O Lord, O Lord, How Excellent Is Thy Name Through All The Earth, O Lord, O Lord, How Excellent Is Thy Name
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Silverton Nicholas Chow and Torrance Allegra Lattern
The Unending Love Antidote
Unto Kylan Desrek Deburk and Danielle Alexis Blaine was born a son, Tayshaun Alexander Stuart, a son Cosby Alfred Stuart and a daughter Kellen Resen Micolet Blaine
Unto Desrek Allum Deburk and Kiefer Bay Smithsonian was born their son Dillan, Kylan Desrek Deburk and a daughter, Robin Zioness Smithsonian
Unto Soledad Maurice Deburk and Kessel Berlin Smithsonian was born their first daughter, Reese Lora lay Deburk and a second daughter Cadence Noël Deburk
and a daughter Christian Journey Smithsonian
Unto Collin Hain Johnaanson and Andrea Lorene Gray was born their first son Corte Michael Johansson, a son Nicholas Francisco Johnaanson, and a daughter, Erica Ilesha Gray
-And He Cried With A Loud Voice To The Four Angels, To Whom It Was Given To Hurt The Earth And The Sea
Scene VII
-"The single word error, what of it brother? It's what I saw as I woke, in lowercase, black, bold letters, the single word, error, it's the warning Sole just before Bush's war on the axis of evil, Sia Maaseiah heard it declared, "one error into a new fear factor." It's why Maaseiah raised the question what does the Ides of March and Bush Wars have in common? As to again ask, isn't President Trump going down that same blacken with evil hearts, the weight of man blood guilt, broad, alleyway? This continence to transgress God's will and warning, as to make satanic to demonic Western Civilization's Economy live Sole, by the constant spillage of the human being God hath made. Though brother, now come God's winepress and except these days, these final hours presently be shorten, no flesh will survive it, thus Jesus suggestion, that we pray our worthiness and way out of it, His and our faithfulness. Yes, Hussein Obama was ancient beast reign pending but Hussein/ Trump/Mede, are ancient beast reign come, though inundated with millennia of forewarnings right into the present hour. Still Sole, I don't think people realize with Ancient beast world rule come as the days of Noah, an outbreak of extinction levels and thus an outbreak of mortuary. So much so. that if wasn't for the last Ark of Salvation, the Divine Intervention of Jesus' millennium men constantly fueling along turf wars themselves would extinct themselves. The single error, the forewarning come, 1998, America's hand writing on the wall of Jeremiah, 37:8, as not to learn from biblical history, the fire Sole from prison bars, like a sword that target President Bush. Those two beast of Revelation 13, come into further prediction, as a Hussein took the white house, and the most concerning, the cry, Bush's 2002, now Trump's inauguration, 2017, that fifty million will die, all began with Bush's own formation of the Ides of March. Those commanded reapers Desrek Alum, lest we forget, those bearing swordlike syringes of natures worse, commanded to kill, old and young, to take no mercy, to begin at mass assembly. Bush was in error then, and Trump is in error now for America to choose sides between Israel and her Palestine brother, neighbors as if Sole God love Palestine any less. Biblical scholars talk of promises made Israel, but these promises of God were made Abraham's seed, Ishmael as well whereas right now, by transgressions of religion. Judaism and Islam, they've both fallen and staying far from God's Grace, herein choosing a side is error right into Maaseiah's testament of the little miya girl of translation. The Little Miya, I'm afraid brother Desrek, I been so tied and tangled along a marriage bed namely Kassel Berlin, surely I must have missed that one, you fun about little brother as though I don't have my own, remember your sister in law Keifer Bay? Touche ah, there brother, touche, still, the translation? I won't go into it here," a glance at the time, thinking, knowing wife Kiefer Bay would kill him for being late and he would be if he didn't get right out of there. "Actually I can't, but it's all in Maaseiah's reveals, here http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/coming-i-hear-you-please-stop-knocking.html; and it's a doozy. Remember Sole, because this reveal didn't come until later, remember the intrepid car dream, it's driver was ejected and the car, the transport went on driverless, remember, ah, that; uh, ah my Christ," as one to come frightfully to amazingly aware. something Desrek Allum never would've considered if the two brothers weren't having this conversation. "Ah my Christ, ah, Sole, the stumbling block of Syed Farook, what about it? Two quarters of the earth dead, what measure of death toll Soledad Maurice would that be? You really, actually want me to imagined that? Didn't Jesus, Sole imagined it when he liken these times to Noah's days, the day God reduced this earth's entire populace, including