Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 01/02/2018
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Preparing The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer
Righteously Dividing The Enemy Listening To, we exalt Thee, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hMb8g8cOgE, we exalt thee, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjrQBDnjUB0, we exalt thee, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmimsDkqX10

     -The Roar Of The Lion, The Speed Of The Leopard, The Mockery Of The Demon Dog, (see Memphis Egypt, Anubis), In A Number Like The Grains Of Sand, The Fallen Will Follow, Will Wallow, This Fall, Rev.20:8

      -As The Yellow to Pink Floras Upon The Cactus Bush, So Is My Lilly Among The Thorns Of Men Pending Armageddon , www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com
O that thou wert as my brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother! when I should find thee without, I would kiss thee; yea, I should not be despised.

Scene I, Days Past Apocalypse The Brides Escape, The Desolations of America, Mall Living

     "This where you are Piers man, I been, it's Pier, no s I keep telling you that and stop stressing, you know where to find me man, you don't get tired of watching that? It keep me alert, toughens me up  even, this reminder you know, where I'm from, where I must go.  Man, I was just thinking how just before it all happen, I was sent by her to read one of her parables, and I so hated her for it Caleb man, I'd asked an arrogant question and that's how she answered you know, and by her you mean Sia Maaseiah? It was about a young couple, the wife of which a testimonial about how we're living Caleb man, right now, I can still hear her ask, where is it you want to be, when the worse to happen, happens any and every d-day now? The wife I spoke of, she had one dream about a mall, where they spend the night shopping, window shopping and having the greatest of fun, whereas another, the mall had instead been made into a fallout to bomb shelter, where people like ourselves were hiding for their lives, and there was no more shopping. What do you think about what Mr. Lowdy said, how we've possibly worn out our welcome here, that the authorities are rounding up people and for those refusing, it's not looking pretty, not looking pretty, really? They're beheading all rebels and where does Mr. Lowdy suggest we go? We're far from any coast in any direction, I know man, but I guess we just gonna start walking, when, when are we leaving on the most dangerous and deadliest adventure of our life time, well to be honest many have already left, many you say, like who? Many ok? So when you wanna go? When, where, even Caleb, how, you know there are still a lot of bikes, bike greer here, I say we load up a couple and get to going, and what about her, Margie? Why, she say something?  Hey, hey quiet, now that'a new, that's a new report, {{{ "what you are seeing on your screens is a list of locations where you are welcome to, come where you will have room and board and all you need at your convenience, all risk free. The NTB is not your enemy, we are here to help, NTB? New Transmission Broadcasting, but I don't trust it, we could be handing over our heads Caleb as easy as that, what say we go bike hunting? I say yes, it was my ideal, only we need to inform the girls along the way, I don't think it matters, but I guess we'll see, good, at lease make the offer Pier man, at lease that.  A Door Was Open In The Marriage Suppers, -"You think Maaseiah I didn’t want to come running immediately to you every time you went into a heinous above description trial with my name on your lips? I know, it was almost as though you had to hate those who treasured you so they instead would love, and treasure your people. I realize this the very day I realized my life on earth was as horrible as my work was phenomena, I’m to say I’m sorry Maaseiah but how is that to even suffice? I think people realize the promises made the brethren prophets of old, as so mine own brother apostles but I think Maaseiah man is to forget promises of the Supreme were made to me as well. How everyday there was no manifestation I too was made ill in my very spirit. I guess Maaseiah what I’m to say is this wait has been both long and suffering, I hear you Lord but where are you taking me? There’s something at the gates of the city I’m to show you, what it’s to be I’m afraid neither of us are to know until once we’re there. So how did you do it, endure this everlasting continuation? I heard you that day Maaseiah when you’re to tell your husband how it is you want to be in the presence of music so anointed the Supreme Father Himself would want to come and abide in