And This Beast Was Made To Stand On Two Feet And A Man's Heart Was Given Into It

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White to Harvest, 02/18/2018

Hello, Anybody Out There?

Prophecy Link

     -Doing a dream, 01/14/2018, my Memphis (see New Madrid, Northwest Tennessee), son looked at me and said, my concerns after him, had the downtown news paper bells ringing (little did I know, scientist were saying the same about an outbreak of earthquakes having earth's bells ringing).

And This Beast Was Made To Stand On Two Feet And A Man's Heart Was Given Into It

     -How Revolutional To Even My Thirty Year Escape To Africa Work, Justifiable, Marvel's Black Panther, Induction Of Another Personna Of Just Another Perfect, Dangerous Man, That While Black Panther Saved His African Nation, The Primary White Man In The Movie, The Colonizer The Innovator Sister Called Him, The Black Panther Hans Solo, As Usual Saved The World. Only My African Darius, The Deliverer and Ruler This World Into Christ Lord Jesus, These Thirty Plus Years, Leading The Exodus Of America and the World, Is A Perfect Jesus Man; 
     -Jesus said Another Would Come In His Own Name, AntiChrist and Until We Instead Cry, Blessed Is He Who Cometh In The Name Of The Lord, Helpless The Mighty Is Overcome By Ancient Beast to AntiChrist Reign; Now Unless Jesus, The Only Perfect Man Maker, The World Savior Keep All His Promises and Shorten These Evil Days; That By Abominable Sickbeds And Sleepovers Having Thrown Many Into The Greatest Of Tribulation; Without God's Promises, Without Measure The Human Being Is Extinct, Cataclysmically, There Is Just No Other way To Say It, Elohim, God had Us, Keep Us, Judged Us And Saved US, God Alone Is God, see St. John, 3:16,
     -Cast along this final factor of fear, as once did Africa decide our Genesis, into Israel the Spiritual faith/fate of us all. Hamath, Syria, the stone made with beastly hands that all nation gone and come and prophetically pending has or will at one point break themselves against; its predestined field of Megiddo that is men's military future, it's seven months of burials. Whereas since Syria is where Russia, one of the four continents to nations in a block, 2004, I saw and soon, His, Trump's, fifty million were dead. So Russia, it's' foot hole is, is a hole this world's heart, that's filled to overflowing with a waring peace guilty with martyred blood. 
     -Simply, as predestined as all time, life and souls we can only know it by it's blood guilt, judgment and sentence, and except we repent, and faithfully look to Jesus' resurrection of deliverance. Unendingly, the sight of seeing a US General surrender his war horse not to just anyone, but Prophet Jeremiah, citing no contest with bible prophecy. For you see, from many millennia of it into this present second, Western, Civilization, the fourth beast Daniel witnessed or heard commanded to rise up and get much flesh. 
     -The Apostle John witnessed of a white horse, it's rider a bow but no arrow, for with a diplomacy of peace its toll on human life, right into the heavens it reached and reached. Until with Apostle John you hear, come out of her my people, be not partakers of her sins, I have heard her the slain cry that I take it's vengeance, get ye to repentance altars! The winepress reaps martyred blood, no flesh, no blood is safe but to have its root, it's blessed foundation in Christ, Jesus's lineage. The fall of Mystery Babylon, especially Britain, America and Canada, pretty much the ten toes of king Nebuchadnezzar's harrowing image whose launch of world nations into a tug of nuclear war, hourly, it's pending.
    -Only as prophesied every prophet of God from the first Samuel right into Revelation book Mystery America falls to a Noah Cousin, (a designed multilateral, multi-purposed extinction level event), Israel as prophesied to an enemy neighbor who hath it's name Hamath.  This enemy nation, neighbor Hamath, to it's predestined decline by Mede and Mede like all world rule fate was sound as soon as it's own king of king, again Nebuchadnezzar, It was upon his head, his bed he dreamed a dreamed and saw it wasn't by any earthbound rule, not even these Godzilla monsters from nature to nuclear that brought about Kingdom, Nation rule, end.
    -Though a hugely prophesied mountain from heaven, planet x, nibiru, the brown dwarf, whatever you're to name it, only not of man's making. As to have a surface of a meteor, now released of the reigning Bride at having it's way with mightier the warrior, even God's Will, this entire planet, crushed and obliterated them all to dust and wind, As I said, thousands of years ago, this king of king all but witnessed this, as commanded, the Prophet Daniel saw it too, only with it's single interpretation, for it is then witnessed and witten of Prophet Daniel, I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool (white as treated wool): 
     -His throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened. (the Lamb's book of life, (Rev, 20), I witnessed 2015, opened to a name, roll call while the lyrical, "we exalt thee," sounded all around us, as well, a divine census, taking (; An indescribable event, I now believe is the Bride's ascension and the rebellious final world judgment, otherwise known as Jacob's Troubles, Apb),  
     -I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. (ancient beast reign, the two of which of witnessed, 2008, rise and go into further prediction Barack Obama's awarded two weeks and seven years, and here lately, 2017/18, even more horrifying, said beast where witnessed as those staged in the home as friendly house pets, as to say, these beyond descriptive evils, the lion beast, the leopard beast and the demon dog, Anubis are cast in the home simply as other members of the family, Apb); 
     -As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time. (for when Jesus Millennium, I witnessed 2016, descend into a Barack and Michael world reign, so when the thousand years are finished, Rev. 20:7, the intervention of the mountain made without hands is as Jesus descending millenium. The angel gabriel 2004, and the seventh angel 2018, only a few weeks ago,  described the same thing whenever they explicate that predestined of the seventh angel trumpet, Rev. 10 and 11 chapters.
     -This is why Apostle THEY call me, warn you and warn you, the fulfillment of end time prophecy, whose kingdom nation fate is being told right here, like never before or again this planet it has you, it know you and it has you, and as it is written, And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, 
     -These biblical truth held to be truth are why i my thirty something prophetic ministry, another hollywood block buster 2012, and now black panther, that when she that is now Darius Queen African Juttah first laid her eyes on a black as night now Darius King African Juttah, they both blessed along awaiting the Bride's escape, A New York, born, bred Preecest Karsiann Coogan had never in her sixteen years of life, seen anything as beautiful, as staggering as an African born, exchange student, Darius, Preece,  Ebonee Bele.
         -As it is written these thirty years, these prophetic characters, upon the sight of one another they both were, stun stupid that is, see more Ascension here,
(; Though the african juttah 1986-2016/17/18 began with a terrifying crying along an heir juttah passenger jet that it's a raining snakes all across earths' land, it all ends, this phenomenal blood reconciliation of reveals with, the King of all kings, and Lord of all lord leading what can only be described, as an invasion of peace on earth. (
   -Prophetically, that for a thousand years and you hear Jesus talking to the Religious leaders having him in mighty derision. It  is again as to make such mockery of them, saying even insinuating, how the next time they see this lowly servant, king, He'll either be sitting at the right hand of the Father, or coming on the clouds of heaven with great gory. For it is written, just as I heard it in my hearing, blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days,.as it is further written, blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord, beware, Apb, The RAM 


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