-Unto Salvadore Constantine Armature and Channing Paris Cartwright Was Born

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 11/16/2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

    Listening To Selah, I Got Saved, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9UdI0CXbm0, to John Starnes, "Midnight Cry,"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rpQ3HFFMUk

     -As To Be Inundated With SunShiney Days, When It Is From Such Beaming, A Catastrophe Upon The earth Is Come
      -A Siege Upon All Kingdom and Nation Building Assuredly As Gabriel 2004, Mention A Seventh Angel, A Warning To All Souls, Escape Continuance Into America ! www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com 

     -Seeing 2016, Jesus Millennium descend into Obama's as though Trump's didn't exist, further hearing it declared a day before his inauguration that fifty million would die, even witnessing a fury of God. It is like the days of Prophet Ezekiel's witnessed of the rise of gog and magog (the Prophet Daniel's little Horn, Apostle John's, Obama's campaign, Rev. 13, rise of beast into the Antichrist), now said fury cast at his campaigning. These were just one indication after another that his would be short lived, why I deemed 2016 elections cancelled into altars and escape, even from the beginning that Trump's is a Truexit, Hillary a Hilexit, get out of it.
     -Did I also mention that as his voters cried, "Trump make America great again," there was a cry instead from heaven, that theirs, "yours," it's mountainous blood guilt; weighed, judged Dec. 25th 2001, that until fifteen years, ten months and forty days be fulfilled, Eze, 4, (so thanksgiving 2017); there's "is a nuclear fate?" Apparently with all western civilization come to an end just as Obama two weeks and seven year timetable 2008, was spent right into a Cameron, a United Kingdom ripe with a pending Brexit, 2015/2016, by the prophetic fulfillment of all above, is that come more and more apparent, ancient beast rule of the Antichrist cabinet, (Rev. 17-18), reign, beware, Apb

     -Unto Salvadore Constantine Armature and Channing Paris Cartwright was born...
www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com www.thejuttahseptennial15.blogspot.com

     -The entirety of western civilization, these thousands of years have been found to be a great whore of religious abomination that has stolen, raped and killed the world. So, as Jesus defended the woman caught in adultery, let he among any American who's without guilty blood, cast the first accusation at him, as so lamented the judgment targeting all parents for the kill into finishing all schools. This projected lately Noah's (NOAA's) cousin, and just as soon all innovative things in the kitchen sink this wash, isn't coming just for an unrepentant Bill nor Hillary Clinton.
     -Remember what I told you, all in leadership position, presidential to peasant not evacuating God's people, how it will be better for jihadist terrorist doing judgment than it will be for them; hence the Sunlight of God, moving from behind a mountain God's throne cried as the days of Moses, "let my people go," apparently into planned evacuations these three decades of an exodus! Apb, see entire blog here, http://thelightofsalvadoreconstantine17.blogspot.com/2017/11/a-come-seizure-upon-all-kingdom-and.html

Two weeks after Cataclysms And The Bride's Escape!
The Exodus Of Silverton Nicholas Chow, Liverpool

      "My dear Salvor, (Salvadore), what is it now? The way the end come so suddenly for so many people, millions, how can you Channing Paris even ask me? it didn't even matter who they were, where, great, small, old, young, seeming at the blink of an eye and millions upon millions are just like that dead, just gone! God, Christ's Cross, and the escaped Bride forbid, It's like even their knowing was a curse, as they did nothing with it's warnings, it helped them Chant, none, a toll. Arggggg, why art my Juttah husband still so cast down?" As to kneel, as to lay a sorrowful head, perfume breath, kisses into this heavily floored husband Salvatore Constantine Armature, sitting the edge of marriage beds; strangely, it was as though her husband very calling was to mourn so many swiftly dead. "Let's visit the Aqua gardens, it's Eden, it always make you feel better, Channing Paris stop it, listen to me, okay, I just don't get it, to get it Salvor is not to lean unto thine own understanding. It is to in all our ways acknowledge Him, Elohim, whose Righteous with judgment right now, even reaping martyred blood, no flesh on this earth Salvor can survive that, you know that, such is to direct our twilight path. We couldn't save the world, not baby from this, we only thought we could, don't tell me that", springing up, out, away, a glance from the window, teary eyes overlooking a torrent sea, playing along bobbling to and fro of sea creatures, "you can't, tell me that. We Chant knew the generation, okay, we knew it's time had come, even the Angel Gabriel appeared as so, it's knowing was right there time after time. By Maaseiah's reveal we understood the day, month and year, okay okay, Maaseiah hearing the command for nearly two decades that fifty million would die, Was that Preece Salvadore Constantine Armature just an assumption or was that now a prophetic fact? She Chant even heard it just before Trump took his oath, I know my Latin lover, I know, let the ungodly be ungodly still, let the unrighteous be unrighteous still, say that again Channing Pais as you kiss and tickled my ear and we can go. You're right okay, being in those incredible gardens of Eden heals the meek heart of such madness, so come sweet love, I will draw after thee."  Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth." Apb, blessed only are those open to a world of exodus, escape! See more here, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com


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