadians lead about like Cattle, I know if you are paying attention. I did see, when commanded reapers as the days of Ezekiel's 9, bearing sword like syringes for stampeding the people, I saw that when they were finished, all that was left of western civilization (the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, into all that's Western Rule this entire planet), was a magnetic form of memorabilia one is to hang on the refrigerator, beware Apb, The RAM

Now Trump Is Denying, He Ever Suggested Arming The Classroom, If So, Good For Him, It's A Ridiculously Deadly Ideal, Take Your Children Back From Them, 

    -I know, it seem as the days of Prophet Samuel, His Dealing With A Kingly Sickbed, That Carried Itself And Perished, As Though There Was No God Of Israel, Nor Of Jesus' Cross In The Land Of America, Mass Bloodletting In The Ancient Arena Of Violence Begets Violence, Thus Said The Lord, Come Out Her My People, Take no Part In This, As Thy Reap What They've Sown Into rebellious Men, Mat. 24/Rev 18

Prophecy Link

    -And I Heard In My Hearing, "the dying of schools is painful, go down to the middle schools and cast a stone, I also heard, kill all parents by, finish all schools, Finish Them! Said God To The Commanded Reapers As Of, Eze. 9, Rev 2 www.repentnow2011.blogspot.com 

     -So are most churches, homes, armed, and have nightmarish stories to verify it, where these killing tools have been used violently and deadly inside these various safe-havens. Remember the human being without a righteous head, Jesus Christ, are very unpredictable, pending, they are psychotic to chaotic. How many of these educators are like American teens to it's military, suicidal themselves, how many live mentally on a volatile to violent edge, with deadly prescription drugs stirred in? How long before we hear and read about one of these armed teachers, and now all the more possible an armed student, that by a furious rage.
     -Herein taking their weapon of mass destruction and slaying an entire class before they kill themselves, an unthinkable as the Parkland shooting, that school, that neighborhood, act of murder suicide, well at least you won't be asking, who armed them? God nor bible prophecy will be ignored, the Prophet Ezekiel, it's 36th chapter, describes seeing God perform heart surgery for this very reason, for one of the evils laying dormand the human blood lineage. Meaning they don't actually need a reason let alone thirteen of them, in the blood is immortally the potential to deceive and commit murder. Whereas according to Jesus, there is one remedy, I admit you not gonna like it because naturally, your deeds are evil, and spiritually, Jesus, He's plain, Godly, and you, you must be born again, teh flesh must be pound into the dusk, like, that's gonna really hurt.
     -Equally why, one of those things I witnessed, 1993, when Prophet Ezekiel was graced with opening three time tested doors in God's throne to me. Like him, I saw when this Sunlight of God, come as a hand, a surgeon, as to reach into the very cavity wall of this multitude. Then bring out their birth upon, cursed heart, I saw as their sure one enemy beat from a curse to blessedness in His Hand. I witnessed still, when He instead gave them a fresh heart, a blood lineage as of the compassionate Christ' Lord, Jesus; that we might receive the adoption of sons, now the Royal Priest. Great is the mystery of Godliness indeed, now even the Angels have a God, who put on flesh and endured a cross for the man who once was lost, got Him, got Jesus yet? Beware, Apb, The RAM, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com, www.2015jesuscomeknocking.blogspot.com www.thelightofctentri.blogspot.com

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 02/22/208
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The End Of All Nation Building (Dan. 2, Rev. 17/18)

Hello, Anybody Out There?

      -This apostle, THEY call me, sentiments, exactly, the nations are angry, the heathen rage, Israel's is threatening, Abbas call on his eight, calculating the final ten heads, then I hear in my ear, 01/13/2018, "one hour with the beast, if you realize, sorely prophesied announcement of Rev. 17, "one hour with the beast," was made only hours before the Hawaii missile alert, and it's though, those four continents to nations in a block I saw, 2002, Asia. America, Japan and Russia and off and running, this tug of nuclear war, in full throttle, beware, Apb,

The Little Miya Girl Of Apocalypse Our Procrastinating Escape Vehicles, Indeed, http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-need-you-to-understand.html

The Little Miya Girl Of Come A Translation Into A New Era For A Toll Of Two Quarters, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/coming-i-hear-you-please-stop-knocking.html


     -The Secrets Of Memphis, Egypt, Tennessee, 1811, Is Hussein Obama Come A Moses or A Muhammad, Is The New Madrid Fault, The New Sleeping Giant? https://www.rightsidenews.com/2016/01/28/new-madrid-earthquake-coming-america-will-shaken-like-never/ and here http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-will-put-none-of-these-diseases-upon.html

