
Showing posts from March, 2017


Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?      -God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Two Hundred and nine 03/26/2017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/2016, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, -Righteously Dividing The Enemy Prophecy Links       -Seen to be living in malls happily shopping, 2016, see shoppers stranded overnight at malls just before massive flooding      -Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES, all black and blasted, see especially parts of Tennessee, or it's greatest relics being consumed in raging flames, see alike infernos America' Midwest, just  these historic wind/fire storms, Apb Prophecy Links Awake! -Seen to be seeing in huge, bold, white letters, the word, forewarning: “Awake!” A final commission for all mankind to...

Beast Of Beauty, The Come Millennium Reign Of Christ

     -There's something about eggs and buckets of blood, 2016, see Bill Gates warning of a new contagion that's to kill tens of millions, beware, Apb     -Well, didn't you read, hear? Some 84% of American Parents encourages it, for which I replied don't do me and my family any ill-gotten gain as this, God is targeting such abominations. Rather, beware of the command that all parents be killed by a certain date, 09/21/2016, with something cataclysmic pending US soil, Dec. 2001- Oct. 2017.       -Unquestionably, It is no different than the days of Moses, when all first born were to be targeted, having no respect to age, such horrors of which even included their cattle. Surely as they were instructed of Elohim God by Moses only those covered or marked, that is by a certain Lamb of God. No doubt, were like as those presently awaiting the Righteous Brides's escape, were miraculously spared this come out break of mortuary. Beware, Always,,...

Who Where Once Filled With Thieves, Robbers And Mass Victims?

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?      -God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Two Hundred and nine 03/26/2017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/2016, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, -Righteously Dividing The Enemy Prophecy Links       -Seen to be living in malls happily shopping, 2016, see shoppers stranded overnight at malls just before massive flooding      -Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES, all black and blasted, see especially parts of Tennessee, or it's greatest relics being consumed in raging flames, see alike infernos America' Midwest, just  these historic wind/fire storms, Apb -Why Doeth The Malls Sit So Solitary Who Where Once Filled With Thieves, Robbers And Mass Victims? For they have forsaken God, www.theis...

When The End Has Come And We Know It

A voice lamenting, "99 bowls of molten lava," 2016 Out Tricking The Trickster      -Don't be so sure or too overconfident in underground anything, the first ever bringer of death I saw. Well let's just say the earth itself open and released it, going all these years clueless, I now believe it's a supervolcano, even see Yellowstone.      -Surely all these years of God pouring out if His wrath, there is no place to hide from Him. As usual there is one life saving luxury given because God's love out weighed His wrath, I now call him, the salvational ark, this single name given, Jesus, Jesus Jesus! Beware

Why Doeth The Malls Sit So Solitary That Was Once So Filled With People?

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?      -God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Two Hundred and eight 03/2 5 /2017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/2016, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, -Righteously Dividing The Enemy Prophecy Links Seen to be living in malls happily shopping, 2016, see shoppers stranded overnight at malls just before massive flooding washed out a bridge Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES, all black and blasted, 2016, see especially parts of Tennessee, or it greatest relics being consumed in raging flames, see alike infernos America' M idwest. Just this historic firestorm. A Voice Lamenting This Command, Kill all parents by, just as we're all speeding toward this head on collision with death tolls 2001-2017, prophesied to be in the ...

And A Child Shall Lead Them To Mansions In Heaven

 Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?      -God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Two Hundred and six 03/23/2017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/2016, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, -Righteously Dividing The Enemy Prophecy Links 2011 Freaky Friday A Voice Declaring: “There something about an approaching Freaky Friday, the place, phrase, or incident Freaky Friday on the map 08/22/2011 A Voice Declaring: “The End of the world, there’s something about the end of the world as we know it, the fall of peace and safety continually on the map 07/27/2011 A Voice Declaring: “no where around volcano glorious explosions, active volcano domes on the map 07/27/2011 A Voice Declaring: “I don’t care what you say or what you do, get back to Shelby County, the positioning of ...

O Dear What Can The Matter Be?