your house with you. That evenly melodies so spirited that the Heavenly Host would desire at riding along as a passenger with you. I remember how this revelation reminded you of yet another memory, yes, a baby Gabriel that was to ride in the car with us, I never understood it. A baby of course Maaseiah mean a form, a type of the original, how a genus of the angelic host with likeness of heaven’s man Lord Gabriel stayed always with you. I Maaseiah read your thoughts just then as we’re becoming one mind, that if this was so why didn’t he prevent some of the horrors you’re to endure. My god," as to see a bright, beyond description celebration, a form of divine Jubilee unto an unrealizable gathering, of an unrealizable host of heaven "what is happening? The day of your original heritage, you’re to be welcome back to it and them for eternity, just imagine Maaseiah if those heinous trials of yours are then magnified gloriously by heaven a million times their insufferable weight, what measure could it then mete? It would be measure-less, the reward would then my Lord be boundless, incalculable, then my beloved, welcome to the illimitable, from this day forward, you will not only be known as my bride. Nor as the Lamb’s wife but you will go forward unto Him, unto Him Maaseiah as He will dub thee for all the ancients yet to come as that City that is to sit for all eternity upon that hill, Urusalim, (Jerusalem, City of peace), go and remember I’m with you always. You’re not to come with,” as one supposedly turning into this glorious one for ions and ions but He’d disappeared or dissipated away entirely, which was beginning to be the norm all around and about the Kingdom Of Heaven. "You will Lord Urusalim trust me instead? And you are?" Witnessed upon as one wrapping a fold of her arm along his were these events already beyond any description, "I’m thine own host for this evening, Raguel, there’s much we’re to do still, ---o please great one, come." Intermission.  "So when was the last time you rode a bike? I rode a bike to school right up until the worse that's to happen, happen, one that looked a lot like this one over here, you? Not for a while, I got a car my 17th birthday, so I guess you can say I didn't have much use for them, getting a motorbike was y next plan, I stayed on line checking them out. Sia Maaseiah you two did have dreams about a return to a bike era for transportation, even at one time, seeing three persons to a single bike. If we are force Pier to leave here, where pray, tell you think we'll end up? All I can tell you girls is we have got to trust, delight and commit ourselves to Elohim in a way we have never before, and therein his promises find the peace and wisdom we need, well said Pier man. I'm going with this one, that really is a nice one, so do we leave under the cover of night or the reveal of a sunny day? You do know night is just that now, we are in a permanent blackout, no street lights, no lights of any kind, only the sun by day and the moon by night that's all, So dawn then and we put as many miles behind us as is possible before the noon sun you know, so where, what direction, or is that simple, Maaseiah's exodus? Ooohu we thought that woman so crazy, but yeah, I think we can all agree on that, ah, hell I still she is, I overheard you guys," as a solitary one, even a simpleton moving  in on their conversation, even their plans, but the one Lauren, (Lorry), most admired was in this group and he wasn't going to lose sight nor a handle on him. "Mind if I grab a bike and come as well? All the merrier they used to say Lauren man, all the merrier, so welcome, and if you're a bike virgin, I don't think there's much to worry about. Look you guys, grab as much water as you can carry, then the booty bag you're to use as a barter, balen, bread, and other accessories, kinda in that order, a weapon? Ah, I was so hoping Caleb man you didn't asked that, that none of us would, I'm so conflicted about that one thing, I don't want to hurt or kill anyone, and with a weapon, especially a gun. With a gun it's so easy to do just that and wonder and kick yourself over it later, so, I'm gonna say to each his or her own, I just don't wanna know, you know. Why am I not surprised, sound an alarm into one of his worthless meetings, I like his meetings, they give me a heads up and remind me, we're not alone in our surreal wandering you know, then you all go, go, I'll meet you there, promise, I promise, yeah, I'll help Lauren and be there just as soon. Thanks Pier man, you welcome, surely all the better to dodge that meeting, and there go it's all mandatory drill, I still say he watches us, some of these events are just a little too convenient. I guess we should go huh? Yeah, I guess,

