Apostle Reveal, The Cataclysmic Dismantling Of American, Of Western Rule From Pope, President, Pastor to Peasant
-Why Were My Grands, My Second Heart/Jesus Husband Being Relocated To Georgia Obama's Ending Timetable Into Cameron's Brexit?
-The Cataclysmic Dismantling Of American, Of Western Rule From Pope, President, Pastor to Peasant
-All Apostle can tell you, is, I saw it burn, the White House, Western Soil, to such an extent. Possibly the 99 bowls of molten lava chant. Possibly a Yellowstone eruption, possibly the moving to Georgia dream, possibly the fulfillment of Revelation 6th seal. Remember? There wasn't suppose to be a 2016 election, a Trump Presidency, God's Judgment now come. So now this, of Holy Spirits doing the escape to Georgia dream placed this finale around September 23-25th, we're talking about an extinction level event and I didn't evacuate anyone from the West coast, Holy Spirits did.So it mean everyone not out of the West, into the Midwest, the Mideast and gone into the rpture and or the Southeast. As so readied to an exodus, God's Trump Jesus or America's Truexit, Trump, by this greatly prophesied for thousands of years, September date, won't escape! Won't!
-America's to West rule, this Brexit acting like a surrender, was all to be pound into alters of Christ, evacuations into exodus, now just as the days of Jeremiah/Ezekiel of possibly why America's hand writing on the wall of Judgment was feature as a panorama 1998 out of Jeremiah 37:8, so for year and years Holy Spirits been showing this coming after iron men, now this burning of God designed, forewarning scrolls. No doubt the witnessed of Jesus' Millennium 2016, descending into a questionable Obama's, all seeming to be rooted into a mass lost of life.I asked my family, all of which are sitting on a locked and loaded, ticking time bomb, of a Yellowstone/San Andres/New Madrid fault, clearly who has to die next, their procrastinating escape to get all my grands out of Tennessee?
-This is the ministry warning you they were all coming long before Harvey, Irma and Jose pending, long before 8 plus earth quakes in Mexico and Russia, before the last 9.3 class solar flare, earth directed, said never seen in our life time that could've ended it all, but it didn't none of them, did, as so this mystery. Just as so I warn, reapers bearing disasters, earth, wind, fire, water, even 99 bowls of molten lava, into awareness of dutchsinse broadcast of earthquake to volcano anomalies targeting all procrastinating exodus, were all come, hence, Get Jesus and get out of it now, as in right now, beware, Apb, see, http://2017divinerelocation.blogspot.com/2017/09/prophecy-links-i-heard-i-my-hearing.html
P. S. The Born Again Not Having Endangered Loved Ones/Or Friends, Needing To Follow Your Lead, Fret Not! Trust, Delight, Commit, Stand! Apb, Jesus Is Here!
-Apostle's Reveal, The Revelation 12 Sign, The Seventh Angel Into The Dismantling Of America Of Anti-Christ Reign, Then Come Jesus'
-Yes, pastor, with an extinction level event pending the West coast, only less than two months from now. Though I Apostle been seeing this 31 springs now. Soon Dec. 2001, I was brought into a weight and measure of America's blood guilt where no man but Jesus can stand, get Him now! That until 190 months be fulfilled, Oct. 2017, why this nation, this world seem to be seized up all around. A mass lost of life into 190 years will be instant right into the days of Daniel final, week and the entire book of Revelation, will follow.
-Now both the Bride's escape and America's exodus by placed, by Holy Spirit at September 23-25th, meaning all that's has happened these three decades. That's into seconds at present is to bring all into a harsh yet divine reality of Angel Gabriel 2004 that we are the generation of all fulfillment. Get out of the West, Holy Spirits/The Bride Obama's finished timetable, evacuating pending Tribulation Saints Southeast into Exodus now, as in right now,, beware, Apb, see here, www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com
The Dismantling Of American, Of Western Rule From Pope, President, Pastor to Peasant
-Every time I hear economic crash I'm reminded of those two ferocious of beast, there seeming to be one rising from the sea, and yet another from the earth and together they're tearing through America's Petro addiction to an addiction nation building that is rightly Hussein, Obama's campaign. Though as well stomping, chomping and mowing through pulpits and pews, through peace getting porches, through stock and money markets crying I have a beast in 120 countries. Though all the earlier, and most concerning, monster lethal, even the cry these long years how Antichrist will kill millions as million like now go broke. So just another proof of the end times we're in, it's why for two consecutive times to three I've asked Hundreds of Millions of especially Americans.
