-Be very alarm, be very aware, dutchsinse, the word, youtube channel given so those politicians, churchians to sandian, choosing to be deaf, bind and incoherently unaware, Jesus warning as the days of Noah, and now lately a NOAA's cousin, yet such as to be cursed with normalcy bias can at one stage be made aware that is come this out break of apocalypse US soil. Just as something cataclysmic as to kill all parents, as to finish all schools by a September to October 2017. Well, dutchsinse, the one I told you, by his line of expertise will see and be able to warn you that something extraordinarily nation ending is come, is right now seeing activity along the West Pacific. This area by everybody great and small forewarn to be locked and load to produce the most monstrous of Mega disasters, even that I call a three headed, 2x's Godzilla monster, taking eclipse 2017 trajectory right throughout it's entirety. While with much regret he, the expert is predicting activity in these danger zone tremendous enough to produce earthquake to pending 99 bowls of molten Lava of seven and above. Now remember, this is the same youtube channel that warn of alike activity before Mexico's recent 8 plus quake, and only days late, 7 plus quake.
-I. Apostle warn, just as President Trump made declarations of peace and safety, gave a date of August 29th, how, although the Mid to Eastern Atlantic broke out with never before seen historic hurricanes, the lost of life, though regretful was all at a medium. Though Apostle told you, that pending US West Coast was a different kind of monster all together, that possibly, not only is it the death rider I saw being released from the beneath the earth, I witnessed that when the earth open, this victorious rider did indeed come. Though having seen the heavens roll back like a scroll, what is equally happening, the entire book of Revelation being open, what Apostle John, the sixth seal is possibly describing, is also a super volcano, like a Yellowstone, eruption, US soil, especially since said extinction level event. Seeming just as it happen, simultaneously the Bride was moved skyward all while all non members were evacuated Southeast into America's come mandatory exodus, reapers have, are and will target all procrastinators. Lest you forget, only days past, I witnessed two of a horrid thing, I witnessed a breaking in of all viewing of a news report and only moments lately I witnessed that technology was in the sink as one is to wash dishes, the last, this vision of such a simple thing, it was the dropping of a single egg into the trash, before America's largest, historic recall on eggs, a fear of salmonella poisoning,
-I. Apostle warn, just as President Trump made declarations of peace and safety, gave a date of August 29th, how, although the Mid to Eastern Atlantic broke out with never before seen historic hurricanes, the lost of life, though regretful was all at a medium. Though Apostle told you, that pending US West Coast was a different kind of monster all together, that possibly, not only is it the death rider I saw being released from the beneath the earth, I witnessed that when the earth open, this victorious rider did indeed come. Though having seen the heavens roll back like a scroll, what is equally happening, the entire book of Revelation being open, what Apostle John, the sixth seal is possibly describing, is also a super volcano, like a Yellowstone, eruption, US soil, especially since said extinction level event. Seeming just as it happen, simultaneously the Bride was moved skyward all while all non members were evacuated Southeast into America's come mandatory exodus, reapers have, are and will target all procrastinators. Lest you forget, only days past, I witnessed two of a horrid thing, I witnessed a breaking in of all viewing of a news report and only moments lately I witnessed that technology was in the sink as one is to wash dishes, the last, this vision of such a simple thing, it was the dropping of a single egg into the trash, before America's largest, historic recall on eggs, a fear of salmonella poisoning,
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