I would lead thee, and bring thee into my mother's house, who would instruct me: I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate.

                                                              Scene II

     -Where is everybody? Like I was telling Pier and he doubted it, a lot people you guys are already gone, every night there were some moving in this direction to another, literally frighten to death all, but knowing it was best.  You think you ready Caleb, to die for him, I mean? By Him I mean, I know who you mean, who or what else would I die for? I can only tell you Marjie, I believe I would but who knows until they're face to face with their neck dangling below the blade of a guillotine, you know. It may be pretend, even temporal insanity, but I like to think I know, and what is it that you think you know? That I'll do it with a smile on my face, I mean not that I'll make it easy, my bike is thought out and I'm ready like all the rest, but, I watched this video and heard the testimony of a guy who suffered such, and Jesus was there, like holding his hand through the whole thing, He even watched to the point his head left his body, blood gushing out all, said Jesus said, death couldn't contain him and because Jesus was right there he never fet a thing. Let me have all your attention please, all, as you can see I've given this a lot of thought. I would like to open this meeting with prayer and go from there, please bow your heads, {{{"Father, never has there been a time your people were so dependant upon your guidance, it is the water to our thirst, the bread to our hungry, the light in the darkness, the tunnels we frequent, that bring reliving joy, I could father stand here and endlessly count the ways of how much we need your guidance, the enemy no longer draws close, but is here these various settlements both haunting and hunting us, and though father we would want nothing less but to stand for you, let us show our faithfulness still by staying ahead of the enemy seeking our harm, even our testaments of Christ, be with us Lord Holy Ones of Israel to deliver us, in Jesus' name, blood we look to you, Amen, ...and that prayer, Caleb, is another reason I come to his meetings when he call us, that was calming and sweet, it fit just where it's need, such as I, as we Caleb, need.  I know you've heard certain policing to military brigades are being sent out to bring all not of the NTB network, that there are further rumors it's the best way to lose your head, unless you deny Christ, I have send reconnaissances ahead and received back word, they're targeting all mall living for their own census that's all, so they have a count of the living and know how best to provide for them, but I'm not falling for it, remember what Sia Maaseiah told us over and over, that come President Trump,come beast reign? Speaking of Trump, nothing has been heard of him, of the White House family since it went up in flames, what do we know? Pier, its Pier right, I guess you can say what all people are thinking, the worst and hoping for the best, just don't forget we've entered a time where the celebrity is no more, is heard no more at all in these trouble times, mowed like the green grass and wither as the green herb, thousands of years of outreaching this planet and way too many to count just missed it you, just missed it. I'm not gonna keep, you, I'm going to release you to do what you think is best, but what do you Colonial think is best? This guy can't keep his eyes off of you, you notice that? I notice, as those, taking off, away, discreetly, it was hard not to know, how if Colonial Mann had a powerpoint for staying focused and on point Marjorie Chloe Fatherson seem to be it exactly. He ever, no, he just look at me sometimes, I keep saying I'm going to approach him about it, but I figure I resemble someone, perhaps a loved one. Well, I don't know how well any of you followed Sia Maaseiah, but she kept pressuring us to get south, east that is, to evenly get out of the country, I think it's best that we make that our goal until God show us His, he mean, you mean the fulfillment of Apostle John's witness of the tribulation saints arriving in heaven? Exactly, if you are a believer right now, you are a member of the tribulation saints and the resistance will hunt you down, are, are hunting you, word is Pier over there has a group moving out on bikes at first light, there's five of us, hardly a group, which present a question, are you spying on us? I am, I admit it, we have all kind of people coming and going, I want to see my enemy coming, Christ alone is the blessed thief, all others mean harm, deadly harm, I only rat you out that you all know, I mean when I say, you're free to chart your own escape and on that note, I'll leave you to it, Marjorie Fatherson, I need to see you in briefing, I discovered something you need to see, all others thanks for your trust, godspeed to you all, come with me, innocently taking and tightening a grip his, Pier hand, emotionally dismantling but as well flattering, even that he blushed, I know I criticize the colonial a lot but I think he's harmless, still, I'll feel better knowing you're right there, waiting, yeah, he does look at her, I don;t know if you notice, I would Caleb be blind, deaf and dumb not to, I'm going with her, so I'll catch up later, hey look Haley Larea is still between bikes, so he;ll need your help, maybe he should practice. Pier, Colonial, I have this, as to move a spy cam to where she could screen it's take, wait for it, wait, okay, okay there, ah my God it's my mom, ah my God, hello babe, I;m sorry Marorie Fatherson, if you're seeing this, if there is a such thing as a miracle, this is your mother, and we're doing fine, and when I baby say we, I'm talking the three of us, hy babe, dad, that's my dad and my sister Bree, how did, we retrieve what cams we can find, screen them, and I found this, you can see the date, like here, so like a week ago, I didn't know, like so many others I didn't know, ah my God this is amazing, well baby we got to go, we're headed for the coast as you know, so you get there, you get there as well, see you there love, be blessed, ah my god what a miracle, as you possibly know the mass Marjorie of American refugees are either America's coast or Africa's, just as every knee shall one day bow to Christ, it's as though every living and stranded soul is returning to it's cradle, Africa, I know at this point Africa may as well be the moon, Florida's coast as well I guess being in the Mid Pacific, but I see it all as an adventure until we're as well snatched up, thank you so much, I'll tell the crew, they're the ones out there risking everything to bring us such gems of making and keeping us aware, so this is why you watch her so? No, I watch her, you, you Marjorie so because you remind me so much of my wife, my daughter too I guess since they're the spitting image of one the other, that mean being able to share this video with you  give me hope what may await along the coast, so how long you think these troubles gonna hold off? For as long Pier as those four winds of cataclysms are commanded for and I'm afraid only God knows that, right? I hear Lorry is coming with you? He is, he asked, he Pier, hold you in the highest regard I thank you for taking him under your wings, you didn't know that did you? Well, godspeed you two, take care of one the other, maybe I'll even see you all there, what family, what are their names, maybe we can get word to them, get bring you word again, Gloria and Camden Flakes, she would be a thirty something mother, traveling with an eight year old daughter, but of them red head, nothing else in particular, god speed again you two, the heavenly host bless you." 