-Actually of pending Tribulation Saints to instead right now, come and go with me to Jesus, wedding supper and mansions await, even the spirit and bride sayeth welcome. As I said though the more carnivorous than the days of the Roman Empire, this cry in Prophet Daniel's ear to rise up and eat much flesh. The Leopard of Grecia, (come Armageddon), the Lion of Babylon (come Antichrist reign) and a demon dog, (typical possession of those forgetting God), Just all these vicious beast I witnessed styling abominable lives, lands and churches, now get this, as innocent house pets. I guess we didn't render to Caesar what was His, nor God, our Will, His, such rebellion now this stumbling block of iniquity, Apostle Paul did warn. Then I heard in my hearing, "I will being it all to waste, America, have you fallen before, be aware as God Himself, get ye to Jesus and get out of this as forewarn, seizure of God's wrath on every side, Apb, The RAM,
-The Cataclysmic Dismantling Of American, Of Western Rule From Pope, President, Pastor to Peasant
-All Apostle can tell you, is, I saw it burn, the White House, Western Soil, to such an extent. Possibly the 99 bowls of molten lava chant. Possibly a Yellowstone eruption, possibly the moving to Georgia dream, possibly the fulfillment of Revelation 6th seal. Remember? There wasn't suppose to be a 2016 election, a Trump Presidency, God's Judgment now come. So now this, of Holy Spirits doing the escape to Georgia dream placed this finale around September 23-25th, we're talking about an extinction level event and I didn't evacuate anyone from the West coast, Holy Spirits did.So it mean everyone not out of the West, into the Midwest, the Mideast and gone into the rpture and or the Southeast. As so readied to an exodus, God's Trump Jesus or America's Truexit, Trump, by this greatly prophesied for thousands of years, September date, won't escape! Won't!
-America's to West rule, this Brexit acting like a surrender, was all to be pound into alters of Christ, evacuations into exodus, now just as the days of Jeremiah/Ezekiel of possibly why America's hand writing on the wall of Judgment was feature as a panorama 1998 out of Jeremiah 37:8, so for year and years Holy Spirits been showing this coming after iron men, now this burning of God designed, forewarning scrolls. No doubt the witnessed of Jesus' Millennium 2016, descending into a questionable Obama's, all seeming to be rooted into a mass lost of life.I asked my family, all of which are sitting on a locked and loaded, ticking time bomb, of a Yellowstone/San Andres/New Madrid fault, clearly who has to die next, their procrastinating escape to get all my grands out of Tennessee?
-This is the ministry warning you they were all coming long before Harvey, Irma and Jose pending, long before 8 plus earth quakes in Mexico and Russia, before the last 9.3 class solar flare, earth directed, said never seen in our life time that could've ended it all, but it didn't none of them, did, as so this mystery. Just as so I warn, reapers bearing disasters, earth, wind, fire, water, even 99 bowls of molten lava, into awareness of dutchsinse broadcast of earthquake to volcano anomalies targeting all procrastinating exodus, were all come, hence, Get Jesus and get out of it now, as in right now, beware, Apb, see, http://2017divinerelocation.blogspot.com/2017/09/prophecy-links-i-heard-i-my-hearing.html
P. S. The Born Again Not Having Endangered Loved Ones/Or Friends, Needing To Follow Your Lead, Fret Not! Trust, Delight, Commit, Stand! Apb, Jesus Is Here!
-Apostle's Reveal, The Revelation 12 Sign, The Seventh Angel Into The Dismantling Of America Of Anti-Christ Reign, Then Come Jesus'
-Yes, pastor, with an extinction level event pending the West coast, only less than two months from now. Though I Apostle been seeing this 31 springs now. Soon Dec. 2001, I was brought into a weight and measure of America's blood guilt where no man but Jesus can stand, get Him now! That until 190 months be fulfilled, Oct. 2017, why this nation, this world seem to be seized up all around. A mass lost of life into 190 years will be instant right into the days of Daniel final, week and the entire book of Revelation, will follow.
-Now both the Bride's escape and America's exodus by placed, by Holy Spirit at September 23-25th, meaning all that's has happened these three decades. That's into seconds at present is to bring all into a harsh yet divine reality of Angel Gabriel 2004 that we are the generation of all fulfillment. Get out of the West, Holy Spirits/The Bride Obama's finished timetable, evacuating pending Tribulation Saints Southeast into Exodus now, as in right now,, beware, Apb, see here, www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com
The Dismantling Of American, Of Western Rule From Pope, President, Pastor to Peasant
-Every time I hear economic crash I'm reminded of those two ferocious of beast, there seeming to be one rising from the sea, and yet another from the earth and together they're tearing through America's Petro addiction to an addiction nation building that is rightly Hussein, Obama's campaign. Though as well stomping, chomping and mowing through pulpits and pews, through peace getting porches, through stock and money markets crying I have a beast in 120 countries. Though all the earlier, and most concerning, monster lethal, even the cry these long years how Antichrist will kill millions as million like now go broke. So just another proof of the end times we're in, it's why for two consecutive times to three I've asked Hundreds of Millions of especially Americans.
-Actually of pending Tribulation Saints to instead right now, come and go with me to Jesus, wedding supper and mansions await, even the spirit and bride sayeth welcome. As I said though the more carnivorous than the days of the Roman Empire, this cry in Prophet Daniel's ear to rise up and eat much flesh. The Leopard of Grecia, (come Armageddon), the Lion of Babylon (come Antichrist reign) and a demon dog, (typical possession of those forgetting God), Just all these vicious beast I witnessed styling abominable lives, lands and churches, now get this, as innocent house pets. I guess we didn't render to Caesar what was His, nor God, our Will, His, such rebellion now this stumbling block of iniquity, Apostle Paul did warn. Then I heard in my hearing, "I will being it all to waste, America, have you fallen before, be aware as God Himself, get ye to Jesus and get out of this as forewarn, seizure of God's wrath on every side, Apb, The RAM,
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