everything that had breath, down to one Ark family? Stay with me here, doing the intrepid dream of Maaseiah's, of Western Civilization weight of blood guilt, the intrepid driver was lost, was ejected, right? Okay, okay, doing the dream about Syed Farook, we learn later, was a married couple of a growing terrorist cell, after a yet to reveal conversation with him. He, Syed Farook, as this terrorist/Islamic agenda took over the steering, as to say, he took control of whoever or whatever it was Sia Maaseiah represented. Come reckless, he did, but still, those he represent, a lesser Islamic reign into now Sole, come Ancient Beast to Antichrist reign were now supervising kingdom and nation building. Only brother, only, doing the little Miya girl of translation, Maaseiah wake stranded the side of the road, outbound traffic only and there is no driver, so the church age gone, western rule gone, and now beast to antichrist reign is no more. When just ahead, behind a border line, a toll Sole for crossing over, out of since the fall of the first man, Adam, post apocalypse, is two quarters, here lies a new era. ...Jesus Millennium right, Desrek? With all else finished, I think Sole we just realized, this insurmountable death toll ever or ever again, isn't US soil, to Western Civilization alone, even with some of the most at limits extinctions levels this earth, it's own US soil, just nature at its worse. Maaseiah you know Sole believed the last total eclipse unveiled this nation to earth ender trajectory, that if she witnessed a divine intervention of the Jesus' husband himself. He merifully escaping people from these gravely targeted territories, it has to be beyond imaging catastrophic, this Sole, what is now being called Noah's Cousin, yes, tens of millions will die locally but if we're referencing the world. You know the little miya girl of come, ah Christ you haven't read it yet, while when you read it everything I'm telling you will make more sense, what are you big brother trying not to say, ask, what is two quarters of seven to eight billion people? Sole, what about her Maze reveal? What Desrek man about me witnessing the crystal skies falling, colliding with the earth, with it's now horrified to terrified inhabitants? The sky itself Desrek man, no human being on this planet is to hide from that, now you calculate in Sia Maaseiah's death bringer, being released from beneath the earth. From beneath the earth, Desrek man, it just open and victoriously death just mightily leaps out of it; again and again, I say, there is no way to hide from that. Look, you say Syed Farook, as to portray Islam now in the driver seat was reckless, okay, doing the Maze dream to the ginormous visited single water cooler, the woman bearing black bowls, possibly of Maaseiah's 99 bowls of molten lava, did what? I don't understand, what happen Desrek to bring recess between those black bowls and this unthinkable come judgment? She stumbled, just like Syed Farook was reckless, remember? Sia Maaseiah said the woman bearing black bowls stumbled, she reacted and that stroke up this conversation along another act of divine intervention, just as she and Syed Farook had a conversation, like Apostle Johns' Desrek, seven thunders, she can't or shouldn't remember. -Who is she Sole, who is the woman bearing black bowls? Ah yeah Desrek Alum, go ahead, ask me the gazillion dollar question, she has to be the Bride. The now reigning Bride is the only One of the Godhead with that kind of godlike authority, Sia Maaseiah even witnessed her in possession of the stone cut out without hands, ..King Nebuchadnezzar's mountain from heaven, finishing all things rebellious men, nothing left but dust and wind and she Desrek man, possessed it, readied it! Okay Sole with that said, then who is Sia Maaseiah, ah, even Lord Urusalem? Lord Urusalem? Okay, beloved brother, so another gazillion dollar question, all I can tell you Desrek man, that just as Jesus was facing persecution and was about to be executed. He then told those evil leaders, that the next time they see him, he would be sitting at the right hand of the father and coming on the clouds of, with great glory, but right then, this Majesty of Heaven, hallelujah! Emmanuel, was facing the horrors of our begotten Cross, so brother, what is the rush? Ah, Key and I got a standing appointment with Pediatrics of America, which remind me, Caden come in while I'm in my office, and not before long I'm explaining Maaseiah's forewarn divine intervention.That Americans get southeast, that if there is where God has determined a temporal safe haven there is no power that can or will stand against it and I use Petra, how it is written in the bible and all. As well, I use the parting of the red sea and the saving of Lots family, I even Sole explained what happened to Lot's wife and why, and I say, again if God determines it, there's no force greater, He'll even send or prevent natures worse to verify it. Then I