His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.

                                               Scene III

     -Yeah, yeah Caleb but the only worthy man has to offer God, these various millenias of come it's final Jihad is the heart that's been cleansed by Jesus' bloody Cross. Man Pier, there are churches all over the place, I'm just saying, my sister Halde and I used to see if we could count how many there were per a half of mile and it was so many we couldn't, okay. But, but Aiden, you have to ask yourself to what percentage, what percentage of mass assemblers make it to heaven? We know, most just want to ascend to  heaven, to Jesus with their sins intact, curse you if you try to stop or warn them. What to them is America's form of righteousness at Jesus' acception or not, they don't care what he thinks anymore if they ever did, then they are Caleb man damned because of it, Perhaps that's why Maaseiah witnessed America, West rule come as though it never was, well that's Evolet kinda scary as hell, I know Caleb man, I know, she even liken it's decline to a yet mysterious Atlantis, wait, Atlantis really existed? Exactly Caleb man, exactly! I know most revelational's estimates, it's not that many assemblers that make it to heaven, it's not that many at all. Therein Stefan man the first take of God's Revelation is to assess and forewarn all assemblers by the way of the problematic seven churches of Asia Minor. You Pier man say problematic, when if these persons, even those the apostles epistles don't get themselves right with God, Jesus' Cross, their names are stricken from the Lamb's book of life and the lake of fire is pending their death and judgment. Further Caleb man explaining presently Maaseiah's vision of the burning church crying yet the foundation of Christ, of holy apostles, stands. As so there's God with His Back turn to them, God crying behind a silence in heaven, how his people, stripped, yet perish and here lately, simply coming out and saying they, these varied persons of mass assembly need to fall in love with God.To fall in love with God you all, you must fall out of love with yourself, it's Apostle Paul pleading that we surrender all to God, as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service. Meaning you guys just how this conversation started, there is only one worthy man has to offer God, the heart cleansed by Jesus' blood, all else in the words of King Solomon is as vain as reaching for the wind. No, only a separation from the things of this world, pretty much a falling out of love with achieving the American Dream as to fall in love with God, Christ's Cross. Then there's the greatest of forwarnings, of a heads up, since Christ himself walked among us and cried the same, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood." It's Jesus warning that except those days be shorten no flesh you guys, no flesh great or small will stand!     >>>As one "kicking, fighting even gasping terrifyingly awake, just the hand over his mouth dramatic, a concern Stefan attacking him and motioning to him, that he be quite along this whisper on his ear, his heart in his mouth, shhhhh, they're here, TBN are here and they have taken the facility, what, what are, shhhhhh, they have a vast army with them, you must be quiet and come with me, while you slept I found an exit, moved all the bikes there, what, what you talking, all you need is your bag, did you make one?  I did, swallowing hard along a staleness in the air, there wa no way this was happening when only hours prior all seem alright fow now, even Stefan was way changed, I woke and got the others out, they're waiting for us, and you did this last, look, look here, ah my god, they got him, they got them all, we got to help him,  if we help him we get caught, no more outreaching Christ, no more at all, i can't tell you, but I rather get to the coast, find colonial's family and see what's happen to them, but he's a colonial, they're accused him of leading the resistance, they're execute him, behead him and you're Pier gonna stop them single handed? I believe in miracles too, but right now they're  tied up and we're free and they're not and we're out of time, just so you know, I'm going and so are the other's, okay, okay," filling both of his hands with tears along a wipe of them into his pant leg, this was the horrid that was happening and it was happening to them. "Let's do it, let's get out of here, lets, you're right, they showed you this exit for a reason, we're helpless Pier we still have faith, prayer and praise right? Yes, always, come, this way, be the most quiet you've ever been, ever, I got you, I so got you." -A Door Was Open In Heaven, In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion. Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me. Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress. Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man. For thou art my hope, O Lord God: thou art my trust from my youth. By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee. I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day. Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth. For mine enemies speak against me; and they that lay wait for my soul take counsel together, Saying, God hath forsaken him: persecute and take him; for there is none to deliver him. O God, be not far from me: O my God, make haste for my help. Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul; let them be covered with reproach and dishonour that seek my hurt. But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more. My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers thereof. I will go in the strength of the Lord God: I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only.  O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grey headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come. Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee! Thou, which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth. Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side. I will also praise thee with the psaltery, even thy truth, O my God: unto thee will I sing with the harp, O thou Holy One of Israel. My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed.  