The Lambs Book Open Into A Roll Call, Census Taking, Beware, God Hath REMEMBERED!

     -For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. Come out of her my people, for her sins have reached unto Heaven and I, Elohim God, Hath REMEMBERED, Her Iniquities... Eze. 8:12, Rev. 18:4, 5 Apb

Righteously Dividing The Enemy
     -As I commented on this subject first hand, God's human, Adam and Eve, husband and wife is one of procreation, of reproduction so the samesex nor the transgender lifestyle, it's LGBTQ movement isn't of God, it's of rebellion, Satan even demons, beware. Herein Trump's ban is totally off this planet hypocritical, his Supreme Court legalized what to God are abominations so, well, righteously divided this ban. Clearly you would have to include all fornication, all those in and out of non natural, none marital affairs, all, all ungodliness is sin, not just those of President Trump's to Religious, Political leaders choices.
     -My grandson and I his choice, we were sitting watching the Bible series, The Son Of God, while we played pool, the song, Mary Did You Know, from it's soundtrack was playing with images, when he considered watching the entire movie. It was when it come to the part about Judas hanging himself, I asked him, now eight year old, Caden, what's worse, betraying Jesus or hanging yourself? Without looking off from the movie, he said, betraying Jesus and I said, no, betray Jesus like disciple Peter denying Jesus three times, you can ask God's forgiveness, commit suicide, or die in sin, you seperate yourself from Him forever, you're damn.
     -So I asked him again, Caden, what's worse, betraying Jesus or committing suicide? And he said again not looking off from the movie, committing suicide, you confess your sins, surely the Gospel of Jesus' Cross, God will forgive you and cleanse you from sin, from all unrighteousness. Now come, having Jesus' seed of righteousness is in you, in your heart's blood, you are a new man, creature. You are God's Righteous, Holy Temple, old passed, new thrives, you no longer commit sin, because your old man is now crucified aflesh and risen an anointed heir of God, wherein shall you die (damn yourselves)? Live! (get to Christ's Cross), Beware, Apb, see here,


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