The Little Miya Girl Of All Time Done Lapse Into Apocalypse

 Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 12/05//2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

     -Listening To: Ne-yo, my Fav, this year season, I Want To Come Home For Christmas, Pentatonix, Mary Did You Know?, and Whitney Houston's, Joy To The World,

Escape Apocalypse Come

     -My son, I need you to understand. your, well our Miya is in four separate prophetic dreams of mine, seeming she's become the focal point; it is of this little Miya girl in the cars of those procrastinating America's exodus, this sweet, to bitter reminder. It is a graceful recall that we remember apocalypse has come, now as her sitting the back of our stubborn escape vehicles, explaining why when I first saw her. It was by a dream, she's standing the edge of my bed, probably her age right now of ten years old, before I knew her mother was pregnant, even then come this warning, all the world we knew, was now, ending.
    -There are three additional times, the most recent, just as we moved back to Raleigh, 2017 and in the dream, the little Miya girl is in the back seat. This is just as we’re making a right turn off of St Elmore street, St. Elmore street, the beginning to the end regarding the desolation of America, by a fierce rider of death. That one being released out of the earth, as the earth opens to it, so possibly a Yellowstone eruption, the fulfillment of the 99 bowls of molten lava, right now endangering tens of millions, west of the mid-atlantic. That is like you, like those of my family, staying in such inundated with troubles places, which remind me, actually there's five dreams of her, one I discounted before I discovered just what role in bible prophecy it was, she was playing.
   -The little Miya girl (Mayan Indian), in our escape vehicle is a parody of the elephant of persons merrily staying unaware of that so painfully obvious. Those panic rooms now collapsed under America's weighty blood guilt of such tons of benightedness witnessed upon again as stampeding elephants of losing a hold of Carter (see President Carter's Jerusalem), in the foggy mix. As to be tangled and mangled within the harsh reality as of the predicted, Mayan Indian prophetic apocalypse, it is of such urgent matters come, now come. Now imagine, imagine when Angel Gabriel 2004 made his appearing, warn all things were until fulfillment, he was saying that from that moment forward bible prophecy would speed non-stop into completion, at least, well into the Seventh Angel, Trumpet heralding Jesus' Millennium, a warning now in, its thirteenth year.
     -Secondly, as to come to a fork in the road of the streets Lamar/Crump and an expressway entry, her mom's, even her parents most trusted church and most visited areas of persons procrastinating exodus, these plenteous, various roads, abruptly ending. Fourthly and now one of my most curious blogspots, ( I wake up in this car with no driver, not until presently reminded, doing the intrepid dream timetable 2001, first of all, it's owner, as in it's driver was abruptly, cruelly ejected. Then one would think the parable of the weigh station, this wilderness of mass innovation America's blood guilt and judgement come. It's as to proceed only now stranded the side of the road, the beginning to the end of mystery, right into a new world order, Christ to God's Kingdom Reign. 
     -You see it wasn't only where I woke, even when I woke, there is no driver and the era and auto where the back seat was filled of the little Miya girl is all miraculously changed, as in no more. Meaning, perhaps if I guess 40 to 50's era Cuba, or the like, so this is yet to be determined, whereas strangely we sit confused along a single line of outbound traffic as inbound traffic, as in America, Western Rule is no more. Seeing as I might as well so apparently now the driver, it is not long before we arrive another country, it's toll booth totalling oddly, the search and seizure after two silvery quarters, this single allowance. Then, as the little Miya girl again, last, but not lease, it is as I'm, as we're searching after her as to discover her making it up the opposite end of first Lady Obama's term/turn of Dunlap street, elated to find her, we whisk her into the car, just the constant reminder of a come extinction level event, is for certain.
   - Dunlap street (as in, time done lapse street), isn't only where as a child Miya's age, 10 or 12, I suffered the head trauma of my own messenger of satan now these thirty-one springs. Dunlap Street is where I witnessed the first ever of Americans stampeding into exodus, further explaining why by two consecutive dreams I've both witnessed President Obama, to First Lady Obama on Dunlap street. Possibly referencing, his time table, 2008, of two weeks and seven years, being the end of western civilization, into come, ancient beast reign, even the Bride's escape. Whereas in spring of 1986, Jesus' ascension of the Bride was demonstrated to me in living colors, it was Spring 2016, when I witnessed as Jesus Millennium descended right into a President to First Lady Obama world reign, and the land was littered with the slain, beware, Apb, get it, get Jesus and get (ascend), out of it! See more here,


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