My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long: for they are confounded, for they are brought unto shame, that seek my hurt. Intermission,  "You still not gonna eat? It's been like three days, look, I have some crackers, some, Lord' supper crackers as a fact, so does that Stepfan mean you also have some wine? Actually I do, my grand had this habit of keeping not only anointing oil, special crackers, but a single vial of wine in her traveling bag and she encouraged her grands to do the same. It's only a small one, enough for one person but Pier if it's to get you out of the funk you're in, you're welcome to it and you're, you're so serious? Man I swear,with each passing hour you Stefan become more and more remarkable, I was just thinking, pouting I guess, Jesus said don't let these things overtake us like a thief or a Noah's day rebellion and what do we do? The very opposite of the most important godman that has ever walked this earth only to horribly in ways indescribable lay down his life for us, this blessed death. Then beloved, take this and eat, this is his body, take this and drink, this is his blood, this you do in remembrance of him. No, you keep it, keep it Stefan for a more surreal moment, yes, I hear you Marjorie or whatever your name is. I mean I heard Stefan call you Evolent, actually it's Evolent Sian Marjorie, but everytime I tell someone that they go, ah like on that BC movie, that is such a beautiful name, why would you ever hide it behind Marjorie? I thought you like Marjorie, I do, I like Evolent better, be quiet you guys, church mouse quiet, what? As to motion to a heighten Stefan suddenly chief of their security, waking up the otherside of the bed no less, this changed man indeed, surely they had to get someone safe with a quickness, for living on the edge like this, was heart panicking, depressing. "But the saying you guys was always get to a spirit, word base church, even Maaseiah was told to get it's people there, to altars Aiden man, and the more the physical church come a money market and a show place, the more it come a religious to political altar for achieving America, and so not that one of repentance, of blood reconciliation. Yeah, yeah that is where you hear Jesus telling the religious leaders, you search the scripture, for in them you think you have life, but, but you guys, you won't come to me that you might have life. It's apostle Paul admonishing us, be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, I mean raise your hand if you been in church and the parishioners know the word and can quote bible verses better than the pastor, it's leaders, but they only serve him worth a damn, death and judgment. Then that Pier is pretty much what Jesus is saying to five of the seven churches, he threaten them with great tribulation, with striking their names from the lamb's book, with further cursing them because of their lukewarmness. Little do we like to say it, but he also threaten their children, I mean they did cry while crucifying him, his blood be upon them and their children, something else Caleb, they avoid saying. Now what they tell Maaseiah lately? Get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred and we know that's not gonna happen until the end of days, because it's why Jesus says, such days should be shorten. Then Maaseiah said they placed us along a Matrix of ten days counts, yeah Pier, but is that mercy or cursive? It's Jesus Aiden man warning us, the Tribulation saints we are now, and ye shall have tribulation for ten days, endure unto the end and I will give you a crown of life, or is that righteousness, one or the other, blessed and Stefan the list go on and on and on. For the entire heavenly host's sake, even those this earth, Maaseiah witnessed heavenly father crying behind a silence in heaven, now that is something they admonished both the woman finding him risen. As so the Apostle John discovering Him ascended, not to do, for the wounded, now reigning Lamb of God, hath gotten us all the glorious victory. Now I ask you, raise your hands if you think she was ever, actually suppose to see that, let alone covey it to us? I'm sure you right Caleb about that, don't forget she witnessed him through a revelation mirror versus a dark one. All with His Throne backed into men, as promised, not seeing them, hearing them nor intervening on their behalf except they repent.  Guys, guys, if these hunters get canines involved we're dead, yall know that right, I just can't sake that thought, it's like a chill in my blood. Then Evolent, we go, we move now, we weren't supposed to be here this long anyway, let's get and go. So the church of mass assembly was to be a temporal thing? Just think, even the prophet Jeremiah was told of the greatly visited temple that jealousy waited at the door, and Apostle James did say, where people are gathered together. How there is then envy and strife, confusion and every evil work, yeah, Maaseiah said, confusion is to be without a righteous head, which you guys alone is Jesus, It's Paul begging us to surrender all to Him, to God, to Holy Spirits, renewing our heart and mind, look that remind me, Halie told me something. It is, that she by a dream witnessed a trusted church member go like rabid behind the steering wheel and come road rage monstrous and murderous. That she'd equally dreamed of serpents in the home, that, that she witnessed a guard dog, which you guys is probably a demon, sitting at door of the church, inside the church, that only a Darius could order him about. Maaseiah always liken the ones in her dream to demons and here lately you guys to the Egyptian god of the underworld, Anubis. Where you, you Marjorie just come spooked by dogs approaching upon us, which, which you guys better explain Jesus cry from the cross as testified Psalm 22, It is that God, Elohim save his darling from the dog, from Anubis, the guardian of the underworld, now that make all the sense in the world. Speaking Of Maaseiah, he's, this Anubis is one of the three ancient beast that threaten her lately, the Lion and Leopard also, ancient

