
Showing posts from January, 2018

The Suicidal Cure To The Suicidal Problem, Is Their No Christ Of God,Of The Living In The Land Of The Dying

The Suicidal Cure To The Suicidal Problem, Is Their No Christ Of God,Of The Living In The Land Of The Dying      -There is a another record I didn't include here, but when I reconsider it, we have to go back some thirty years. I'm in my prayer closet, I been inquiring about my come spiritually, displaced children, where holy spirits are come, explaining how feeding our children this fanicized world of Americans dreaming, would be like putting a gun to our children head and pulling the trigger. I know so many of you are wondering about the age difference between the suicidal military and suicidal children, the knowledge, the experience? Yes, but these is God's creation who worship the creature more and without Him as Lord, as Head, Heart and, and especially as the Shepherd, of death and dying.       -I know you know that's what this is, even the human blood lineage, but there is a cursed death, unrepentance, and suicide is one of them. There is a blessed ...

Thus Saith The Lord, A Silence, A Mountain, A Sunlight God's Throne, Let My People Go Into Exodus, Disobedience Is Death,

    -Thus Saith The Lord, A Silence, A Mountain, A Sunlight God's Throne, Let My People Go Into Exodus, Disobedience Is Death,      -Lest  you forget, like you been struck with alzheimer's yourselves, like you should look more to God's Trump Jesus, that America's evident Brexit to Truexit, Trump. Though all those mention here as of a predicted 2002, have a part in the America's weigh of blood guilt, it's cataclysmic judgement now come. It was as the day of the rise of gog and magog the Prophet Ezekiel's witnessed that the same fury of God was now being cast at Trump and Pence, Presidential campaigning, even that ancient beast was as well, come.      -It is that this selfsame God, along this selfsame fury was cast at them, I know the only way to cull God's fury, I mean I seen it, THEY show it to me decades of springs. Like the days of Moses, Egypt, Pharaoh, tens plagues and all. It would be make a commande...

From Hussein Reign, Into The Brexit, Truexit And Hilexit, You Can't Hide From This Obey Or Perish!

Hello, Anybody Out There?      -Article, USAF Begins Massive GPS Blackouts in the Western US During Largest Ever Air War Drill, Article, (said be military  planning strikes long the korean peninsula,  possibly the fulfillment of the decade cry, "it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it," with an alike cry, only years later, "the entire eastern seaboard is gone," both where military grande broadcast, see November 4th 2017, threat, beware, Apb, The RAM,   Commentor, been seeing these drills some thirty years, surely you must know this,       -I been seeing war on US soil, an Arab/Asian invasion, again US soil, about the same length of time, these 31 years, had it announced of four conts. to nats in a block 2002 and Trump Admin. that fifty million will die. This staggering toll include America, as we prepare to war we're not ju...
Hello, Anybody Out There?      -I still remember the day I was so offended doing church, first, most parishioners are poor, they live from paycheck to paycheck, from one failed job, lease to mortgage to others. When they leave church, they leave with the belief the last they just gave will be increased upon by God as promised, Only the grace of God, though it come, it seldom when you want it to and certainty not on time, not your timing, so such faith without works is dead, what they don't tell you. Also if you pastor to you yet have sin, your prayers are otherwise deflected, something else they don't tell you, But none of that matter, most people purpose after church is that America stand, as long as America stand, then there is the hope of the church man (Churchian). I said that, I'd' come time to give an offering and all in attendance readied their empty purses...
     -Thus Saith The Lord Elohim,  Let My People Go Into Exodus, For The Great Day Of The Lord Hath Come, Get Ye To Altars And Grab Bags,      -France, The first nations leader I witnessed 2008, visited by Senator Obama just as he was declared, "the one," and two beast one from land, one from sea rose just as he did. Soon come president was he equally appointed a timetable of two weeks and seven years, the total allotment of America, and western rule this planet. meaning there is no way to avoid, it's come, cataclysmic fate. For when they shall say peace and safety (procrastinating exodus), sudden destruction (see historic hurricanes, into the little miya girl of apocalypse, a Noah (NOAA's), cousin).      -Prophetically, sudden destruction cometh upon them like travail upon woman with child and they shall not escape. Be honest, you guys think it's too that he, Trump, take this 475 Trillion and award hund...
     Seen to be seeing commanded reapers bearing swordlike syringes targeting the rebellious and America was no more, beware, Apb   What, They Didn't leave A Thirteen Reason Why Diary Behind? Stop Being Deceived, Stop It! The Battles You Fight Is Not Against Flesh And Blood And Not Amything American Is A Match For These Evils! Put Ye On The Whole Armor Of God,      -I, Apostle THEY call me just commented yesterday to those finding Trump's comments about non-white, sh-hole nations, offensive, I mean he's Trump. Though how it is America has her own problems, two of them being a suicidal military to suicidal teens. Just a couple more of those elephants in the room, to the little Miya girl of come apocalypse, then I found these.      -One Reason Why Not, Now Make This Post Go Viral, -Six teen suicides ...
-Syria, Hamath, (Assyria), the rock made by the hands of beastly men that all world nations keep breaking themselves, beware, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson yours, 07/6/2008-07/06/2015 is a brexit/truexit/nuclear fate, again, beware, Apb -Come with all fulfillment as the Angel gabriel 2004 ad-534 bc, forewarn is ancient beast reign, meaning Prophet Jeremiah prophesied Jacob's troubles, Ezekiel's prophesied Gog, magog and Hamon-gog, the Prophet Daniel's 10 crowns beast into the rise of the Little horn, into Jesus forewarning of an abomination that maketh desolate all we ever treasure this planet, why I've seen mighty beast just stomping, chomping and tearing, and Jesus wasn't just taking Israel, but western civilization into the world at large, of which I apostle THEY call, of limitless fields of torture vehicle a US general himself described as a dirty mede the third of Daniel's beast, Dan. 7. -As so is come, Apostle John's witnessed of th...
      -Thank you Jesus, bring on your millennium, healing wings and leaves , no SATAN, no Gog and Magog, no rule of rebellious men, for a thousand years, come on Jesus Millennium! Apb,         -The early morning of the Hawaii Missile crisis, I was in one of two dreams of A Jesus' Husband, warning about sickbeds, sleepovers, (see Rev. 2), and these areas again, areas greatly warn, the US Pacific West Into Memphis Tennessee, itself. I apostle, THEY call me, warn, commanded reapers bearing swordlike syringes of nature's worse, target and target you, (see Eze. 4, 5th chapters), so temporarily, get southeast that is America's commanded Noah to Moses day exodus, beware, Apb Prophecy Links    -Seen to be looking a perfect man as Jesus face to face, eye to eye, He seem to be inquiring whether I realize guardian angels (Ps. 91), throughout the earth wou...

The Pale Horse of OUTBREAK!

The Warning Before The Reminder      -I oddly, only a few days past warn of a pale horse judgment also pending US soil, then as I sat wondering why was I moved to stop everything I was doing, and do this. I mean I was watching for an unnumbered times, the series containment while contemplating the series, "the last ship. " Still, I sat contemplating, that which was to follow great troubles was a flu outbreak of some sorts, of it's seeming western day victims shaping their hands along a backward letter C. Only to learn after I made this post, just this forewarning of a deadly virus coming, how that very day or the day prior was the very anniversary of the worse world pandemic ever this earth. I even shared how so many I knew doing Christmas day were suffering with flu like elements and again I sat awed by this post to report, to warning. Those of you who follow my intrepi...