God Hath Commended His Love, The Rebellious Assembles Armageddon, Decide!

Hello, Anybody Out There?

Only God Can, For Your Viewing Pleasure,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUrDgbuhoUM

From The Womb Of Sin, To The World Of Outer Darkness, God Alone, Has Commended His Love, Decide! http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/12/someone-just-asked-me-why-was-it-jesus.html

     -Jesus mentions speed, how speedily? As speedily as one can turn his head from one side to another, why He did it? Because he knew one day I would be sitting this bed, the edge of the world's end, and the Brides exit. America, Western Rule come an exodus this world, this very nano-second at a time minstrying this very thing. I turn my head and there was a darkness, but let me further warn, this wasn't only a hollowed out, biodegradable murkiness. It was a black void, a pitch-black vacancy so terrifying hell would be paradise in comparison and though you refuse to acknowledge it, it's the chaotic separation to divorce all men are born to refusal, Jesus is Light, Jesus is the answer.  From Eden garden into my mom womb's there was nothing familiar, nothing pliable, it was a vacant, arcade, nothingness and I was as cursed as to be consumed, but not just me, mankind.
      -When Jesus said he will cast you into outer darkness I, Apostle, THEY, call me, suggest you pled for hades instead, although it's accursed, it's damning, still, it's has a type of human familiarity. There is consciousness and existence in comparison to a soundless, void, matter of forgetfulness and how will you ever, ever escape it, or do you even have an awareness of anything let alone, escape? One, a single one approached, I couldn't see, there was no seeing in this black, so I can only assume His Very  presence being Revelation, made me aware. The last I was so helpless, so desperate, the highest sunlight in the sky itself formed into a ginormous, blocking out the heavens above, diamond carved, crystal dove of an arriving, phenomena escape. Knowing my hands, as the hairs on my head, it was when HE took hold of such indescribable desolation where I can only assume, it was here, by a mercy.
     -Equally it was by a Grace of God, unfounded for eons and eons past, present and future, it was when HE began to lead me out that with every forward movement the only light was that taking form under every step WE took. The further WE move forward all around US there was nothing to see, hear nor perform but Revelation up, down and all around. So much so, I even thought of the Apostle John, so the reveal, precept upon precept, line upon line had already begun. Relentlessly it is the recorded and reported veil of benightedness men's birth that remain until such fallen, black heartedness, heed the light of Revelation knocking after them and are open to HIS Light of Righteousness, get it, get Jesus and get (ASCEND), out of it, Apb, The RAM, see more here, http://cometotoderickandoceanaescape18.blogspot.com/2018/02/walk-in-righteousness-man-cant-do-this.html


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