About 84; Percent Of American Parents Repent or Perish

 -Article. About 84 percent of American parents who saw “Beauty and the Beast” on its opening day said they would “definitely” recommend it for families, according to PostTrak, a polling service run by comScore and Screen Engine. Article

     Beast Of Beauty, The Beginning Of God's Reign, Jesus To Bring The Bride Up To Him

     -Jesus said, in me you might have peace, (the beauty), in the world, you shall tribulations, (the beast), but I (the beauty), has overcome the world (the beast). Take heed, only the promise, the birth, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of the woman seed, herein faithfully standing on His Promises has kept man these thousands of years from complete extinction, the fall of innocence, let everything that hath breath praise his holy name, worship Him in Spirit and Truth,Hallelujah, Amen! 

     -From a command to kill all parents by, to a call that all schools be finished, to a reminder America, Western Civilization has a nuclear fate awaiting them, to a forewarning that fifty million will die both in 2002 and 2017. Even that one of your own, though falling short about 20 million, Bill Gates is warning the same about a nearing contagion, a death toll of 30 million. Don't do me, my children nor grandchildren this ill 84 percent of American Parents.
     -God, knowing the hearts of men did by His Revelation forewarn us 2000 years ago into present day to get away from persons refusing to turn from or repent of what to God are abominations. Seeming so insignificant of an evil, stolen kiss, was it for profit? Surely it was, though a little leavens the whole lump, herein having an audience of Millions, beware, your little corrupts the plenteous into transgressions against God.
    -Jesus said what shall it profit a man if he gain the world and lose his soul, or what shall man give in exchange for his soul? Jesus ask additionally, though the soul isn't interchangeable, as demonstrated the garden of Gethsemane, it is yours alone to forfeit, according to ones will, certainly he saving his life this temporal amount, loses life eternal.
    -So imagine like the movie 2012, I been seeing such the like world ending calamities these thirty-one years this first day of spring. Along with Incalculable evacuations into a world exodus by Arks in and beneath water, destination? The now Qaddafi's United States of Africa, with such the imagination into biblical prophecy, that I then wrote it, signified it and placed it on line for all to have access to and read, even see here, www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com
     -Now picture the 84 percent of parents mention here and they're all running, screaming, crying, they're even being trampled down. Pulling their just as panicked kids along this failed as a grim reaper bearing a sword like syringe is running them all down, this assigned to each of them killer. The sky is rolled back like a scroll, the stars are falling, and raining down these fire bombs.
     -The earth is rising up into exploding molten lava for miles and miles of it, the ocean and seas are determined to drown as many as need be. Even China and Russia like in the days of the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel whereas the Chaldeans are sent to punish a Jerusalem to Judah Israel like America, the West right now refusing to repent.
     -Herein the greatest of enemies from the Korean, to the Chinese, to the Russians, and lest I forget Islam, all having a score of innumerable sanctions to settle. Now in order to destroy her, as God will, they're dropping bombs this planned siege these nearly 20 years. That when it's all said and done, 10's of millions are just gone, men, woman and children, none exempt; as so this being only the beginning of God to the Antichrist also targeting millions of earth's inhabitants all the more, no do me nor mine any ill, 84 percent of American Parents,.awake, beware, Apb, The RAM,


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