say, picking up one of the bibles on my desk, and it's all written here, and he goes, that's my bible and he opens it from the first page and he's looking for this Petra deal, I'm talking and talking still, I forget about it. So Sole, while I'm going on and on he say something like, here it is, I found it, I look his way and he's pointing out and referencing a certain scripture, I found it, he says. The bible was closed, there were no markers, nothing, he goes from page one to another, looking, searching evidence, so when I realize he's serious I dare go, what, what did you find? Again he says, smiling, pointing, here is it, and he start reading, O Israel, return unto the Lord thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine; shocked I go. Ah my god, that is Sia Maaseiah's message this entire planet, mine, all of ours, return to god, return to god, return to god and I say go, go ahead, finish, he says, O Israel, return unto the Lord thy God; for thou has fallen by thy, and I go why you stop? He say, while I don't know this word. I Sole, say as always, spell it and he goes, I-n-i-q-u-i-t-y and I say, iniquity, sins, and he say well can I say sin? And I say yes, then he Sole begin again, O Israel, return unto the Lord thy God, for thou hast fallen by thy sins, and I look at him, I poke him funnily and I say, out of the mouth of babes and sucklings. I explained even Jesus says return to thy first love, that passage, that scripture Sole is only the foundation of the entire bible and gospel message! I say how did you find that particular scripture? He just smiled, hunked his shoulders, flabbergasted, I was like, flesh and blood did not reveal that to you, amazing Desrek man, amazing, how old is he now? Seven and Dillon, you saw him the other day, he's seventeen, I know Sole, that's Maaseiah's mark seventeen and seven. I also realize, Caden's generation is the one Sia Maaseiah was warn would grow up in an occupied territory, in an occupied America. So we went from this miraculous reveal and he insisted he hang the latest prayer/persecuted for Christ map, from persecution.com. Of course, the rest of Hosea 14 go on as to verify how if they, God's people repent, God will miraculously forgive and deliver, them. I remind you Sole, in class the other day, when the young marriage worshipers wanted to form a prayer chain for the kids, the last school shooting. what did I tell them? That they Desrek had to reconsider II Corinthians 7:14 and 15 first, that when King Solomon had finished praying for God's divine intervention, God answered King Solomon by stating, And Desrek I quote, "if thy people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked way, only then will I hear them from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their lands, only then Desrek, will my eyes be open and my ears attend to a prayer done in this manner. These unforeseen request of God Desrek, as of Maaseiah's reveal, one of her conversion scripture, Psalm 66:18, if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me. As so, not only God, with His Throne, it's back at them, at mass assembly, but as well showing the church tremendous with flames, only Jesus, Holy Apostles' foundation remain, whereas the other, as of mass assembly. Evidently to be advised instead of worthless men and ordinances, this relentless worship of the creature, to instead, fall in love with God the Creator, I know you're rushed, but speaking of school violence? I can only brother say, the same fierce, limitless war on God that got Him ejected from these various, come lethal assemblies of theirs, religious, political, Educational, social, etc. Whatever Sole bloody battles they fought to oust God, an even greater blood fest, as Armageddon will be wedged, is being wedged along this specific Return to God, I remind you, that your seven year old nephew. That's out of an entire bible, miraculously horn in, on, only America, having as now being prophesied by Sia Maaseiah, no more Passover deals, is run out of option, death is here, repent or perish! It is then Sole, as Maaseiah keep saying and saying, there's only two escapes God will bless, Southeast into a physical exodus, America's Trump and, or skyward into a spiritual exodus, God's Trump, Jesus. Then brother, if you keep moving America's southeast, I know, you're right along Africa's coast where Sia Maaseiah has placed Westernized Refugees these three decades more or less. You know they're not going, I know they're going? Don't make me laugh brother, I know they're not gone and they won't, the Brides' heart ripped to shreds over it, it's as if tens of millions are predestined, to just, die, what is it? Then Sole, they'll stampede into exodus, Sole, your eyes just grew with tears, what? Don't wanna say? Okay even then, this stampede Sole, Maaseiah as is portrayed Ezekiel's 5th, witnessed commanded reapers still give them deadly chase. Meaning from the fall of the first Adam, not realizing, as