Every D-day Now!
-Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 12/03//2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer
-Listening To: Be Be, Ce Ce,'s Jingle bell, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PISnJldG3g to Clay Aiken's Don't Save it All, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49qpE10eZ44 and Whitney Houston's, Joy To The World, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATqL4_8A_yc
Breaking News Alert!
Lisa Haven Before Its News Article, Says, The Big One Is Coming, Scientists Are Nervous Over Swarms Of Earthquakes Beneath San Andres Fault see
Lisa Haven Before Its News Article, Says, The Big One Is Coming, Scientists Are Nervous Over Swarms Of Earthquakes Beneath San Andres Fault see
Prophecy Links
Seen to be seeing, 2007, a mighty than describable exodus of family and friends along both sides of my house into a barricaded Mexican border, beware,
Seen to looking into a Matrix screen, 11/25/2017, that seem to be advocating, as to recreate the the number 10 as a warning, as in ten days, so today, tomorrow, see and read Jesus prophetic promise, toward His anointed, enduring tens days of great troubles, Rev. ' 2:10, remember, the Holy Spirit arrived, holy pentecost come, fifty days after Jesus resurrection, and just ten days after, Jesus' ascension, beware, Apb
Seen to looking into a Matrix screen, 11/25/2017, that seem to be advocating, as to recreate the the number 10 as a warning, as in ten days, so today, tomorrow, see and read Jesus prophetic promise, toward His anointed, enduring tens days of great troubles, Rev. ' 2:10, remember, the Holy Spirit arrived, holy pentecost come, fifty days after Jesus resurrection, and just ten days after, Jesus' ascension, beware, Apb
-Behold It Is Death, And It's Riding Against Time, The Time It Was Defeated At Christ's Cross, Infused By Abominable, Detestable Lives, Lands And Churches, www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
For When Trump And Westerners Leaders Say Peace and Safety, Sudden Destruction Will, Follow, On Guard, Ready Yourself!
-These events are no doubt Jesus explaining to inquiring disciples, these are things that must surely come to past, only right now, with an appearing Angel Gabriel 2004, warning and I quote, "the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind right into the sounding of the Seventh Angel Trumpet, beware, I was in the process of writing this blog before, when I found this article, Apb,
-Some People Are Leaving, There's Something About Georgia, Good To Hear It!
-Trump declares, Jerusalem the capital of Israel, maybe now it is understood, Trump now making declarations of peace and safety of Jerusalem, why it is so many western leaders religious, political. as to silence him, are calling for his impeachment. Obviously, their not realizing that it was shown Apostle John's, Revelation 17, how it is the great whore of abomination that lead into abominations America once carrying them. Further, allying them is now being used to launched the beginning to the end of the seven heads. That is of a ten headed confederation, the territories of the early prophets, right now, even why ancient beast especially since the September 23rd Revelation 12 sign.
-Apparently their own launching, (and Apostle John hard a cry, saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates, (these are evil angels, hence previously "bound." The river, Euphrates? Signals the area, {this is why I said, Obama had a perfect blood lineage as that of the Antichrist, as so these are not just various Trumpets sounding off, they're heralds, timed just perfectly, Apb}. These areas is where it all began, it is where it will all end, JSM ); so begin the dragon's greatest of menacing, into the serpent, the lion, the leopard and the demon dog, only to name some, woe, woe and woe right into Jesus' Millennial reign!
-The demon dog of Christ crying from the cross as recorded Psalm 22 and now his blessed, martyred, anointed, that His darling be saved from the dog, dogs who in my dreams are demons. Possibly explaining here lately why it is I witnessed ancient beast posing in the homes, disguised as friendly, trustworthy pets, no don't awaiting prediction, this inconceivable infiltration. How it is, such evil, as seen Obama's campaign into Trumps, are now being detected in active reign all about the works of men. Predominantly, an end of days, Islamic to Israeli rule, Catholicism being desolated, just as so Christianity, as the Righteous Bride is seen nor heard no more at all in them, into the Tribulation Saints being hunted down and slaughtered.
-I guess you can simply say, just as Jerusalem is being heralded throughout the world, America/Western Rule as of it, as desperately forewarn is to hurriedly exit into exodus all of it's famed properties this world and have God bless it. Further meaning their well advocated these end days new era has always been Jesus' warning, both his descending Millennium, and God's Kingdom. Just as a New Jerusalem, the first being desolated itself, descending upon, into a New heaven and earth, men single for all time ever, fear-factor I admit, but the only blessed new world order they'll ever get, Jesus to God's world rule, surely Kiss,HIm. Realized, all is not lost until the judgment of the nations and the great white throne judgment, one way or another you have, as to get right now; as the word "NOW," made into a blinking light of caution, get to Jesus, the Christ, Son of Elohim as God's judgement is every D-day, Now! Beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-will-put-none-of-these-diseases-upon.html
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