With A Noah's Earth Pending, First Lady Trump, Wish, Is A Very Grown Up Ideal!

That Breakage Of The Rainbow, Covenant Of Yet Legalizing Samesex marriage. www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com

     -Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 12/07/2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Preparing The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

     -Listening To: Selah, I Got Saved, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppaTBbn_v7U

     -The Roar Of The Lion, The Speed Of The Leopard, The Mockery Of The Demon Dog, In A Number Like The Grains Of Sand, The Fallen Will Follow, Will Wallow, This Fall,

     -I Witnessed Israel Cater To A Leader, A world Rule By The Name Of Hamath, Is That Related To Hamas?

     -Well, doing a type of Christmas Carol live demonstration, around, let's say 2010, as portrayed here, (http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-will-put-none-of-these-diseases-upon.html) I watched the entire western tier burn into the white house it'self engulfed with flames, heard it said in my ear that something such as extinction level happen to the eastern seaboard, it too was gone as well. I just glanced here, at what first lady Trump possibly want for Christmas, a deserted island by which to dwell, may I suggest all those tens of millions west of the mid-Atlantic. The little Miya girl staying the vehicles of those procrastinating America's come Moses' day exodus, God alone will bless.
     -So hitch just the ride along with Mother,Trump, I'm just saying, don't let them leave you here to endure the worse ever to happen US soil, this earth, ever! Understand though God know the blessed fate of the righteous, the why of the ungodly, the unrepentant will perish, believe Apostle, I've seen it, doing Jesus' descending Millennium the US soil, littered and littered with the slain, no wonder Prophet Malachi cried, that this son of God, arrive with healing in his wings, as so remember, the leaves are for the healing of such tattered nations.
     -Just I stood this witness, along a riverbed cities after cities did burn, still nothing of what Apostle Peter said he witness. Consumed they were until what's happening across California, even the West, east, south, should be considered a mercifully force evacuation considering what's actually come. That such as to be described as a Noah's Cousin, the heavens fold back like a scroll, all. Surely you all know of it and have heard of it, something earth catastrophic and ending, soon post Jesus' reign, it's earth never, ever again see, this beginning to end, now come, beware, Apb, The RAM, get it, get Jesus and get out of it, and get (ascend), out of it ...someone asked me, why was it Jesus, that had to die? I plead with you all, see more here, http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/12/someone-just-asked-me-why-was-it-jesus.html and here  http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/hes-little-boy-that-santa-claus-forgot.html


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