usual they're jeopardizing immortality for immorality, what Sole man? Ah, the question I asked, the stumbling Islamic reign, the stumbling black bowls and THEY asking her upon arrival more than once whether she's ready? Don't you see, that is why John's seventh angel is now warning Her, and warning Her, Her Desrek, ...ah Christ, no more Passover deals, it's now, doomsday is now, as in right now, beware the eastern seaboard as well as the Western Seaboard, I'm sorry, ah on that, wow, ah, I'm gone brother, talk of America's refusal to exodus can go on forever. Well, until we're like prophet Jeremiah sitting the highest pinnacle, the heavens watching it all unfold from there, like Sia Maaseiah Desrek as well saw, right? Don't Soledad be sad about this, outreach has gone on for more than two millennia into this vert second, such things must be, and look, don't forget to read those reveals. So call me, or see me in class, tell the wife and kids Soledad I said hello, I will, you know I will, wait, aren't you coming? No, I'm going to sit awhile brother for digesting, sweet to bitter, bitter to sweet, if you know what I mean, I do, love and kisses brother, you as well Desrek, you as well. Desrek, "one woe is past," and something constant in my head, as, 'the last Dragon,' what is all that? Is that what those two crystallized beast I saw, once the crystal skies felled and no doubt killed millions, represent? I heard Soledad right before the Hawaii missile alert and the downing of that Russian fighter jet in Syria, now a perfect date as of one hour into January 13th, 2018, "one hour with the beast." Maaseiah been saying and saying it's like the days of Revelation 17, US soil and Kingdom, Nation building this world, that when Abbas called on his eight, coupled with him and Israel, that, that is Daniel's, also Revelation 17, ten headed end time formation that will produce the last antichrist. That this Soledad, Trump administration is ancient beast reign, the error, again is that they like Jeremiah and Ezekiel's King Zedekiah, aren't just ignoring all the warnings, like him they're casting them off plenty. Yeah well Desrek He, King Zedekiah burn them, he burn those scrolls of forewarning Jeremiah kept bringing to him. Well, brother, when Kiefer come to slay me for this tardiness, I'm so gonna blame you brother, sorry, go, go, ah, 'one woe is past,' is in Revelation, just research it, and if I'm not mistaken, it's about the Dragon, bye. No rushing like a devil out of the bottom pit nor the speed by which the Bride, suddenly tears into the heavens, good ones Sole man, good ones, I'll share that with Caden! Excuse me, sorry about that, could I get another tea with sea-salt and honey, thanks, I, yes? That was Sia, Major, Desrek Alum, right? Yes, professor, it's good to see he is doing so well, my cousin was the one that shot him, that's so sad, but don't let that define you, even him, what is your name? Mat, while Matthias, well Mat, remember Jesus is forgiveness and blood reconciliation, remind your cousin of that, thanks, I'll get that tea, thanks." Why speak in parables, for they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. Be aware, as God, himself, Apb, The RAM, see here, www.thejuttahseptennial15.blogspot.com
O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. Psalm 8
O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. Psalm 8
And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? Mat. 21, www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com
-PS. What Does The Roman Empire, The Ides Of March and President Bush, 2002, being voted to make war even nuclear, if it come to that, all have in common? There's even a cry 2002 that fifty millions would die, right into Bush's war, 2003, on the axis of evil being declared, "one error (ERROR, 02/24/2018, Jer. 37:8, 1998), into a new fear factor." Whereas, 2013, an Obama/Clinton allegiance was shown to be as a Nov. 4th funeral reef, tearing into the heavens this insurmountable death toll on human life. Whereas in 2015 we were warn there's something about PM. Cameron, evenly, just after a Nov. 8th, 2016 election, a day before it's inauguration, of its newly elected President Trump,-Clearly, a voice was declared again, as Bush's 2002/2003, Obama/Clinton 2013, Cameron's 2015, and now Trump's 2017, and four continents to nations in a block, Asia. America, Japan and Russia, so for one and a half decades, that fifty millions will die. When I witnessed a calculated death toll US soil, just as I witnessed, 2016, Jesus healing wings and leaves descend into an Obama/Michelle world reign. Said toll US soil, was by a total of 15%, so just around 47, 48, to 50 million US soil alone, and
then a pale horse rose, as so did an Islamic/antichrist reign, as of Prophet Daniel's, final week of years, Dan. 9, Rev. 17/18 chpts., come into focus, beware, Apb, get it, get Jesus and get out....and get out!!!!!
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