Lets US Make Man In OUR Own Likeness. In Our OWN Image And Let Him Have Dominion Over Disobedience

    -Is God As Angry Right Now As The Days Of Noah And Greater? I heard A Command Lately, That All Parents be Killed By, That All Schools Be Finished, That 50 Million Will Die, 2002 and 2017, Even More Frightening, That God Is Avenging Martyred Blood, Meaning Only Holy Spirits Will Stand, So You Tell Me! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU4vSWt_998

Prophecy Links

-And I Heard In My Hearing, The Lyrics singing In My Ears, "no winter cold, can stop me babe," (soon by research, I would learn these lyrics are taken from the song, 'ain't no mountain high enough; to keep me from getting to you babe. Further meaning all those awaiting a spring rapture are to be reassured, He that promised and prophesied is faithful and trustworthy. That absolutely nothing this planet will prevent the Bridegroom of the Bride at this time, Stand)! Apb, www.thefourthofthegodhead15.blogspot.com

-What did I see? I saw he Bride now reigning in heaven, having in her possession the stone cut out without hands (Dan. 4), I saw that it had the surface of a meteor, that when she released it, I heard a voice announce, "this is the Antichrist murderer." Beware, As the days of Daniel into Antichrist, Apb

     -Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, II Pet. 3:11, (be Christ altar/temple into Americas exodus),


     -President Trump Declared Peace And Safety, Now An Outbreak Of Sudden Destruction


     -Lets US Make Man In OUR Own Image. In Our OWN Likeness And Let Him Have Dominion Over Disobedience, Let No World Rule, Deceive You, Elohim Is GOD! www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

      -As innocent and innovative as it might seem AI to Microchiping the human being, a technology Antichrist will used greatly against them, that will all the easier caused men their souls. Like fornication, same marriage it is a form of mutating the Genesis man and is then a transgression not just against God, but against the body that is the predestined Temple (Christ Man), of God. Not too many nights ago I'm in a dream, quite extensive whereas there is this constant courting of Keanu Reeves, when just the other morning. Right as I stirred awake, I heard it said in my ear Noah' Cousin, I would soon learn, the parody Noah' Cousin come just as a huge solar flare. This immense one described as not seen in our lifetime, earth directed and everything was targeting our home planet, so Noah's cousin turn out to be NOAA, as in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  of scientific study as warn of my Jesus' husband before His ascension, as in earth ending disasters from above.
     -So now that the predicted five more disasters, 2013 is finished, into a cry night ago, of, simply, plainly "KILL!" just this outbreak of historic monster earthquakes, hurricanes, erupting volcano's  to firestorms, at one time Hurricane Imra's winds clocked at over 200, while with hurricane Harvey, come historic flooding, then it's fifth elements the sun exploding, and exploding and exploding, 8 to 9 class, earth directed solar flares, and I know as you know millions could be dead, let alone hundreds of thousands. I was wrecking my head trying to figure how I would as the days of Moses' Egypt figure out five disasters, again, 2013, out of so many, until I realize, as is what's happening right now, this predicting was referencing how every element, earth, wind, fire, water, and the heavens not only in the same year,2017,  but practically in same season, has produced a record breaking to setting pending Mega disaster each of their own.
     -Whereas presently, while the horrid reveal is, what followed the finale or what was the finale of the ten plagues of Egypt was this predicted by Apostle these many years, this outbreak of mortuary, this is why I point out how these Mega disaster were careful not to take mass lives, explaining why now, I hear the cry, well the command in my ear, just as spiraling nation to world horrors seem to taper off, come the word, the command, "KILL!"As was ordered to commanded of Moses' Egypt, a death angel was come, he was to claim, well now all parents, as in all persons, great and small in leadership or advisory positions over God's people, again ALL! Explaining. not only the lamb's bool of life being crafted into a magnagnmous roll call of  a census, something prophetically reactivated prior to mass, just as reapers bearing slaughters weapon and a command not to spare, are sent out, why Apostle now simply warn, get Jesus and get out of it.
     -Just as the word Now, given as a binking light of caution, time is run out into Americans and the world facing these three primary judgments to four, Nuclear Event, (KIM/Asians Are Coming) to a Natural Event (Yellowstone, Eclipse 2017 Trajectory), to  A NOAA (Nibiru/Carrington, King Nechadnezzar's handless stone). Al together more Harrowing to begging description though undoubtedly the triple threat I witnessed years back, that boggled my mind and literally pulled my heart. Herein you can see for yourself, the haste to get both the bride to heaven and pending tribulation out of America, exit Southeast into exodus. This 3 headed, 2x's Godzilla monster I, and especially King Nebuchadnezzar before me witnessed end instantly all that is humankind's world over and over and over again, to the point right now you can hear Apostle Peter, practically what Nicholas' Cage Knowing movie was based on, this end of planet earth planet wide inferno, again Apostle Peter, knowing this, again, KNOWING, this, what manner of man ought you to be, let me answer, a Truexit, God's Trump, Jesus or America's, Trump, of an abrupt exit. 
     -Understand, this is the end of America, of all nation building that's been predicted even before the Apostle John, thousands of year now heard in his ear, there are seven kingdoms. Massive troubles like never before readily upon us, sadly all while President Trump's, this nations Presidential Watchman, having his head in the sand. Despite fully, all while various beast elephants are doing a ring around the roses chant all around him, this cursed of a pending pale horse judgment. Apostle know these 31 springs, this is phenomenally beyond any comprehension prediction, thus the mightiest, most terrifying cry of Holy Spirits ever or ever again that God is avenging martyred blood, apparently, we're talking as far back  as the days of Cane slaying Abel into right now beginning America's West Coast and God's Revelation populous inquiry, and who shall be able to stand? Thus evacuating all people Southeast into exodus either God's Trump Jesus, or America's Truexit, Trump, according to a 2001 Christmas night timetable, in less than two months, is this beyond Amazing Grace. 
    -As so the courting of Keanu Reeves, like you, it didn't take me long to figure it was a parody about flirting with wicked devices, although God as of this surreal reality has a plan for this, it won't be complete until beast/Antichrist reign come into fruition just as Obama/America's made it's 2015 finale. Just as well a Godzilla type disruption happen, instantly 190 years was lost of it, it was as though it was the old west, only plagued with a pale horse judgment to Islamic/Antichrist reign, who wont to be in America for that. Believe Apostle, when the man in linen instruct Daniel to seal up the prophecies until the end, that knowledge shall increase, He, an incarnate Jesus was especially like Angel Gabriel 2004, referring to these moments in end time right now, of calling up the Bride, of speeding to stampeding Americans to Westerners into exodus, right now, as in right now!  So you beast/beast believe, when the man in linen cried knowledge shall increase, he was referencing the taking of God's unmerited favor and shaping it into wicked devices, things seen this artificial, leopard skin coat of a lien that bedazzled into harsh distraction, things not seen, Jesus, the Bride stealing away into heaven, leaving millions atop Trump Towers stranded, beware, again Apostle say, beware! 
     -Ceaselessly, of world nations right now edging ever so close to nuclear war all of their mastering weaponry better for ensnaring it's one humanity, by world leaders the more possessed with elevations this world hold hostage it's inhabitants now a victim to it's disastrous to deadly, bloody efforts of peace, itself a curse, prick one of us, injured all of us now these thousands of years into' making a holocaust of men has come quite the collateral damage of disregarding the blooding of earth's soil with the martyred. Explaining why it's weight, measure and judgment come at such the precise timing of it's mightiest of technical advances, this one moment of bashing in it's glory, the next second of looking at a weigh station of  measuring guilty blood, and just as abruptly as the Brides's Intrepid Adventure this made again dark, chaotic planet is over, as so is America's this world over. Thus Jesus Christ, cry, or most genius of inquiries, as so King Solomon the richest, wishes man ever, "what shall it profit, if you gain America this world over and lose your soul; just what have you forfeited to gain temporal treasures into desolation's, then judgement and hell? Let No World Order deceive you, get Jesus and get out of it, and may God blessed your Jesus to Truexit exodus, Apb, The RAM