     -There's something about the tune, song, "O Dear, What Can The Matter Be? 2017, I mean with the cut out stone seen to have the surface of a meteor and the constant threat of Nibiru tape NEO's threatening, lets take these lyrics as a forewarning, Apb). Let No Man Deceive You, Stop Opposing Jesus' Alter, Repent!   -I'm reminded of Jesus telling the disciples seeing the religious leaders building as they will, to let no man, nor president deceive you. Nothing is as it seem, man look through a glass darkly, having his mind seared, veils and all, with said birth defects only done away in Christ Jesus. Again nothing is as it seem, this truth is why I was able to predict a Hussein white house in 2003 and witness the two beast of revelation 13, one from land and one from sea rise just as he did, not only did I further witness him be declared "the one," he was given a time table expired 2015 of two weeks and seven years...

Jesus The Blessed Death, Blessed Is He

     -And I heard In My Hearing, "Blessed  is  he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days,  Dan. 12:12, (The Ancient of days into the New Age, Of God's Kingdom Reign)       Eyes Hath Seen, Nor Ears Heard, Neither Hath It Entered Into Hearts Of Man, The Things God Hath Prepared For Those Who Love Him, Welcome My Good And Faithful Servant!       -How wise is this decision, surely not that Mexico nor Canada are exempt but I wouldn't want to be anywhere near America right now, and anything that is to shut off borders to her should be welcomed. America has a fate pending in only months from now that is worse than the days of Noah, to Sodom and Gomorrah, into the the ten plagues of Egypt. It's like the Lamentation of Jeremiah to the Apostle's John witness of Revelation 18 on steroids, or should I say heroin, a more than four hundred percent rise...

Articles... JURISDICTIONS... Articles

Articles... JURISDICTIONS... Articles And They Will Know, I AM God -Jurisdiction, I am here reminded I got this as a word a few days ago, I remember thinking, asking, what does that mean? That it remind me of the two part word "turf wars," even of Angels making mockery of men. Of those vainly placing their names to identities on such temporary things, even Trump being worth 3 + Billion, just so ridiculous. -Its like something on this planet besides death, dying and damnation actually belong to them. The unimaginable celebrations behind the seventh angel trumpet, Rev. 11, and the 24 elders casting their crowns in all likeness is because God and His Anointed alone hath this reign and the nations are angry at Them, See Ps. 2. -As so am I reminded of the Apostle Peter's description of exploding atoms, see II Pet. 3:10, see the movie, (Knowing), how they're to destroy this planet by unimaginable infernos, then he asked, ...

About 84; Percent Of American Parents Repent or Perish

 -Article. About 84 percent of American parents who saw “Beauty and the Beast” on its opening day said they would “definitely” recommend it for families, according to PostTrak, a polling service run by comScore and Screen Engine. Article      Beast Of Beauty, The Beginning Of God's Reign, Jesus To Bring The Bride Up To Him      -Jesus said, in me you might have peace, (the beauty), in the world, you shall tribulations, (the beast), but I (the beauty), has overcome the world (the beast). Take heed, only the promise, the birth, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of the woman seed, herein faithfully standing on His Promises has kept man these thousands of years from complete extinction, the fall of innocence, let everything that hath breath praise his holy name, worship Him in Spirit and Truth,Hallelujah, Amen!       -From a command to kill all parents by, to a call that all schools be finished, to a reminder America, Weste...

The Beast Of Beauty That We Live and Die In

I learn Long Ago This Is A Beast Of Beauty that we live in,      -All I see is there pain, anguish and near to abandonment make them strong, powerful and endearing, as do all trials when one is to wedge spiritual faithfulness and natural commitment against them. Clearly it's why though I was to realize a great rider of death, just this outbreak of mortuary was come, I, the believer was to trust, delight and commit to God's promises of standing firmly thereupon. All while Americans automatic lives and living make them weak, additive dependent, addicted to drugs, alcohol, both illegal and prescription, just this pandemic. Additions to sexual abnormalities, into this animal to demonic instinct of creatures, less and less this human being. How even food consumption has become a second by second entertainment on their tongues until they've become some of the most sickly, malignant and mentally disturbed to violent people on the map of daily crying for more and more gain gett...