Prophecy Links

     -And I heard in my hearing 2002-2017/18, one hour with beast, 10.2 earthquake, Mede is very dirty, don't touch Geneva! HAMATH, it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it, 10. 2 earthquake, America, Britain, separate them into itty, bitty pieces, earthquake, West Pacific Canada, Synchronize Israel, finish all schools, fifty millions will die, a Noah's cousin, HAMATH, wipe Canada from the map, Kill all parents, 10. 2 earthquake, The Eastern Seaboard is gone, HAMATH, earthquake,West Pacific Canada, smiling faces don't last, Judgment now, NOW! A Noah's cousin, "One hour with the beast," (01/13/2018), fifty million will die! HAMATH, No further delay, A Noah's Cousin, no further delay, no further delay, one hour with the beast, (Jan. 13th -29th), Kill! Beware, Apb, see here, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2018/02/all-hail-to-united-states-united.html

     -What Is A Zillion Times Worst Than Losing Your Child To A Mass Schools To Public Shooting? Jesus Threat To Cast All Abominable Sleepovers Of The Perverted Sickbed Into Great Tribulation And To Kill Their Children With Death

-The first Nov. 24/25th 2017, Matrix ten day count, Dec 5th, began with Pres. Trump making declarations of Jerusalem, and the sight, sounds and chaos of elephants stampeding. It's second, Dec. 15th count, was about Palestine's leader Abbas, fury and calling on eght in particular resisters, his and Israel, making the final ten heads. Speeding onward whereas we are into it's ninth Matrix, ten day and we're revisited about the most important in biblical to human history, world news; just as Angel Gabriel 2004 and the Seventh Angel Trumpet, Jan. 26-29th, 2018 have all come these present days to hours reminders. This as the days of old, patriotic fathers to prophets, into Jesus and His Holy Apostles, as to forewarn us now referencing Daniel's 7-12, chapts, and Revelation's book, especially, it's 17-19th chapts; in their words, all things are unto fulfillment. As so, no further delay, no more doomsdays Passovers, come doomsday US soil is now, beware the eastern seaboard as well as the inundated with forewarnings US West Pacific, now having a major, major earthquake, threatening It's Canadian border, beware, Apb, The RAM,
Syrian Wars, Make Orphans Out of Children, You Think? Correct Me, But Don't All Wars To Sanctions Kind Of Does That? www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com -This is ancient beast reign, the heathen raging, this is war, this is the final jihad, it's worse to hit the planet right into Armageddon. Tell me, what did you think was going to happen when 2016, elections, those God cast an Ezekiel's day fury at, called for America to be great again, just as so, what did you think was going to happen? Without shedding of blood, preferably Syria's, the Kingdom nation all these millennials, made with beastly hands all other kingdom nations keep breaking and breaking themselves against; greatness as you Americans design isn't possible unless it's driving Beast, rise up with iron teeth and take much flesh, meaning American voters, WESTERNERS, refusing to repent, are just as responsible for these horrors, beware, Apb, The RAM, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com -PS. What Does The Roman Empire, The Ides Of March and President Bush, 2002, being voted to make war even nuclear, if it come to that, all have in common? There's even a cry 2002 that fifty millions would die, right into Bush's war, 2003, on the axis of evil being declared, "one error (ERROR!!!!! 02/24/2018, Jer. 37:8, 1998), into a new fear factor." Whereas, 2013, an Obama/Clinton allegiance was shown to be as a Nov. 4th funeral reef, tearing into the heavens this insurmountable death toll on human life. Whereas in 2015 we were warn there's something about PM. Cameron, evenly, just after a Nov. 8th, 2016 election, a day before it's inauguration, of its newly elected President Trump, -Clearly, a voice was declared again, as Bush's 2002/2003, Obama/Clinton 2013, Cameron's 2015, and now Trump's 2017, and four continents to nations in a block, Asia. America, Japan and Russia, so for one and a half decades, that fifty millions will die! When I witnessed a calculated death toll US soil, just as I witnessed, 2016, Jesus healing wings and leaves descend into an Obama/Michelle world reign. Said toll, US soil, was by a total of 15%, so just around 47, 48, to 50 million US soil alone, and then a pale horse rose, as so did an Islamic/antichrist, as of Prophet Daniel's, final week of years, Dan. 9, Rev. 17/18 chpts., come into focus, it's the witness of seeing a US General hand off his horse to a Prophet Jeremiah, 37:8, 1998, beware, Apb, get it, get Jesus and get (ascend), out....and get out!!!!!


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