Prophecy Li
-Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: (possibly ten trials), be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life, Reigning Jesus, Rev. 2:10, All Pending Tribulation Saints, Beware!
What Great Wicked Devices You Have, Even The Courting Of Keanu Reeves www.theissueoftherest2016.blogspot.com
-This miraculous to imagine, of what Jesus said to one of two suffering Asian Minor churches, the prophetic scripture following me around lately. Even seeing the dime coin, ten count, of my Jesus' husband's dime collection. So I guess you can say, now I'm finding odd dimes oppose to odd quarters I'm yet finding, no doubt massive death tolls mounts. This blessed assurance is especially graceful today, we being exactly ten days away from the appointed escape vehicle, the escape to Heaven/Georgia Dream. Mysteriously though momentarily after 31 springs of blessed demonstrations, only here allowing an estimated time of exit, of September 25th. -I explained years past, I was reintroduce to this darling promise, as to become infected for days and days. As so with the Tony Braxton song, while lyrics, Seven Whole Days, only I was singing all about the house, "ten whole days, not a word from you," repeatedly without end right until I told my children something would happen in ten days. Sadly, breathtakingly, not only did it, but it involved a Church, at least nine of it's members being overtaken by an American terrorism who shot and killed them. I'm now reminded of a dream I had just a few nights past, we were all slumming, pajama's and all, oddly enough, it was with a recently deceased mom. -One whose deceased man friend, dying years earlier, I described down to the pepper gray hair, cap on his head, having never meet him just lingered to and fro about the room. So just hanging with Momma, sister and grandma, the very one whose sickness reluctantly drove my oldest son family out of the Midsouth as need be. Right into Georgia me with them, just as I dreamed, when Momma, laying so comfortably in bed, soon tossed us dripping with chocolate swirls, cookies. Strangely just as soon I began singing, and they all with me, "yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away, now it looks as though they'll here to stay, ah I believe in yesterday." -Yesterday as the days of Noah, of Lot and family running for their lives, told not to look back, but forward unto God's gift, prize, Jesus Christ. Still, it was when a disobedience instead ruled, whereas right today there's a pillar of salt marking this act of procrastination, beware! Surely because Jesus is for you, Us and Holy Spirits are evacuating Us into Him, there is no power on this earth that can stand against you, US. Henceforth the Angel Gabriel 2004, mentioning of a seventh angel, meaning all nation building this Antichrist world, is done for, beware! Trust, Delight, Commit, STAND! Jesus is here, get Him, and get out! See entire blog here, http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/09/lets-us-make-man-in-our-own-image-in.html


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