
Hello, Anybody Out There?

     -Seen to be seeing in lower case, bold letters, the word "error,' the last time I received such a warning, Israel's troubles with its Arab/Muslim neighbors spilled unto US soil. Soon Bush wars in response were declared in my ear, as, "one error/era into a new fear factor, ( This reveal was before predicting a Hussein Whitehouse, 2003, before I watched and heard verify, a huge container, crush Saddam Hussein and declare him injured. Regardless as all things prophetic, we end up with a Hussein Reign, but practically nothing in comparison to these end times and Trump right now inciting Jerusalem's enemies, not only against her, but against US soil. 
     -Obama's assigned two weeks and seven years Administration right into what has come ancient beast reign was nothing in comparison to the authentic Hussein/Islamic world rule, allied like never before by devils and demons pouring and pouring upon the earth into an antichrist reign.One lesson we learn, from H. W Bush Gulf, Clinton's Hotel Rwanda, Obama's Sex same marriage vote (the abomination that maketh US soil desolate) to Colonial Gaddafi's US of Africa, Cameron's Brexit and Trump's, presently, this very hour, Jerusalem to Palestine, you could say all the hutch back Camel to now stampeding  Elephant, the brokeback mountain that broke these western leaders to it's bloodthirsty western civilization.
     -Just as so the lesson, like parents not daring to choose sides of fueling sibling unless they won't chaos all the time, peace never be to had or brokered, America, counted as the authentic united nations, the true united kingdom, cannot or should never choose sides, they can only stay neutral until said nations summits come or bring ancient of years of turf wars to acceptable solution. So when I looked at President Bush that day, when he was being interviewed about Israel's enemies, while on the gulf, and he commented, Israel has the right to defend itself, but so does its neighbors, God so loved the world, resolve it's differences by giving them a heart of one character, blood reconciliation.

 -Just A Measurement Of Jerusalem's Courtyard is Hand Off To Her Neighbors For 42 Months of It, Then The Little Horn For 42 Months, The Abomination Of Desolation, Jesus said, Escape!

   -PS. What Does The Roman Empire, The Ides Of March and President Bush, 2002, being voted to make war even nuclear, if it come to that, all have in common? There's even a cry 2002 that fifty millions would die, right into Bush's war, 2003, on the axis of evil being declared, "one error (ERROR, 02/24/2018, Jer. 37:8, 1998), into a new fear factor." Whereas, 2013, an Obama/Clinton allegiance was shown to be as a Nov. 4th funeral reef, tearing into the heavens this insurmountable death toll on human life. Whereas in 2015 we were warn there's something about PM. Cameron, evenly, just after a Nov. 8th, 2016 election, a day before it's inauguration, of its newly elected President Trump,
     -Clearly, a voice was declared again, as Bush's 2002/2003, Obama/Clinton 2013, Cameron's 2015, and now Trump's 2017, and four continents to nations in a block, Asia. America, Japan and Russia, so for one and a half decades, that fifty millions will die. When I witnessed a calculated death toll US soil, just as I witnessed, 2016, Jesus healing wings and leaves descend into an Obama/Michelle world reign. Said toll US soil, was by a total of 15%, so just around 47, 48, to 50 million US soil alone, and
 then a pale horse rose, as so did an Islamic/antichrist reign, as of Prophet Daniel's, final week of years, Dan. 9, Rev. 17/18 chpts., come into focus, beware, Apb, get it, get Jesus and get out....and get out!!!!!


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