territorial demons, right? This Anubis dog being Egyptian would you guys even coincide with her liking America's, western rule exit his wide world to the days of Moses's Egypt, and here, lately, it's Memphis, no, no, she said in a dream someone approached her and inquired of her about the secrets of Memphis? I did you guys read how it's, Memphis new Madrid fault is way more worse than California's San Andres, you sure about that? Yeah, could it you guys have been the calm before the storm, the domino, that tumbled it all, it all, Memphis New madrid? So how long you guys, how long before we're at the south coast, a week, two, three? Probably Caleb, two, if I guess, just so you all know, one of the ten day counts is coming up five days from now and there is no telling what's to happen, well I mean Caleb, having to take these back roads, these dirt paths. Yeah wouldn't dirt bikes right now be grand, let alone Stefan, jeeps, right, right, all lost now, but the saying always was if you gonna dream, dream big, huge, enormous, yeah, but both of those are too detectable and we're all about quiet, so let's practice it, ah yeah, ah yeah."

4 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, until he please.

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 01/10/2017

All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Preparing The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

     -Listening To:

this guy says he felled on his face, I'm thinking tears, mucus everywhere, now this overshare, and got saved, seven ee more here, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com

     -The Roar Of The Lion, The Speed Of The Leopard, The Mockery Of The Demon Dog, In A Number Like The Grains Of Sand, The Fallen Will Follow, Will Wallow, This Fall, Rev.20:8

     -I Witnessed Israel Cater To A Leader, A world Rule By The Name Of Hamath, Is That Related To Hamas?

And These Are The Marriage Worshipers, The Wedding Supper, The Beast Could Not Destroy, Beast Of Beauty It's Featured Genealogy, Escape Into Juttah Septennial (Christ's Cross).

     -Starring: Deliverer Silverton Nicholas Chow, Liverpool And Torrance Allegra Lattern,

Blake Mario Hilton and Erin Alexandria Brook, Branstone Antonio Bellows and Penelope Irene Micole, Kingsley Edward Bellows and Keyian Deloris Mensdan, Kylan Desrek Stuart and Christian Alexis Blaine, Morrison Caylip Fence and Reese's Loraine Penniman, Vladimir Elizondo and Riley Bailey Northstrom, Pier Mekhi Swanson and Evolent Sian Marjorie


Songs Of Solomon, 2, KJV

     "My beloved spake, and said unto me, (the Bride), Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, (My Bride), my fair one, and come away. SOS...

     Three weeks into cataclysms too enormous to describe begin to hit US soil, and the Bride is counted with the millions either dead or missing, and is heard no more at all in them,

     It Was When The Bright Sunshine Metamorphosed Into A Gigantic, Diamond Carved, Crystal Dove Blocking Out The Heavens, All To Lift The Bride Off To Heaven, It's Marriage Supper, Apb

Unto Pier Mekhi Swanson and Evolent Sian Marjorie was born A Juttah Heir,


     "You still not gonna eat? It's been like three days, look, I have some crackers, some, Lord' supper crackers as a fact, so does that Stepfan mean you also have some wine? Actually I do, my grand had this habit of keeping not only anointing oil, special crackers, but a single vial of wine in her traveling bag and she encouraged her grands to do the same. It's only a small one, enough for one person but Pier if it's to get you out of the funk you're in, you're welcome to it and you're, you're so serious? Man I swear,with each passing hour you Stefan become more and more remarkable, I was just thinking, pouting I guess, Jesus said don't let these things overtake us like a thief or a Noah's day rebellion and what do we do? The very opposite of the most important godman that has ever walked this earth only to horribly in ways indescribable lay down his life for us, this blessed death. Then beloved, take this and eat, this is his body, take this and drink, this is his blood, this you do in remembrance of him. No, you keep it, keep it Stefan for a more surreal moment, yes, I hear you Marjorie or whatever your name is. I mean I heard Stefan call you Evolent, actually it's Evolent Sian Marjorie, but everytime I tell someone that they go, ah like on that BC movie, that is such a beautiful name, why would you ever hide it behind Marjorie? I thought you like Marjorie, I do, I like Evolent better, be quiet you guys, church mouse quiet, what? As to motion to a heighten Stefan suddenly chief of their security, waking up the otherside of the bed no less, this changed man indeed, surely they had to get someone safe with a quickness, for living on the edge like this, was heart panicking, depressing. "But the saying you guys was always get to a spirit, word base church, even Maaseiah was told to get it's people there, to altars Aiden man, and the more the physical church come a money market and a show place, the more it come a religious to political altar for achieving America, and so not that one of repentance, of blood reconciliation. Yeah, yeah that is where you hear Jesus telling the religious leaders, you search the scripture, for in them you think you have life, but, but you guys, you won't come to me that you might have life. It's apostle Paul admonishing us, be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, I mean raise your hand if you been in church and the parishioners know the word and can quote bible verses better than the pastor, it's leaders, but they only serve him worth a damn, death and judgment. Then that Pier is pretty much what Jesus is saying to five of the seven churches, he threaten them with great tribulation, with striking their names from the lamb's book, with further cursing them because of their lukewarmness. Little do we like to say it, but he also threaten their children, I mean they did cry while crucifying him, his blood be upon them and their children, something else Caleb, they avoid saying. Now what they tell Maaseiah lately? Get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred and we know that's not gonna happen until the end of days, because it's why Jesus says, such days should be shorten. Then Maaseiah said they placed us along a Matrix of ten days counts, yeah Pier, but is that mercy or cursive? It's Jesus Aiden man warning us, the Tribulation saints we are now, and ye shall have tribulation for ten days, endure unto the end and I will give you a crown of life, or is that righteousness, one or the other, blessed and Stefan the list go on and on and on. For the entire heavenly host's sake, even those this earth, Maaseiah witnessed heavenly father crying behind a silence in heaven, now that is something they admonished both the woman finding him risen. As so the Apostle John discovering Him ascended, not to do, for the wounded, now reigning Lamb of God, hath gotten us all the glorious victory. Now I ask you, raise your hands if you think she was ever, actually suppose to see that, let alone covey it to us? I'm sure you right Caleb about that, don't forget she witnessed him through a revelation mirror versus a dark one. All with His Throne backed into men, as promised, not seeing them, hearing them nor intervening on their behalf except they repent.  Guys, guys, if these hunters get canines involved we're dead, yall know that right, I just can't sake that thought, it's like a chill in my blood. Then Evolent, we go, we move now, we weren't supposed to be here this long anyway, let's get and go. So the church of mass assembly was to be a temporal thing? Just think, even the prophet Jeremiah was told of the greatly visited temple that jealousy waited at the door, and Apostle James did say, where people are gathered together. How there is then envy and strife, confusion and every evil work, yeah, Maaseiah said, confusion is to be without a righteous head, which you guys alone is Jesus, It's Paul begging us to surrender all to Him, to God, to Holy Spirits, renewing our heart and mind, look that remind me, Halie told me something. It is, that she by a dream witnessed a trusted church member go like rabid behind the steering wheel and come road rage monstrous and murderous. That she'd equally dreamed of serpents in the home, that, that she witnessed a guard dog, which you guys is probably a demon, sitting at door of the church, inside the church, that only a Darius could order him about. Maaseiah always liken the ones in her dream to demons and here lately you guys to the Egyptian god of the underworld, Anubis. Where you, you Marjorie just come spooked by dogs approaching upon us, which, which you guys better explain Jesus cry from the cross as testified Psalm 22, It is that God, Elohim save his darling from the dog, from Anubis, the guardian of the underworld, now that make all the sense in the world. Speaking Of Maaseiah, he's, this Anubis is one of the three ancient beast that threaten her lately, the Lion and Leopard also, ancient territorial

demons, right? This Anubis dog being Egyptian would you guys even coincide with her liking America's, western rule exit his wide world to the days of Moses's Egypt, and here, lately, it's Memphis, no, no, she said in a dream someone approached her and inquired of her about the secrets of Memphis? I did you guys read how it's, Memphis new Madrid fault is way more worse than California's San Andres, you sure about that? Yeah, could it you guys have been the calm before the storm, the domino, that tumbled it all, it all, Memphis New madrid? So how long you guys, how long before we're at the south coast, a week, two, three? Probably Caleb, two, if I guess, just so you all know, one of the ten day count is coming up five days from now and there is no telling what's to happen. Fret not little brother, Maaseiah warn they're all coming, like those historic hurricane lately, the worse that the heavens, that the oceans and the earth can produce ever this earth making this right here Caleb, us being here together an act of  divine intervention, Well Aiden, I only mean, having to take these back roads, these dirt paths, yeah wouldn't dirt bikes right now be grand, let alone Stefan, jeeps, right, right, all lost now. But the saying you guys is always if you gonna dream, dream big, huge, enormous, yeah, but both of those are too detectable and we're all about quiet, so let's practice it, ah yeah, ah yeah, flesh and blood Aiden man, that's all I'm saying, flesh and blood did not just revel that."


No, No I do understand, the american dream grants you 50 shades of gray you go on and live any way you want when Jesus unveil only one shade and tell you to beware, it's accursed, I will spit you out of my mouth, so Aiden man, given this choice, who you gonna follow. How you do that Pier, even you Stefan, see it, understand it so clearly, when everyone else says it's just another form of slavery. It is, just all have fallen from God's grace they live by  system of enslavement but the blessedness of it God manifested in flesh come and changed our world and now, we don't just have a choice, we have a choice that is the ultimate this entire world, planet, the first, second into the third heavens, Jesus' like all things this world is deadly, but so as is the blessedness of it, because though you're dead with him yet shall you live, the slavery, to death of sin, of the American dream, of any other functionality of this world can't promise that and even when they do, they can't deliver it, american dreamers like men like teh fish are all nared in a net when they least suspects, and that my brother, my sister Evolet are predestined men.  Good night you guys, wrapping himself into his blanket as to go silent, this juicy camp fire, along the still, cool good life of the nature's outdoors, was the heavens a little more of a showcase than it's been, look you guys there's cassiopeia, is it really?I don't know, it's just the only star in the sky, get some sleep you guys, we still got a lot of riding, so lord save our darling from the dog or any other creature that may have at us, yes, have mercy and not sacrifice, we trust you as we close our eyes, amen everybody, amen.     >>>-What never, never land are you in brother, anywhere Aid but this one, you want some jerky? No, I have my own, you remember the week before this all happen and Republicans were crying how Trump was about to bring trillions into the country? I remember Maaseiah claimed it as just another dangerous to deadly declaration of peace and safety, asked at whose holocaust was this possible, what kingdom, nation, tribe, tongue or people were to suffer and die for it, even asked was it a product of the recent Arab gate? I don't think people, even territorial spirits have been that mad at her since she told them holy spirits said get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred, blood. Yeah they got angry, all nations, because they're all guilty, and the same was said Aid about Apostle John and Angel Gabriel 2004, forewarning of the sounding of the seventh angel, that the nation were angry, remember, Elohim God was taking over earth's governments. What'Aid man is gonna happen to them, to the women and children they just took from us? I asked Pier, even Evolent that question and they said we can only pray god have mercy and not sacrifice, which Aid is no different than asking for a blessed death, Which Caleb is Jesus, which is then divine resurrection to marriage suppers and mansions in heaven, New Jerusalem, Kingdom reign. How you think he did it, how you think Stefan got only us five out with so many others lost, how did he discover such the perfect exit and why Aid only us? I know you've thought about it, that all of us have, okay, so what you think we gonna find? Around this time tomorrow we'll be at the coast, what Aid will we find there? You mean beside a sea of suffering people? Christ please bring on your healing wings, leaves, your Millennium, wondering about Maaseiah's Aqua Juttah, huh? I doubt it, leading men were too caught up in their own municipal worth to imagine let alone believe the God of all creation had laid a seizure against all their lands, all their whimsical creations and commanded them along a Moses day exodus, they refused Ca, remember? Supposed they did, like the movie 2012, just only for themselves, well that's just it Caleb there's just no hiding from it at the great white throne judgement all are either dead or Christ's. Therefore every aspect of gog and magog, even the universe are commanded to offer up their dead and whosoever name is written, said, done. No, if America's southern coast is where Holy Spirit Maaseiah's demo's to forewarning evacuated us, then for a said time, as in Ca, a timetable not to be taken lightly nor for granted, it will act as a safe haven. Though, what's to come next, I mean Caleb, we are the tribulation saints, still, only the Holy Lord of Israel, know, good night bro, yeah, I only hope, pray we find mom, dad, Halde, Kathe there, me too Ca man, me too, man, so much."

For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

5 Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I raised thee up under the apple tree: there thy mother brought thee forth: there she brought thee forth that bare thee.

6 Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.

7 Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

8 We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?

9 If she be a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver: and if she be a door, we will inclose her with boards of cedar.

10 I am a wall, and my breasts like towers: then was I in his eyes as one that found favour.

11 Solomon had a vineyard at Baalhamon; he let out the vineyard unto keepers; every one for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces of silver.

12 My vineyard, which is mine, is before me: thou, O Solomon, must have a thousand, and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred.

13 Thou that dwellest in the gardens, the companions hearken to thy voice: cause me to hear it.

14 Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.


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